Accessing the Application Service Tester

To access the Application Service Tester, select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Application Services > Test Application Services.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Services Tester page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Application Services Tester page

Search for the Application Service based on Application Service ID, Service URL ID and Service Group.

Select the Application Service to test.

Note: Only primary Application Services are available unless the primary Application Service is inactive and the Alias is active.

When you select a Service Application, the Select a Path page is displayed.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select a Path Item page.

Select a Path Item

Note: Only active roots are available for selection. If an Alias is defined, then any active roots for the Alias are available. 

When the path is selected, the main Application Tester page is displayed.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Server Tester with path selected. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Application Server Tester with path selected

The selected path is displayed.

Field or Control


Select a Path Item

Expand this section to select a different path to test.

Test Option

Test options are:

  • Standard (default)

    Standard is the Open API defined shape for any Input and Output data displayed.

  • ChatBot

    Any input data must be in the proper format required for Chatbot.  The output data would also be of the required Chatbot format.

Execute Request

The Execute Request button is enabled once the URI template is populated with the variables defined for the event.

Populate URI Template

Select this link to populate the variables. When the URI Template page is closed, a URL will appear below the Populate URI template link indicating the URL that will be invoked.

Request Headers

 If a request header is defined on the Application Service, it is shown by default.  The Headers can then be populated.

Clear Response

Select to clear the result data along with the status code and response headers.