Selecting Service Operations and Service Operation Versions

This section discusses how to select a service operation and version to use for a handler test using the Handler Tester Search page (IB_EVENTSEARCH).

To select a service operation for the test:

  1. Access the Handler Tester Search page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Test Service Operation Handler).

  2. In the search dialog box enter a search criteria in the Service Name field, click the Lookup button, and select a service definition.

  3. Click the Search button and select the service operation.

    Note: Service Operation security does not control what appears in the grid. All Service Operations are shown that match the search criteria.

    Select the service operation and version to test.

    If a non-default version is selected, the handler tester page will display a transform button.

When you select a rowset-based message, the structure of the message appears in tree-format at the bottom of the page. The records and fields contain no values until you populate the message with data.

When you select a nonrowset-based message, an Input Message text box displays. Use this box to populate the message definition with data by typing it in or by uploading from a file.