Selecting Service Operations to Test

To select a service operation to test:

  1. Access the Service Operation Tester page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Test Service Operations.).

  2. Select a service operation by performing one of the following:

    • Click the Search button to display a list of all service operations defined in the database. Click the name of the service operation to test. The Service Operation Tester page appears.

    • In the Service field, enter all or part of the name of the service that contains the service operation to test. Click the Lookup button. A list of all services in the database that match the search criteria you entered display.

      If you enter nothing in the Service field and click the Lookup button, a list of all services in the database appears.

      Click the name of a service that contains the service operation to test. Click the Search button to display all service operations that belong to the service.

      Click the name of the service operation to test. The Service Operation Tester page appears.

    • In the Service Operation field, enter all or part of the name of the service operation to test. Click the Lookup. A list of all service operations in the database that match the search criteria you entered display.

      If you enter nothing in the Service Operation field and click the Lookup button, a list of all service operations in the database appears.

      Click the name of the service operation to test. Click the Search button to display all service operations that contain the search string you entered.

      Click the name of the service operation to test. The Service Operation Tester page appears.