Specifying Target Connectors and Target Connector Properties

This section discusses how to:

  • Specify target connectors.

  • Specify target connector properties.

You can specify a target connector and target connector properties you have defined at the connector, node and routing definition level when you run event tests.

For example, suppose that there are different query string arguments that would normally come into the system in the URL of an HTTP Get. The PeopleCode that handles the incoming service operation would have to obtain the query string arguments from the message's IB Info object. In the Handler Tester, the user would supply these values on this page.

To select a target connector:

  1. Click the IB Info Values link.

  2. In the Connector Property Defaults section, select the target connector. The options are:

    • Connector. Click the Lookup button and select the connector ID.

    • Node. Click the Lookup button and select the node.

    • Routing. Click the Lookup button and select the routing from which to load connector properties.

  3. Click the Load Connector Properties button.

Properties you have defined display in the bottom portion of the page.

After you load the defined connector properties you can modify and add new values for testing purposes.

Connector properties you add or modify here do not override the properties you may have defined at the gateway, or node levels. However, when you run a handler test, the PeopleCode runs based on the values you define here and the Handler Tester writes the results to the database—and all PeopleCode database changes are permanent.

You can modify and add values for the following items:

Field or Control


Connector Name

Specify the proper name of the target connector to invoke to send the message.

Connector Class Name

Specify the class name of the target connector to invoke.

Remote Framework URL

Specify the URL (as a string) to which to send a message. This value overrides the server URL.

Path Info

Specific to incoming HTTP requests. This is the path information extracted from the request.


Specific to incoming HTTP requests. This is cookie string found when the request was received by the HTTP listening connector.

App Server Domain

Enter the name of the application server domain to use.

Synch Server Timeout

Specify the timeout period (in seconds) for a transaction at runtime. The default synchronous timeout period is 300 (five minutes).

Property Name/Value/Property Type

Add or modify connector property names, values and types.


Add or modify parameter names and values to send to the target system in the URL, if the external system can use query string parameters as input.