Viewing Test Service Operation Results

The Service Operation Tester returns test results in the Returned Message/Result section of the Service Operation page and in the Returned IB Info page.

When you click the Invoke Operation button, the Service Operation Tester invokes the service operation.

If the test is success the system displays a message that the service operation was published and also provides a transaction ID. The following example show a typical message the system displays when a service operation is successfully invoked:

 Published.  Transaction ID - fb779f7c-51bc-11dc-9567-c6308e318606. 

If an error occurs during the invocation, an error message will display in the Return Message/Results section.

If you specified target connector properties, you can view returned IBInfo information. To do so, on the Service Operation page, click the View Returned IB Info Values link.

Depending on the input values for an event test and the PeopleCode content, some or all of the fields contain test data.

The fields on that display on this page are described earlier in the Service Operation Tester documentation.