Implementing the Multi-Row Insert Feature

Enabling the multi-row insert feature in grids or scroll areas can reduce response times for transactions that usually require entering many rows of data. With the multi-row feature, users specify the number of rows to add to a grid or scroll area, and empty rows appear for data entry.

This feature cannot be used with effective-dated grids or scroll areas. In addition, the feature may not apply if the entire row is populated using PeopleCode, especially if the data is copied from prior rows. If the feature does apply in this case, the default value of the ChangeOnInit property can be used (the default value is True, which means any PeopleCode updates done in the RowInit or RowInsert events set the IsChanged and IsNew properties to True).

To use the multi-row insert feature:

  1. Specify deferred mode processing.

    The multi-row feature reduces transaction times by eliminating excess server trips. To take full advantage of this feature, the transaction should be set to execute in deferred mode. Deferred mode should be set for the component, all pages in the component, and all fields on those pages.

  2. Enable the multi-row feature.

    For each grid or scroll area where appropriate, select the Allow Multi-row Insert check box under the Use tab in the grid or scroll area property sheet.

    Note: The Allow Multi-Row Insert option is not supported and is ignored (if enabled) on fluid grids.

  3. Add ChangeOnInit PeopleCode.

    Setting the ChangeOnInit property for a rowset to False enables PeopleCode to modify data in the rowset during RowInit and RowInsert events without flagging the rows as changed. This ensures that only user changes cause the affected row to be saved.

    Note: Each rowset that is referenced by a grid or scroll area with the multi-row feature enabled should have the ChangeOnInit property for the rowset set to False. This includes lower-level rowsets. In addition, this property must be set prior to any RowInsert or RowInit PeopleCode for the affected row.

  4. Empty rows at save.

    After a transaction is saved, any empty rows are discarded before the page is redisplayed to the user. An empty row means that the user did not access the data because PeopleCode or record defaults may have been used to initialize the row for the initial display.

    Note: PeopleCode save processing (SaveEdit and SavePreChange) PeopleCode executes for all rows in the buffer (including the empty ones). Therefore, SaveEdit and SavePreChange PeopleCode should be coded so that it is executed only if the field contains data, or if the row properties IsNew and IsChanged are both True. An alternative method is adding PeopleCode in the first save program in the component, to explicitly delete any row based on the IsNew and IsChanged properties. If you choose this method, then rows should be deleted from the bottom of the data buffer to the top (last row first).