Timeline Class Properties

In this section, the TimeLine class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use this property to specify a Float value indicating the height of the chart as a proportion of its width.

If the aspect ratio is not defined, a default value of 1 is used on fluid pages.

Note: AspectRatioPortrait is ignored on classic pages; instead, the height is determined by the height of the chart page control defined in Application Designer or by the Height and Width properties.

This property is read/write.


&oChart.AspectRatio = 0.8;


Use this property to specify the end time for the timeline. The value must be of type Date or DateTime.

This property is read/write, and is required.


&oChart.End = "2019-01-13 11:00:00";


On a classic page, use this property to specify a number value indicating the height of the timeline in pixels.

This property is read/write.


&oChart.Height = 800;


Use this property to specify a string value indicating the time scale of the major axis.

The values are case sensitive, and it should be in lower case. The valid values are:

  • days

  • hours

  • minutes

  • months

  • quarters

  • seconds

  • weeks

  • years

If a value is not specified, the axis labels are not displayed above the minor axis or in the overview.

This property is read/write, and is required.


&oChart.MajorAxisScale = "quarters";


Use this property to specify a string value indicating the time scale of the minor axis.

The values are case sensitive, and it should be in lower case. The valid values are:

  • days

  • hours

  • minutes

  • months

  • quarters

  • seconds

  • weeks

  • years

If a value is not specified, the chart is not rendered.

This property is read/write, and is required.


&oChart.MinorAxisScale = "weeks";


An array of strings containing the names of scales used for zooming from longest to shortest.

This property is read/write.


oChart.MinorAxisZoomOrder = CreateArray("quarters", "months", "weeks", "days");


Use this property to specify whether the timeline is displayed horizontally or vertically. You can specify a constant value for this property.

Valid values are:

  • %Chart_Horizontal - The timeline is displayed horizontally.

  • %Chart_Vertical - The timeline is displayed vertically.

This property is read/write.


&oChart.Orientation = %Chart_Vertical;


Use this property to specify the start time for the timeline. The value must be of type Date or DateTime.

This property is read/write, and is required.


&oChart.Start= "2015-01-13 11:00:00";


Use this property to specify the text for an empty timeline series. For a timeline with more than one series, use the SetSeriesEmptyText method.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the label to display on the timeline series. For a timeline with more than one series, use the SetSeriesLabels method.

This property is read/write.


&oChart.TimelineLabel = "TimeLine Series";


On a classic page, use this property to specify a number value indicating the width of the timeline in pixels.

This property is read/write.


&oChart.Width = 800;