Defining Record and Field Dependencies

Use the Dependency page (QRY_PRUNING) to specify whether a record can be pruned during the SQL pruning process in Composite Query. This page also enables you to specify the details of a record or field, depending on other records or fields.

Note: The dependency settings in the Dependency page are used only for the SQL pruning process in Composite Query.


Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager > Dependency

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Dependency page. In the Field Dependency section, A.MESSAGE_SET_NBR has dependency on PSMSGCATDEFN.MSG_SEVERITY. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dependency page

Field or Control


Record List

This section lists the records that are added to the query definitions.


Select this option to set the record to be able to be pruned during the SQL pruning process in Composite Query.

Add Field Dependency

Click this button to add a new field dependency.

Field Dependency

This section lists the field dependencies that are defined by query developer or query owner.

  • Query Field Name: A list of the output fields defined for the query definition.

  • Record: A list of the available records used to define the field dependency.

  • Field Name: A list of the available fields used to define the field dependency.

When you set the field dependency, note that:

  • If a field is selected in the Query Field Name drop-down list, the field that it depends on is not pruned during the SQL pruning process.

    In the previous example image, A.MESSAGE_TEXT is selected on the Query Field Name drop-down list, and the field MSG_SEVERITY on the record PSMSGCATDEFN is not pruned during the pruning process.

  • If a field is selected in the Query Field Name drop-down list, but the dependent Record and Field Name lists have no values selected, the selected query field is not pruned during the SQL pruning process.

  • If no field dependency is defined for the query definition, the Field Dependency section does not appear.

Note: Record and field dependency information is managed, and this information can be copied along with the query definition.

Adding a Field Dependency

To add a field dependency:

  1. Select Reporting Tools, Query, Query Manager.

  2. Create a new query or open an existing one.

  3. Access the Dependency page.

  4. Click the Add Field Dependency button to add a new field dependency.

    The Field Dependency section appears.

  5. Select the values from the Query Field Name, Record, and Field Name drop-down lists.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Optionally, repeat Steps 4 through 6 to add additional field dependencies.