Creating Custom My Preferences Options

Creating custom options for end users on the My Preferences - General Settings page involves the following steps:

  1. Define the option using the Define Personalization interface.

    See Defining System Personalization Options.

  2. Implement the behavior using PeopleCode personalization functions (discussed in the following section).

  3. To enable users to control the custom option, you need to make the option accessible on the appropriate permission list through PeopleTools Security.

    See Setting Personalization Permissions.

  4. Create new category groups to group personalizations for applying to permission lists.

    See Working with System Personalization Category Groups.

Personalization PeopleCode Functions

There are two PeopleCode functions related to personalizations. These functions are:

  • GetUserOption.

  • SetUserOption.

If you intend to modify or create custom personalizations, you may need to employ the use of these functions. Refer to the PeopleCode documentation for use and syntax.