Using SQR Execute Flags

The following table describes the SQR Execute command-line flags. See the SQR command-line arguments section for information about program, connectivity, args, and @file.

See SQR Command-Line Arguments.




Appends the output to an existing output file of the same name. If the file does not exist, it creates a new one. This flag is useful when you want to run the same report more than once, but you want to create only one output file.


(Microsoft Windows) Specifies that the Cancel dialog box appears while the program is running so that you can easily terminate the program.


Specifies the type of bursting to be performed.

-BURST:T generates the table of contents file only.

-BURST:S generates the report output according to the symbolic table of contents entries that are set in the program with the LEVEL argument of the TOC- ENTRY command. In -BURST:S[ {l} ], l is the level at which to burst. The -BURST:S setting is equivalent to -BURST:S1.

-BURST:P generates the report output by report page numbers. In -BURST:P[ {l} , {s} [, {s}] …] ] , l is the number of logical report pages that each .htm file contains and s is the page selection: n, n-, m, -m, or n-. The -BURST:P setting is equivalent to -BURST:P0,1- when using -PRINTER:HT or -BURST:P1 when using -PRINTER:EH.

Note: -BURST:P and -BURST:S require -PRINTER:EH or -PRINTER:HT. The page range selection feature of -BURST:P requires -PRINTER:HT. -BURST:T requires -PRINTER:HT.


(Microsoft Windows) Forces the communication box.


(Non-Microsoft Windows) Causes SQR to display the report output on the terminal at the same time that it is being written to the output file. The nn variable is the maximum number of lines to display before pausing. If you do not enter a number after -D, the display scrolls continuously. The printer type must be LP; otherwise, SQR does not display any output. If the program is producing more than one report, SQR displays only the first report.


Directs error messages to the named file or to the default file, program.err. If no errors occur, no file is created.


Specifies the directory location of the enhanced HTML applets. The default directory for theses applets is IMAGES.

Note: The -EH flags in this table are applicable only when either the -PRINTER:EH or -PRINTER:EP flag is specified.


Generates a {report}.bqd file from the report data. Also associates a BQD icon with {report}.bqd in the navigation bar.


Associates the BQD icon with the specified file.


Specifies the target browser. When set to ALL, SQR automatically determines which browser is being used, invokes a browser-specific file, and generates HTML that is designed for that browser.

When set to BASIC, SQR generates HTML that is suitable for all browsers.


Generates a {report}.csv file from the report data.


Associates the CSV icon with the specified file.


Creates a CSV file but does not create an HTML file.


Switches between HTML 3.0 and HTML 3.2. When set to TRUE, SQR generates HTML 3.2. When set to FALSE, SQR generates HTML 3.0.


Specifies the directory for the referenced icons.


Sets the language that is used for the HTML navigation bar. You can specify English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.


Associates a PDF icon with {report}.pdf in the navigation bar.


Sets the scaling factor from 50 to 200.


Overrides the default output file name, program.lis. The default action places the program.lis file in the same directory as the program.sqr file.

To use the current directory, specify -F without an argument.

To change the name of the output file, specify -F with the new name. If the new name does not specify a directory, the file is created in the current directory.

The output file is not created until data is actually printed on the page. If no data is printed, no output file is created.

Specify the file name and directory for different operating systems:

  • UNIX\Linux

  • MVS


(MVS) -GPRINT=YES causes ANSI control characters to be written to the first column of each record of the SQR output file.


Displays the copyright banner on the console.


In addition to .lis files, creates an .spf file for each report that the program generates.


Prevents the creation of .lis files. Instead, creates .spf files.


Directs log messages to the specified file or to programt.log if no file is specified. By default, the sqr.log file is used in the current working directory.


(MVS) Suppresses printer control characters from column 1.


Causes printer type xx to be used when creating output files:

  • EH

  • EP

  • HP

  • HT

  • LP

  • PD

  • PS

  • WP

Types LP, HP, and PS produce files with the .lis extension.

Types EH and HT produce .htm file output.

Type HT produces files in HTML version 2.0 with the report content inside the <PRE></PRE> tags.

Type EH produces reports in which content is fully formatted with HTML version 3.0 or 3.2 tags.

In Microsoft Windows systems, the WP extension sends the output to the default Microsoft Windows printer. To specify a nondefault Microsoft Windows printer, enter -PRINTER:WP:{printer name}. The {printer name} is the name that is assigned to the printer. For example, to send output to a Microsoft Windows printer named NewPrinter, use - PRINTER:WP:NewPrinter. If the printer name has spaces, enclose the entire argument in quotes. If you also want to create an .spf file, use -KEEP.


Requests that the status of all cursors appear at the end of the report run. Status includes the text of each SQL statement, the number of times that each was compiled and run, and the total number of rows selected.


Specifies that you want to test the report for nn pages. SQR ignores all Order By clauses in Select statements to save time during testing. If the program is producing more than one report, SQR stops after the specified number of pages that are defined for the first report have been printed.


(IBM MVS and DB2):

  • -TB prevents SQR from removing trailing blanks from database character columns.

  • -TZ prevents SQR from removing trailing zeros from the decimal portion of numeric columns.

  • -TBZ or -TZB prevents both.

(Windows/DB2, and ODBC): -TB trims trailing blanks from database character columns.

Note: The -TB flag only has an effect if SQR is connecting to either a DB2 or ODBC (MSS) database. Confusingly, the behavior of the -TB command-line flag varies depending on your platform. If you are using one of the previously mentioned databases and running SQR on z/OS, the -TB flag behaves as follows:

If you do not use the -TB flag, trailing blanks are trimmed.

If you do use the -TB flag, trailing blanks are not trimmed.

If you are running SQR on any other platform, the behavior of -TB is the opposite:

If you do not use the -TB flag, trailing blanks are not trimmed.

If you do use the -TB flag, trailing blanks are trimmed.


(Non-Microsoft Windows) Suppresses the SQR banner and the SQR.... End of Run message.


(Microsoft Windows) Does not use the communication box.


Prevents SQR from signing in to the database. Programs that are run in this mode cannot contain any SQL statements.

-XL enables you to run SQR without accessing the database. You still must supply at least an empty slash (/) in the command line as a placeholder for the connectivity information. For example: sqr myprog / -xl

Some database files must be available for SQR to run whether SQR signs in to the database or not.

See information about your particular operating system and database to determine which files you need.


(Microsoft Windows) Disables the error message display so that a program can be run without interruption by error message boxes. Error messages are sent only to an .err file. See the -E flag for more information.


Prevents SQR from creating the navigation bar in .htm files that are generated with -PRINTER:HT. This occurs when only a single .htm file is produced. Multiple .htm files that are generated from a single report always contain the navigation bar.


Preserves the trailing blanks in an .lis file at the end of a line.


Prevents SQR from generating the table of contents for the report. SQR ignores this flag when -PRINTER:EH or - PRINTER:HT is also specified.


Sets the full path and name of the SQR initialization file, pssqr.ini.


Invokes the SPF Viewer after generating the program.spf file. This flag implicitly invokes the -KEEP flag to create program.spf. In the case of multiple output files, only the first report file is passed to the viewer.


Specifies the full path and name of the SQR error message file, sqrerr.dat.