Using the PSADMIN Command-Line Interface

This section provides an overview of the PSADMIN command-line interface and discusses how to work with commands.

In some cases, you might want to use the PSADMIN command-line interface rather than starting the PSADMIN interface and navigating to a particular menu. The command line offers a direct method of carrying out certain server administration tasks. It also enables you to include PSADMIN actions in scripts, and simplifies the task of creating numerous domains that use default server settings.

PSADMIN has several variations of its basic command-line syntax for miscellaneous activities and server administration, which are described in the following sections.

Note: Before you begin using the PSADMIN commands, you should become familiar with PSADMIN and the components that it controls.

Note: When using the PSADMIN command line and specifying paths containing spaces (such as directory paths on Windows), the paths must be enclosed within quotes.

Note: On Microsoft Windows, whenever you run a script to create or configure a domain (application server or Process Scheduler), a related rmiregistry MS-DOS window is started. You do not have to kill these command windows; these windows will be minimized.

Following are the available miscellaneous PSADMIN commands:



psadmin -h

Displays command help and syntax.

psadmin -v

Displays the PSADMIN version number, as in Version 8.59.

psadmin -env

Displays your current environment variables.

psadmin -defaultPS_CFG_HOME

Displays the current PS_CFG_HOME environment variable.

psadmin -envsummary

Displays a summary of PS_HOMEs and domains.

psadmin -replicate -ch <source PS_CFG_HOME>
psadmin -replicate -ch <source PS_CFG_HOME> -r

Replicates a PS_CFG_HOME and its configured domains, including a PIA domain, to a new location, where they can be started without manual reconfiguration.

The replicate originates from the source PS_CFG_HOME in the command line parameter and copies to the current PS_CFG_HOME that the user is working with as defined either by the value of the PS_CFG_HOME environment variable or the default location PSADMIN is using for the operating system. That is, you copy an existing PS_CFG_HOME into the current PS_CFG_HOME used by PSADMIN.

If the current PS_CFG_HOME contains any existing domains, the replication process will abort and will display a message. You can overwrite the existing domains in the current PS_CFG_HOME using the –r option.

Note: If the current PS_CFG_HOME contains any existing domains, ensure that the domains are shut down before you execute the replicate command. If the domains are not shut down, an error is displayed.

psadmin -refresh
psadmin -refresh -keepbackup

Refreshes the domains in PS_CFG_HOME and applies the latest configuration settings to the domains.

If any of the domains is started, the refresh process will first shut down the domain, refresh it, and then start the domain. A stopped domain will just be refreshed.

Use the –keepbackup option to keep a back-up copy of a domain. The back-up copies of a domain are stored in PS_CFG_HOME with the following naming convention: <domain>_<date>_<time>.bak.

For example, peoplesoft_081315_2158.bak.

PeopleSoft allows you to store a parameter key and its value in a text file so that you need not enter passwords and configuration settings on the command line. System administrators must ensure that the file containing a parameter and its value is accessible to PSADMIN. When you enter a parameter and its value in a text file, you must follow the syntax that is applicable for the parameter value.

You can use the command line to read a file reference using the following syntax:

psadmin -c command -d domain -t template -@@ file path and file name

For example:

psadmin -c create -d NEWQ1 -t small -@@ D:\temp\key1.txt

The contents of the key1.txt file are as follows:

-s Q8588053/ORACLE/QEDMO/QEDMO/TESTSERV/D:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\BIN/people/password/_____/password

Note: Use –@@ if you do not want the text file to be deleted after PSADMIN extracts the file’s contents. Use –@ if you want the text file to be deleted.

When you use –@ file references, consider the following:

  • A PSADMIN command can contain multiple –@[@] file references that contain a parameter key-value pair, and you can use a mix of –@@ and –@ within a single command.

    For example:

    psadmin -c create -d psftdomain -t psfttemplate -@@ D:\temp\set_file.txt[-@ D:\temp\pset_file.txt] [-@@ D:\temp\env_set.txt]

  • A PSADMIN command can contain nested –@[@] file references.

    For example:

    psadmin -@@ D:\edw\temp\file1.txt

    where the contents of file1.txt are as follows:

    -c create -d NEWQ1 -t small -@@ D:\edw\temp\file2.txt

    and the contents of file2.txt are as follows:

    -s Q8588053/ORACLE/QEDMO/QEDMO/TESTSERV/D:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\BIN/people/password/_____/password

  • When you have multiple –@ file references in a command, and if any of the –@ file reference fails, PSADMIN stops processing the command after an error is encountered.

    For example:

    psadmin -c -@@ D:\edw\temp\file3.txt

    Where the contents of file3.txt are as follows:

    create -@ D:\edw\temp\file4.txt -@ D:\edw\temp\file4.txt -@ D:\edw\temp\file5.txt

    PSADMIN displays the following error:

    Can't open file D:\edw\temp\file4.txt. Please Check the correct file name.

    In this example, PSADMIN reads the contents of file3.txt, When it encounters an error, it deletes file4.txt and subsequently stops processing the command. PSADMIN does not delete file5.txt if the file exists in the location.

The PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) commands follow this basic syntax:

psadmin —w command —d PIA_domain

For example:

psadmin —w start —d peoplesoft

Note: The examples in this table include line feeds for readability.



Result of the Example


psadmin -w start 
-d peoplesoft

Starts the peoplesoft domain.


psadmin -w shutdown 
-d peoplesoft

Stops the peoplesoft domain.


psadmin -w shutdown! 
-d peoplesoft

Performs a forced shutdown of the peoplesoft domain.


psadmin -w status 
-d peoplesoft

Displays the status of the domain (started, stopped, and so on).


psadmin -w remove 
-d peoplesoft

Deletes the domain.


psadmin -w import 
<source PS_CFG_HOME>
psadmin -w import 
<source PS_CFG_HOME> -d peoplesoft
psadmin -w import 
<source PS_CFG_HOME> 
-d peoplesoft -n peoplesoft1

Imports the peoplesoft domain from a specified PS_CFG_HOME location, <source PS_CFG_HOME>.

You may use the following options as required:

  • Use the –d option to import a specific domain if multiple domains exist in a source PS_CFG_HOME.

  • Use the –n option if you want to specify a name for the imported domain.

    If the –n option is not used, the database name is used as the default name for the imported domain.

  • Use the –r option to replace an existing domain folder in the current PS_CFG_HOME. If a domain folder exists and the –r option is not used, an error message is displayed. Use this option with all of the –import options.

Using the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Create Command

Use the following syntax to create a new PIA domain:

psadmin -w create -d PIA_domain -c c_set

The create command creates a PIA domain, using the specified configuration settings.

  • PIA_domain — Enter the name of a PIA domain that you want to create, for example, peoplesoft.

  • c_set (configuration settings) — Use the following order and format:

    In Microsoft Windows, the values must be separated by slashes:

    WebServer/WebServerRootDir/WebServerLoginId/WebServerLoginPwd/WebsiteName/AppserverHost/JSL Port/HTTP Port/HTTPS Port/AuthenticationTokenDomain/Web profile/WebProfUserId/WebProfUserPwd/IntegrGatewayId/IntegrGatewayPwd/AppsrvDomConnPwd/SSLKeystorePwd/RepDir

    In UNIX, the values must be separated by percent signs:

    WebServer%WebServerRootDir%WebServerLoginId%WebServerLoginPwd%WebsiteName%AppserverHost%JSL Port%HTTP Port%HTTPS Port%AuthenticationTokenDomain%Web profile%WebProfUserId%WebProfUserPwd%IntegrGatewayId%IntegrGatewayPwd%AppsrvDomConnPwd%SSLKeystorePwd%RepDir

    Note: To indicate an empty parameter, enter five underscore characters ( _____ ).

See Creating a PIA Domain for descriptions of the configuration settings.

Specifying PIA Domain Configuration Settings

You can use the command line to set selected domain settings using the following syntax:

psadmin —w configure —d PIA_domain —c c_set —p p_set

For example:

psadmin —w configure —d peoplesoft —c 512/512/50/ —p 80/443

  • PIA_domain — Enter the name of a PIA domain that you want to create, for example, peoplesoft.

  • c_set (configuration settings) — Use the following order and format:


  • p_set (port settings) — Use the following order and format:


See Configuring a PIA Domain for descriptions of the configuration settings.

Specifying PIA Site Configuration Settings

You can use the command line to set selected site settings using the following syntax:

psadmin —w configure —d PIA_domain —s site —c c_set

For example:

psadmin —w configure —d peoplesoft —s ps —c SERVER01:9000/PROD/Enabled/D:\psreports/PS/password/password

  • PIA_domain — Enter the name of a PIA domain that you want to create, for example, peoplesoft.

  • site — Enter the web site name; for example, ps.

  • c_set (configuration settings) — Use the following order and format:


The following table describes the configuration settings:

PIA configuration (c_set) settings



Application server connect string, such as host:jolt port.


The web profile the site will use (PROD, DEV, and so on).


Indicate whether Jolt pooling should be enabled. (Enabled/Disabled)


The reports path, such as D:\psreports.


The user required for accessing the web profile.


The password for the web profile user.


If using a domain connection password, enter that value.

For application server administration, PSADMIN has two syntax formats — one for creating new application server domains, and the other for administering existing domains.

Using the Application Server Create Command

Use the following syntax to create a new application server domain:

psadmin -c create -d appsrv_domain -t template -s s_set [-p p_set] [-cfg cfg_set | —cfg_from_file cfg_file_path] [-env env_set]

The create command creates an application server configuration file with the specified domain name, using the specified configuration template.

Following is an example of the application server create command, including startup settings, ports settings, and a configuration file:

D:\PT\appserv>psadmin -c create -d HRDOM01 -t small -s PT858/ORACLE/QEDMO/QEDMO
-p 7200/9020/9200 -cfg_from_file d:\temp\app_cfg_file.txt

The other options are described below.

The appsrv_domain parameter must be the name of an application server domain that you want to create, for example, HCMDMO.

The template parameter must have one of the following values:

  • small

  • medium

  • large

  • developer

The s_set parameter is an optional string of startup values which provide initial configuration settings that you would otherwise specify on the PSADMIN application server Quick-Configure menu. You must enter the startup string as follows.

  • In Microsoft Windows, the values must be separated by slashes (/):

  • In UNIX, the values must be separated by percent signs (%):


Important! You must enter these values in the order shown. You can omit required values only by truncating the string from right to left. For example, you can specify DBNAME/DBTYPE, but you can't specify DBNAME/DOMAIN_ID.

These startup settings all have default values if you omit any of them. The default values are generally the values you provided when setting up your PeopleSoft environment, and are the same as they would initially appear on the PSADMIN application server Quick-Configure menu.

The following table describes the startup settings:

Startup (s_set) Settings



Enter the name of the database to which the application server will connect. This is the same as the DBName parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Note: If you don't include the s_set parameter, the value of this setting is the same as the domain name that you specify in the command.


Enter the database type. Valid values are ORACLE, MICROSFT, and DB2ODBC. This is the same as the DBType parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Note: Notice the spelling of MICROSFT. DB2ODBC is the database type for Db2 z/OS.


Enter the user ID, such as QEDMO, PS, or VP1, for the domain to use to connect to the database. This is the same as the UserId parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


Enter the user password that is associated with the specified user ID. This is the same as the UserPswd parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


Enter a domain ID, such as TESTSRV1, TESTSRV2, and so on. This does not need to match the domain name. This name is important only because the Tuxedo Web Monitor uses it to identify application server domains on each machine. This is the same as the Domain ID parameter in the Domain Settings section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


(Optional) Enter the directory path that contains your connectivity software or database drivers. This is the same as the Add to PATH parameter in the Domain Settings section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Note: If this value contains spaces, it must be in double quotes (" "). For example:"c:\Program Files".

Important! If you want this setting to be blank, but you can't truncate the string to this point (you still need to specify a value for CNCT_ID), you can specify a value of “_____” (five underscores without the quotes) in this position. PSADMIN interprets this as a blank value.


Enter the connect ID, which is required for all platforms. This is the same as the ConnectId parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

See Connect ID.


Enter the password that is associated with the connect ID. This is the same as the ConnectPswd parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


(Optional) If your RDBMS requires that you specify the server name on which the database resides, enter the appropriate server name. This is the same as the ServerName parameter in the Startup section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Important! If you want this setting to be blank, but you can't truncate the string to this point (you still need to specify the ENCRYPT setting), you can specify a value of “_____” (five underscores without the quotes) in this position. PSADMIN interprets this as a blank value.


Specify ENCRYPT to encrypt the values of the UserPswd and ConnectPswd parameters in the psappsrv.cfg file. If you specify NOENCRYPT, these values appear in clear text in the file. ENCRYPT is the default value.


Enter a password for use with Oracle wallet.


Specify whether to enable embedded JMX agents for PeopleSoft Health Center. Enter 1 to enable remote administration, and 0 to disable remote administration. The default is enabled.

When remote administration is enabled, you must also specify values for REMOTE_ADMIN_PORT, REMOTE_ADMIN_USRID, and REMOTE_ADMIN_PSWD.

If you do not explicitly disable remote administration, and you do not provide values for REMOTE_ADMIN_PORT, REMOTE_ADMIN_USRID, and REMOTE_ADMIN_PSWD, the system will generate values for the user ID and password and place the encrypted values in the PSTOOLS section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

See Enabling Monitoring of a Component or Domain


Enter a port number to use for remote administration of domain processes. All embedded JMX agents will use the port in the JMX service URL.


Enter a user name for remote administration connections.


Enter a password for remote administration connections.


Specify whether to enable SSL for JMX agents. Enter 1 to enable SSL, and 0 to disable SSL. The default is disabled.

When you enable SSL for JMX agents, you must also specify the location, password, and type for the keystore and truststore.


Specify the location of the keystore for SSL.


Specify the password for the SSL keystore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

See Using the PSCipher Utility


Specify the keystore type, PKCS12 or JKS.


Specify the location of the truststore for SSL.


Specify the password for the SSL truststore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

See Using the PSCipher Utility


Specify the truststore type, PKCS12 or JKS.

The p_set parameter is an optional string of port numbers that you would otherwise specify on the PSADMIN application server Quick-Configure menu. Typically, you include this parameter only if you have more than one domain on the same application server machine or if you need to provide a specific value due to your environment or testing needs. Otherwise, you should accept the defaults for easy configuration.

You must specify the port numbers as follows:

  • In Microsoft Windows, the values must be separated by slashes.

  • In UNIX, the values must be separated by percent signs.


Important! You must enter these values in the order shown. You can omit values only by truncating the string from right to left. For example, you can specify WSL_PORT/JSL_PORT, but you can't specify WSL_PORT/JRAD_PORT. These port numbers all have default values if you omit any of them. The default values are the values you provided when setting up your PeopleSoft environment, and are the same as they would initially appear on the PSADMIN application server Quick-Configure menu.

The following table describes the port settings:

Port (p_set) Setting



Workstation listener port number. This is the same as the Port parameter in the Workstation Listener section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Note: Specify this value only if you intend for the domain to support Windows workstations connecting in the development environment.


SSL port for Workstation listener. This is the same as the SSL PORT parameter in the Workstation Listener section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


Jolt port number. This is the same as the Port parameter in the JOLT Listener section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


SSL port for Jolt. This is the same as the SSL PORT parameter in the JOLT Listener section of the psappsrv.cfg file.


Jolt internet relay port number. This is the same as the Listener Port parameter in the JOLT Relay Adapter section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Note: Specify this value only if you intend for the domain to support browser deployment, and your web server resides on a separate machine from the application server.

Supply configuration settings in a string with the cfg_set parameter or reference a file with the cfg_file_path parameter.

The cfg_set parameter is an optional string of configuration settings from the psappsrv.cfg file. Use the number sign (#) to separate each setting, and surround the string with double quotes if any of the values include spaces. For example:

"[PSAPPSRV]/Min Instances=2#[PSAPPSRV]/Max Instances=8"

If you include a password that has a number sign (#), you must precede it with a slash (\). For example:

"[Security]/DomainConnectionPwd=password\##[Workstation Listener]/Port=7000"

Alternatively, you can supply configuration settings in a file. Specify the path and file name with the parameter cfg_file_path. Use this option rather than cfg_set if you are supplying passwords that contain special characters. Each line specifies a psappsrv.cfg file section, a parameter and value, with this format:

[<Section>]/<Param Name>=<Param Value> 
[<Section>]/<Param Name>=<Param Value>

For example:

[Domain Settings]/Domain ID=APPDOM  
[PSAPPSRV]/Min Instances=2  
[PSAPPSRV]/Max Instances=8  
[PSAPPSRV]/Max Fetch Size=15000  
[JOLT Listener]/Port=9033  
[JOLT Listener]/Address=  
[Workstation Listener]/Port=7000

The configuration parameters are described elsewhere in this document, organized by section name. See Understanding Application Server Domain Parameters.

The env_set specifies domain environment settings, having the following format:


For example:


When you launch the command, you see progress messages similar to the following:

Copying application server configuration files...
Copying [D:\PT\appserv\small.cfx] to [D:\PT_SERVER\8.59\appserv\HRDOM01\
Stripping Annotations...
Copying [D:\PT\appserv\small.cfx] to [D:\PT_SERVER\8.59\appserv\HRDOM01\
Copying Jolt repository file...
Domain created.
Performing load prechecks ...
Loading validation table...
  setting DBName=PT858DMO
  setting DBType=ORACLE
  setting UserId=QEDMO
  setting UserPswd=encrypted_password
  setting ConnectId=people
  setting ConnectPswd=encrypted_password
  setting ServerName=
  setting Port=7200
  setting Port=9020
  setting Listener Port=9200
  setting Domain ID=TESTSRV2
  setting Add to PATH=c:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\bin
New CFG file written with modified Startup parameters

Log Directory entry not found in configuration file.
Setting Log Directory to the default... [PS_SERVDIR\LOGS]
Spawning disabled for server PSAPPSRV.
WARNING: PSSAMSRV is configured with Min instance set to 1. To avoid loss of 
service, configure Min instance to atleast 2.
Configuration file successfully created.
CFG setting changes completed, loading configuration...
Domain configuration complete.

Using the Application Server Administration Commands

Use the following syntax to administer an existing application server domain:

psadmin -c command -d appsrv_domain

The appsrv_domain parameter must be the name of an application server domain that you want to administer, for example, HCMDMO.

The valid values of the command parameter are as follows:

Note: The examples in this table include line feeds for readability.



Result of the Example


psadmin -c start 

Starts an application server domain named PSDMO.


psadmin -c parallelboot 

Starts an application server domain named PSDMO, using the parallel boot option.


psadmin -c configure 
[-cfg cfg_set]
[-cfg_from_file cfg_file_path]
[-u feature_set]

Reloads the domain configuration for the PSDMO domain.

See the following section Using the Application Server Configure Command.


psadmin -c pslist 

Displays the processes that have been booted for the PSDMO domain. This includes the system process ID for each process.


psadmin -c stop 

Shuts down the PSDMO application server domain, by using a normal shutdown method.

In a normal shutdown, the domain waits for users to complete their tasks and turns away new requests before terminating all of the processes in the domain.


psadmin -c kill 

Shuts down the PSDMO application server domain by using a forced shutdown method.

In a forced shutdown, the domain immediately terminates all of the processes in the domain.


psadmin -c sstatus 

Displays the Tuxedo processes and PeopleSoft server processes that are currently running in the PSDMO application server domain.


psadmin -c cstatus 

Displays the currently connected users in the PSDMO application server domain.


psadmin -c qstatus 

Displays status information about the individual queues for each server process in the PSDMO application server domain.


psadmin -c preload 

Preloads the server cache for the PSDMO domain.


psadmin -c cleanipc 

Cleans the IPC resources for the PSDMO domain.


psadmin -c purge 
-d PSDMO -noarch
psadmin -c purge 
-d PSDMO -arch archive_directory
psadmin -c purge 
-d PSDMO -log log_comments

Purges the cache for the PSDMO domain.

You may use the following options as required:

  • Use the -noarch option if you do not want to archive the purged cache.

  • Use the -arch archive_directory option to quarantine the purged cache in the specified location.

  • Use -log log_comments to add the specified comments to the purge cache log entry.


psadmin -c import 

Imports the domain configuration from a specified PS_CFG_HOME location or a specified configuration file. See the following section Using the Application Server Import Commands for examples.


psadmin -c addmsgsrv 
-t type ch1,ch2,ch3

Add a message server named MSGSRV (-s) to the domain PSDMO.

Specify PUB, SUB, or BRK as the type (-t). The channels for the server are ch1, ch2, and ch3.


psadmin -c rmmsgsrv 

Remove a message server named MSGSRV (-s) from the domain PSDMO.

See Understanding Messaging Server Administration

Using the Application Server Configure Commands

Use these commands to configure an existing application server domain.

psadmin -c configure -d appsrv_domain [-cfg cfg_set | -cfg_from_file cfg_file_path] [-u feature_set]

Supply configuration settings in a string with cfg_set. or reference a file with cfg_file_path. See the discussion earlier in this section.

Use the -u feature_set option to enable or disable a set of features in the existing domain. To construct feature_set:

  1. Access PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/appsrv_domain/psappsrv.ubx.

  2. In the *FEATURES section, make a note of the {"-define-"} field for the feature you want to include.

    For example, the {"-define-"} field for Analytic Servers is {ANALYTICSRV}.

    {"-label-"},{"-define-"},{"-on-"},{"-servers-"},{"-Oracle Env Manager Label-"}
    {Analytic Servers},{ANALYTICSRV},{Yes},{PSANALYTICSRV},{Analytic Servers (PSANALYTICSRV)}
  3. Use the value from the {"-define-"} field in this format for feature_set.

    Use a slash (/) on Microsoft Windows to separate features.


    Use a percent sign (%) on UNIX to separate features.


For example, use this command to disable WSL and enable Analytic Servers in an application server domain.

On Microsoft Windows:

psadmin -c configure -d appsrv_domain -u "{WSL}=No/{ANALYTICSRV}=Yes"


psadmin -c configure -d appsrv_domain -u "{WSL}=No%{ANALYTICSRV}=Yes"

Using the Application Server Import Commands

Use these commands to import an application server domain configuration:

  • To import a domain from the location PS_CFG_HOME, use the following command.

    Use this command if there is a single domain in PS_CFG_HOME.

    psadmin -c import ps_cfg_home_path

  • To import a domain when PS_CFG_HOME has more than one domain, use the following command.

    The imported domain has the same name as the original domain.

    psadmin -c import ps_cfg_home_path —d appsrv_domain

  • To import a domain to a new name, from a multi-domain PS_CFG_HOME, use the following command:

    psadmin -c import ps_cfg_home_path —d appsrv_domain —n new_domain_name

  • To import a domain to a new name, from a multi-domain PS_CFG_HOME.

    Specify the path to a template file and use the following command.

    psadmin -c import ps_cfg_home_path —d appsrv_domain —n new_domain_name —t template_path

  • Use a configuration file to import a domain to a new name.

    Supply the path and name for psappsrv.cfg for config_file_path.

    psadmin -c import config_file_path —n new_domain_name

  • Use a configuration file to import a domain to a new name.

    Specify the path and name for psappsrv.cfg for config_file_path, and specify the path to a template file.

    psadmin -c import config_file_path —n new_domain_name —t template_path

For Process Scheduler administration, PSADMIN has two syntax formats — one for creating new Process Scheduler configurations, and the other for administering existing configurations.

Using the Process Scheduler Create Command

Use the following syntax to create a new Process Scheduler configuration:

psadmin -p create -d prcs_domain -t template -ps ps_set [-cfg cfg_set | -cfg_from_file cfg_file_path] [-env env_set] [-s silent]

The PSADMIN create command creates a Process Scheduler configuration file for the specified database, using the specified configuration template.

The template parameter must be the name of a .cfx file located in PS_HOME\appserv\prcs, without the extension. This represents the operating system platform on which you're running PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. For example, to use the template file called windows.cfx on a Microsoft Windows machine, specify the value windows.

The ps_set parameter is an optional string of startup values which provide initial configuration settings that you would otherwise specify on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu. You must enter the startup string as follows:

  • In Microsoft Windows, the values must be separated by slashes.

  • In UNIX, the values must be separated by commas.


    Note: The UNIX syntax does not include the DBBIN setting.

Important! You must enter these values in the order shown. You can omit required values only by truncating the string from right to left. For example, you can specify DBNAME/DBTYPE, but you can't specify DBNAME/LOGOUT_DIR.

These startup settings all have default values if you omit any of them. The default values are generally the values you provided when setting up your PeopleSoft environment, and are the same as they would initially appear on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: Because these PeopleSoft Process Scheduler settings are already documented in the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler product documentation, this section provides only a basic overview of the relationship between the settings on the command line and the equivalent settings on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

The following table describes the startup settings:

Startup (ps_set) Setting



This is the equivalent of the DBName parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: If you don't include the ps_set parameter, the value of this setting is the same as the database name that you specify in the command.


This is the equivalent of the DBType parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


This is the equivalent of the PrcsServer parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


This is the equivalent of the UserId parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


Enter the user password that is associated with the specified user ID. This is the equivalent of the UserPswd parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


This is the equivalent of the ConnectId parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


This is the equivalent of the ConnectPswd parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.


(Optional) This is the equivalent of the ServerName parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Important! If you want this setting to be blank, but you can't truncate the string to this point (you still need to specify a value for LOGOUT_DIR), you can specify a value of “_____” (five underscores without the quotes) in this position. PSADMIN interprets this as a blank value.


This is the equivalent of the Log/Output Dir parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: If this value contains spaces, it must be in double quotes (" "). For example:"c:\psft app\log_output".


This is the equivalent of the SQRBIN parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: If this value contains spaces, it must be in double quotes (" "). For example:"C:\PeopleTools\bin\sqr\MSS\binw".


(Optional) This is the equivalent of the AddToPATH parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: If this value contains spaces, it must be in double quotes (" "). For example:"%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32;c:\Program Files".


(Windows only) This is the equivalent of the DBBIN parameter on the PSADMIN Process Scheduler Quick-Configure menu.

Note: If this value contains spaces, it must be in double quotes (" "). For example:"C:\my apps\db\MSSQL\Binn".


Specify ENCRYPT to encrypt the values of the UserPswd and ConnectPswd parameters in the psprcs.cfg file. If you specify NOENCRYPT, these values appear in clear text in the file. ENCRYPT is the default value.


Specify whether to enable embedded JMX agents for PeopleSoft Health Center. Enter 1 to enable remote administration, and 0 to disable remote administration. The default is enabled.

When remote administration is enabled, you must also specify values for REMOTE_ADMIN_PORT, REMOTE_ADMIN_USRID, and REMOTE_ADMIN_PSWD.

If you do not explicitly disable remote administration, and you do not provide values for REMOTE_ADMIN_PORT, REMOTE_ADMIN_USRID, and REMOTE_ADMIN_PSWD the system will generate values for the user ID and password and place the encrypted values in the PSTOOLS section of the psprcs.cfg file.

See Enabling Monitoring of a Component or Domain


Enter a port number to use for remote administration of domain processes. All embedded JMX agents will use the port in the JMX service URL.


Enter a user name for remote administration connections.


Enter a password for remote administration connections.


Specify whether to enable SSL for JMX agents. Enter 1 to enable SSL, and 0 to disable SSL. The default is disabled.

When you enable SSL for JMX agents, you must also specify the location, password, and type for the keystore and truststore.


Specify the location of the keystore for SSL.


Specify the password for the SSL keystore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

See Using the PSCipher Utility


Specify the keystore type, PKCS12 or JKS.


Specify the location of the truststore for SSL.


Specify the password for the SSL truststore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

See Using the PSCipher Utility


Specify the truststore type, PKCS12 or JKS

Supply configuration settings in a string with the cfg_set or reference a file with the cfg_file_path.

The cfg_set parameter is an optional string of configuration settings from the psprcs.cfg file. Use the number sign (#) to separate each setting, and surround the string with double quotes if any of the values include spaces. For example:

"[Trace]/TracePPM=1#[Trace]/TracePC=8#[Process Scheduler]/Max Reconnect Attempt=20"

If you include a password that has a number sign (#), you must precede it with a backslash (\). For example:

"[Security]/DomainConnectionPwd=password\##[Trace]/TracePPM=1#[Trace]/TracePC=8#[Process Scheduler]/Max Reconnect Attempt=20"

Alternatively, you can supply configuration settings in a file. Specify the path and file name with the parameter cfg_file_path. Use this option rather than cfg_set if you are supplying passwords that contain special characters. Each line specifies a psprcs.cfg file section, a parameter and value, with this format:

[<Section>]/<Param Name>=<Param Value> 
[<Section>]/<Param Name>=<Param Value>

For example:

[Process Scheduler]/Max Reconnect Attempt=20

The env_set specifies domain environment settings, having the following format:


For example:


Following is an example of the Process Scheduler create command with start settings:

psadmin -p create -d PSHRDB1 -t nt -ps PSHRDB1/MICROSFT/PSNT/
PS/password/people/password/_____/"c:\psft app\log_output"/c:\psfthr\bin\sqr\MSS\binw/

Using the Process Scheduler Administration Commands

Use the following syntax to administer an existing Process Scheduler configuration:

psadmin -p command -d database

The database parameter must be the name of a database that's associated with a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent, for example, PSHRDMO.

The valid values of the command parameter are as follows:



Result of the Example


psadmin -p list

Lists all domains.


psadmin -p start -d psdmo

Starts a Process Scheduler.


psadmin -p stop -d psdmo

Stops a Process Scheduler.


psadmin -p configure -d psdmo
[-cfg cfg_set]
[-cfg_from_file cfg_file_path]
[-u feature_set]

Configures a Process Scheduler.

See the following section Using the Process Scheduler Configure Commands.


psadmin -p status -d psdmo

Displays the status of a Process Scheduler.


psadmin -p sstatus -d psdmo

Displays the status of a Process Scheduler server.


psadmin -p cstatus -d psdmo

Displays the status of a Process Scheduler client.


psadmin -p qstatus -d psdmo

Displays the status of a Process Scheduler queue.


psadmin -p cleanipc -d psdmo

Cleans the IPC resources for specified domain.


psadmin -p kill -d psdmo

Kills the domain (similar to forced shutdown).


psadmin -p import -d psdmo

Imports a Process Scheduler domain configuration.

See the section Using the Process Scheduler Import Command.

Using the Process Scheduler Configure Commands

Use these commands to configure an existing Process Scheduler domain.

psadmin -p configure -d prcs_domain [-cfg cfg_set | -cfg_from_file cfg_file_path][-u feature_set]

Supply configuration settings in a string with cfg_set. or reference a file with cfg_file_path. See the discussion earlier in this section.

Use the -u feature_set option to enable or disable a set of features in the existing domain. To construct feature_set:

  1. Access PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/prcs/prcs_domain/psprcsrv.ubx.

  2. In the *FEATURES section, make a note of the {"-define-"} field for the feature you want to include.

    For example, the {"-define-"} field for Real Time Indexing is {RTI}.

    {"-label-"},{"-define-"},{"-on-"},{"-servers-"},{"-Oracle Env Manager Label-"}
    {Real Time Indexing},{RTI},{Yes},{PSRTISRV},{Real Time Indexing (PSRTISRV)}
  3. Use the value from the {"-define-"} field in this format for feature_set.

    Use a slash (/) on Microsoft Windows to separate features.


    Use a percent sign (%) on UNIX to separate features.


For example, use this command to disable real-time indexing (RTI) in a Process Scheduler domain.

psadmin -p configure -d prcs_domain -u "{RTI}=No"

Using the Process Scheduler Import Command

Use these commands to import a Process Scheduler domain configuration:

  • To import a domain from the location PS_CFG_HOME, use the following command.

    Use this command if there is a single domain in PS_CFG_HOME.

    psadmin -p import ps_cfg_home_path

  • To import a domain when PS_CFG_HOME has more than one Process Scheduler server, use the following command.

    The imported domain has the same name as the original domain.

    psadmin -p import ps_cfg_home_path -d prcs_domain

  • To import a domain to a new name, from a PS_CFG_HOME with multiple Process Scheduler servers, use the following command:

    psadmin -p import ps_cfg_home_path -d prcs_domain -n new_domain_name

  • Use a configuration file to import a domain to a new name.

    Supply the path and name for psprcs.cfg for config_file_path.

    psadmin -p import config_file_path -n new_domain_name

  • If a domain folder exists in the destination PS_CFG_HOME, append -r to any of the preceding commands to replace the folder.

  • If a domain folder exists in the destination PS_CFG_HOME, append -keepfeatures to any of the preceding commands to enable the same features as in the source domain.

The following table lists most PSADMIN command line options for the application server and Process Scheduler server and their return codes. This can provide insight into the return codes displayed when using PSADMIN from the command line or in scripts. In general, PSADMIN returns 0 for success and non-zero when an error occurs.

Note: N/A indicates the command is not applicable to that server.

PSADMIN command line return codes (Table 1 of 4)


Application Server

Process Scheduler
















-create -d <domain_name> -t <template>



-create -d <domain_name> -t <invalid_template>



create -d <already_existing_domain> -t <template>



create -d <domain_name> -t <template> -s <s_set>



create -d <domain_name> -t <invalid_template> -s <s_set>



create -d <domain_name> -t <template> -s <s_set> -p <p_set>



create -d database -t template -ps ps_set



create -d database -t template -silent



delete -d <domain_name>



delete -d <nonexistent_domain> 



configure -d <domain_name>



configure -d <nonexistent_domain>



boot -d <domain_name>



boot -d <nonexistent_domain>



Continuation of the table listing the PSADMIN command line return codes (Table 2 of 4)


Application Server

Process Scheduler

parallelboot -d <domain_name>



parallelboot -d <nonexistent_domain>



shutdown -d <domain_name>



shutdown -d <nonexistent_domain>



shutdown! -d <domain_name>



shutdown! -d <nonexistent_domain> 



cleanipc -d <domain_name>



cleanipc -d <nonexistent_domain> 



sstatus -d <domain_name>



cstatus -d <domain_name> 



sstatus -d <domain_name>



sstatus -d <nonexistent_domain>



cstatus -d <nonexistent_domain>



qstatus -d <nonexistent_domain>



status -d <domain>



status -d <nonexistent_domain>



start -d <domain_name>



start -d <nonexistent_domain> 



Continuation of the table listing the PSADMIN command line return codes (Table 3 of 4)


Application Server

Process Scheduler

stop -d <domain_name>



stop -d <nonexistent_domain>



kill -d <domain_name>



kill -d <nonexistent_domain>



import <path>



import <path> -d <domain_name>



import <path> -d <domain_name> -n <new_name>



import <path> -n <name>



import <path> -d <already_existing_domain>



import <path> -d <already_existing_domain> -r 



import <path> -d <domain> -n <name> -t <template>



purge -d <domain_name> -arch <archive_directory>



purge -d <domain_name> -noarch



addmsgsrv -d <domain_name> -s <sname> -t <type> <ch1,ch2,...>



addmsgsrv -d <domain_name> -s <sname> -t <type>



Continuation of the table listing the PSADMIN command line return codes (Table 4 of 4)


Application Server

Process Scheduler

addmsgsrv -d <nonexistent_domain> -s <sname> -t <type> <ch1,ch2...>



rmmsgsrv -d <domain> -s <sname>



rmmsgsrv -d <nonexistent_domain> -s <sname>



rmmsgsrv -d <domain_name> -s <nonexistent_sname>



preload -d <domain_name>

PreloadFileCache not set in PSAPPSRV.CFG.



preload -d <domain_name>

PreloadFileCache set in PSAPPSRV.CFG but not in database.



preload -d  <domain_name>

PreloadFileCache set in PSAPPSRV.CFG and in database.



preload -d <nonexistent_domain>



stop -d <domain_name>

Domain is not started.



pslist -d <domain_name>



pslist -d <domain_name>

Domain is not started.



pslist -d <nonexistent_domain>



purge -d <domain_name> -noarch -log <log_comments>



purge -d <domain_name> -arch <archive_dir> -log <log_comments>