BI Publisher Phases

BI Publisher implementation includes the following phases:

  • Set up BI Publisher.

  • Create and register data sources.

  • Create and upload report templates.

  • Define BI Publisher reports.

  • Run, locate, and view BI Publisher reports.

Set Up BI Publisher

To prepare your system for using BI Publisher, perform the following steps:



1. Define BI Publisher settings.

See Setting Up BI Publisher.

2. Set up BI Publisher permission list security.

See Assigning BIP Permissions to Users.

3. Set up Report Manager.

See Understanding Report Manager.

4. Define report categories, including Report Definition Editor security.

See Setting Up Report Categories.

5. Download design plug-ins to facilitate the offline template design activities.

See Working with Template Design Helpers.

Create and Register Data Sources

To create and register data sources, perform the following steps:



1. Identify or create the source of your report data.

Data sources can be PS Query, Connected Queries, XML files, or Composite Query .

Note: Rowset and XML Doc object data sources have been desupported. Rowset and XML Doc object data sources created in previous releases will continue to be supported.

To generate XML files from XML Doc or rowsets, refer to PeopleCode API documentation.

See Understanding BI Publisher and the BI Publisher Classes.

See Creating New Queries, Running Queries, andCreating Data Sources.

2. Register schema and sample data files for BI Publisher data sources.

For PS Query, you can automatically generate schema file and sample data.

Note: Schema is no longer used for bursting starting in PeopleTools 8.50. It is still available for backwards compatibility. Schema is also used with XSLT Mapper for data transforms.

See Registering Data Sources.

Create and Upload Report Templates

To create and upload templates, perform the following steps:



1. Create and upload schema and sample data.

See Creating Data Sources.

2. Download sample data from the appropriate data source to facilitate template design.

See Defining Reports.

3. Use either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat to develop and maintain custom report formats.

See Understanding Report Template Types.

4. (Optional) Create and maintain reusable sub-template definitions.

See Maintaining Sub-Templates.

5. (Optional) Register translation XLIFF files for report templates and Content Library sub-templates.

See Maintaining Template Translations.

Define BI Publisher Reports

To create and maintain report definitions, perform the following step:



1. Define reports by associating data sources with layout template files.

See Defining Reports.

Run, Locate, and View BI Publisher Reports

You can run BI Publisher reports online or in batch through the Process Scheduler. For query-based reports, pages are available for running the reports both online and in batch. To run BI Publisher reports, perform the following steps:



1. Schedule Query-based BI Publisher reports.

See Scheduling Reports in Query Report Scheduler.

2. Schedule other BI Publisher reports.

Note: You will need to create an application engine program using BI PeopleCode APIs.

See Running Reports Using PeopleCode.

3. View Query-based BI Publisher reports online in real time.

See Running Reports in Query Report Viewer.

4. View other BI Publisher reports online in real time.

See Running Reports Using PeopleCode.

5. Locate BI Publisher reports using enhanced search criteria.

See Searching the BI Publisher Report Repository, Search Operator Values.

6. View BI Publisher reports in the Report Manager.

See Viewing Reports.