Defining WIP Statuses for Approval Steps

To define WIP statuses for approval steps, use the Approval Transaction setup (GVT_WIP_RECORD) and Approval Flow Setup USF (GVT_WIP_ACTVTY) components.

These topics provide an overview of WIP statuses and approval steps and discuss how to define WIP statuses.

Page Name

Definition Name


Transaction Setup Page


Define statuses and status types.

Define Steps Page


Associate WIP statuses with steps in the approval process for federal self-service transactions.

You cannot associate WIP statuses with approval steps for federal self-service transactions until your approval process has been defined. Use the Approval Framework to define the approval process.

You define the approval steps for your self-service transactions using the Approval Framework. However, additional setup is necessary so that you can associate federal WIP statuses with approval steps.

To define the WIP statuses for approval steps, you must first set up the WIP statuses. Each self-service transaction has its own set of WIP statuses. Oracle delivers a complete set of statuses, but you can review and modify them as necessary.

After defining WIP statuses for each transaction, you need to associate the statuses with the possible actions that can be taken during specific approval steps. When you do this, you to create a row of data for each approval step in the Approval Framework process definition and create one additional row to represent the initial request, which does not exist as a step in the Approval Framework process definition. Then, for each approval step, you create a matrix that associates possible actions (such as request, approve, or deny) with the available WIP statuses.

Note: When associating WIP statuses with approval steps, you manually set up the steps that represent your approval processing steps. If you modify the delivered approval process, take care to keep these step definitions in sync with the Approval Framework process definitions.

Use the Transaction Setup page (GVT_WIP_RECORD1) to define statuses and status types.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data USF > Approval Transaction setup > Transaction Setup

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transaction Setup page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Transaction Setup page

Field or Control



Displays the self-service transaction whose WIP statuses you are defining.

Avail to Manager Self-Service (available to manager self-service)

Select this option when setting up approvals for self-service transactions. It is recommended that you not change this field for the delivered self-service transactions.

Valid WIP Statuses

Field or Control


WIP Status (work-in-progress status)

Enter a three-character code to represent the status. Each code represents a WIP status that is available for use as the transaction goes through the approval process. Each WIP status has a status type that indicates whether the status represents work in progress, completed work, or cancelled work.

Note: These codes must be defined as valid statuses for the USFED transaction. This enables the system to process the request using the existing HR Processing USF component when the request has reached final approval in the self-service approval process.

Status Type

Select one of these values for each WIP status:

  • Work-in-progress: The status is used for a request that is neither complete nor canceled.

  • Cancelled: The status is used for a request that has been denied.

  • Completed (Final Self Svc Step): The status is used for a request that has been approved.

Use the Define Steps page (GVT_WIP_ACTVTY4) to associate WIP statuses with steps in the approval process for federal self-service transactions.

You cannot associate WIP statuses with approval steps for federal self-service transactions until your approval process has been defined. Use the Approval Framework to define the approval process.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data USF > Approval Flow Setup USF > Define Steps

Select a transaction beginning with FE as the Transaction value in the search page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Steps page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Steps page

Approval Process Steps

Field or Control


Step Number

Enter a number that identifies the order that the approval process will follow. The numbering of the approval steps must be sequential and begin with the number 1. Step 1 must represent the initial request, and subsequent steps must represent the approval steps as defined in the Approval Framework.

Important! For each federal self-service transaction, this page must list every approval step that was defined in the Approval Framework process definition and an additional step for the initial transaction request.

Step Name, Description and Short Description

Enter a name for this step and appropriate descriptions. The name can be up to 10 characters long.

Actions For Step

Field or Control


On Action Of

Add or modify the action for which you are defining a WIP status. Valid actions are:

  • Approve

  • Deny

  • Pushback

For the first step (which always represents the initial request), create one row for the Request action. For subsequent steps, which represent approver actions, create one row for the Approve action and one row for the Deny action. (The other action in the drop-down list box, Pending, is not valid for the Approval Framework approval process, so you do not need to define a WIP status for this action for any of the approval steps.)

Set Status To

Select the WIP status to assign to the transaction when the selected action takes place.

This field prompts against the transaction-specific WIP statuses that you define on the Transaction Setup page. As delivered, the transactions that you configure using this page (that is, all transactions other than USFED) have these four statuses: 1st (first authorization), 2nd (second authorization), DNY (denied), and REQ (requested).