Defining Parameters for Processing PIS Payments

To define parameters for PIS payment processing, use the PIS Parameters BRA (GPBR_PARM_PIS) component.

This topic provides an overview of the setup steps for PIS processing and describes how to define parameters for PIS payments.

Page Name

Definition Name


PIS Parameters BRA Page


Define a company's PIS parameters.

Override PIS Param Page (override PIS parameters page)


Override a company's PIS parameters for a specific establishment.

Additional Info - Brazil Page


Identify which of a company's establishments will send files to CAIXA and identify the CAIXA agency.

Centralization Data Page


Identify the (centralizer) establishment that manages PIS processing for the company and identify other establishments that will be represented in the CAIXA file.

PIS Parameters Page


Identify whether a selected payee is entitled to receive PIS payments.

PIS Assignment BRA Page


Run the Employee Mark / Unmark for PIS Application Engine process (GPBR_PIS_AE) to identify which payees are entitled to receive PIS payments.

Before you can process PIS payments, you must define various parameters. To define the setup parameters for a company:

  • Specify the CAIXA bank to use for PIS payments, the earning elements for paying PIS income and allowance amounts, and any optional data to include for each employee in the transfer file that you send to CAIXA.

  • If an establishment's agreement with CAIXA differs from the company's agreement with CAIXA, enter the establishment's information.

  • Identify which establishment within the company will transmit files to CAIXA.

  • Select the establishment that will manage PIS processing and identify the other establishments for which PIS payments will be processed at the same time.

  • Identify employees who are entitled to receive PIS payments.

    You can identify employees individually or you can run a process that selects all employees of an establishment or group, or just those employees that you select.

Use the PIS Parameters BRA page (GPBR_PARM_PIS) to define a company's PIS parameters.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security/Insurance > PIS Parameters BRA > PIS Parameters BRA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PIS Parameters BRA page.

PIS Parameters BRA page

Field or Control


Bank ID

Select the Bank ID for CAIXA.

Company Field

Use these fields to specify additional data that you want to include in the Release of Resources file that is returned to CAIXA. You can select any field from the PS_JOB record, such as EMPLID (employee ID) or DEPTID (department ID). When you update the Release of Resources file, the system will include, for each listed employee, the first ten positions from the combined fields. This data can help you research and verify information in the file.

Earnings for Payment

Use these fields to select the earning element that is used to process each type of PIS payment.

Field or Control


Payment Type

Select the payment type, Income (Rendimento) or Allowance (Abono Salarial). Enter only one row for each payment type.

Use the Override PIS Param (override PIS parameters) page (GPBR_PARM_PIS_E) to override a company's PIS parameters for a specific establishment.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security/Insurance > PIS Parameters BRA > Override PIS Param

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Override PIS Param page.

Override PIS Param page

Select the establishment to which the override instructions apply. When processing PIS for this establishment, the system will use the instructions entered here rather than the instructions entered for the company on the PIS Parameters BRA page.

Use the Additional Info - Brazil page (ESTAB_TBL_BRA) to identify which of a company's establishments will send files to CAIXA and identify the CAIXA agency.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Establishment BRA > Additional Info - Brazil

In the PIS Data section of the page, select the Estab Responsible by Agreement check box and identify the first four digits of the CAIXA agency the establishment has contact with.

In the Establishment ID section at the bottom of the same page, select the establishment ID type of MCPIS and enter the ID number. The first four digits of this number must match the code for the CAIXA agency.

Use the Centralization Data page (CENTRALIZATION_BRA) to identify the (centralizer) establishment that manages PIS processing for the company and identify other establishments that will be represented in the CAIXA file.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Centralization Data BRA

Select PIS Process in the Process Type field on the search page.

Select the establishment that will send files to CAIXA in the Centralizer field. In theCentralized Data group box, list the establishments that will be represented in the file.

Use the PIS Parameters page (GPBR_PYPIS_PARM) to identify whether a selected payee is entitled to receive PIS payments.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Define Payee Parameters BRA > PIS Parameters

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PIS Parameters page.

PIS Parameters page

Field or Control


Reference Year

Enter the year to which the PIS payments apply. The reference year must match the effective date.


Select if the employee is qualified to receive PIS or PASEP (Public Service Employees Savings Program) payments for the reference year.

Use the PIS Assignment BRA page (GPBR_RC_PIS) to run the Employee Mark / Unmark for PIS Application Engine process (GPBR_PIS_AE) to identify which payees are entitled to receive PIS payments.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security/Insurance > PIS Assignment BRA > PIS Assignment BRA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PIS Assignment BRA page.

PIS Assignment BRA page

You can use this page to specify that multiple employees are eligible to receive PIS payments for a given year.

Field or Control


Reference Year

Enter the year to which the PIS payments apply. The reference year must match the effective date.

PIS Activated

Select this check box to indicate that the selected employees are eligible for PIS payments for the reference year.