Defining Unhealthy and Hazardous Indicators for Job Codes and Positions

To set up indicators for job codes and positions, use the Position/JobCd Parameters BRA (GPBR_MIXED_PARM) component.

This topic discusses how to define unhealthy and hazardous indicators for job codes and positions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Position/JobCd Parameters BRA Page (position/job code parameters BRA page)


Define unhealthy and hazardous indicators for job codes and positions.

Use the Position/JobCd Parameters BRA (position/job code parameters) page (GPBR_MIXED_PARM) to define unhealthy and hazardous indicators for job codes and positions.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Organizational > Position/JobCd Parameters BRA > Position/JobCd Parameters BRA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Position/JobCd Parameters BRA page.

Position/JobCd Parameters BRA page

Field or Control



Select whether you are assigning unhealthy/risk indicators to a Jobcode or a Position.

Position, Business Unit, Location, and Job Code

Select the position or job code you are assigning unhealthy/risk indicators to using these fields.


Select the appropriate health risk level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this health risk factor.


Select the appropriate risk level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this information to generate the SEFIP report and to determine the employee's retirement deduction.

See Calculating INSS for Special Retirement.


Select the appropriate hazard level for the activities of the job code, position, or location. The system uses this indicator to calculate an earning that compensates for this hazardous factor.