Defining Swiss Online Processing Options

To define Swiss online processing options, use the Online Processing Setup CHE (GPCH_EG_ONL_SETUP) component. This topic discusses how to define Swiss Online Processing Options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Online Processing Setup CHE Page


Define parameter to create, validate and send XML files through dashboard

Use the Online Processing Setup CHE page (GPCH_EG_NM_VAL_PRS) to define parameter to create, validate and send XML files through dashboard.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Processing > Online Processing Setup CHE > Online Processing Setup

Online Processing Setup CHE page

Online Processing Setup CHE page

Note: Before you use the dashboard in Global Payroll for Switzerland, you need to specify the parameters that are explained here.

The Java architecture requires the ELM Transmit process be setup in advance. These properties are delivered with the PeopleSoft application. You can modify the property setup as needed.

Here is a brief description of the properties for the ELMTransmit process:



Certificate Alias

The alias name for the certificate that is used needs to be specified. The default certificate delivered has the alias of test.

Certificate Alias Password

The certificate Alias Password is needed to secure the certificate The default password delivered is as ' ' (blank).

Use the Is Password checkbox to encrypt the password.

Certificate Location

This property allows the user to specify the location of the certificate used for signing the XML file. The default value is transmitter.jks, which is the default jks certificate delivered to the customer.

Certificate Password

The password for the certificate that is used needs to be specified. The default certificate is delivered as ' ' (blank).

Use the Is Password checkbox to encrypt the password.

Certificate Type

This property specifies the type of the certificate used by the Java process. The default certificate is .jks.

EncryptCertificate Alias

This is the alias name for the certificate used for encryption. The default certificate delivered has the alias of test.

EncryptCertificate Alias Password

The certificate Alias Password for encryption certificate. The default password delivered is as ' ' (blank).

Use the Is Password checkbox to encrypt the password.

Encrypt Certificate Location

This property allows the user to specify the location of the certificate used for encrypt the XML file. The default value is transmitter.jks which is the default jks certificate delivered to the customer.

Encrypt Certificate Password

The password for the certificate that is used needs to be specified. The default certificate is delivered as ' ' (blank).

Use the Is Password checkbox to encrypt the password.

Encrypt Certificate Type

This property specifies the type of the certificate used by the Java process. The default certificate is of the type jks.

Class Path Directory

This property specifies the path where the additional classes required by the Java process will be unzipped. These additional classes are delivered in the PeopleSoft Application as gpchEGlibs.jar. The default path for the Classpath directory is <PS_SERVDIR>/files/classpath_dir


This property specifies the path of the JVM that needs to be used by the Java process. The JVM path normally points to the People tools JDK. The default value for this is <PS_HOME>/jre/bin/java.exe. For Unix platform the path needs to be modified as <PS_HOME>/jre/bin/java.

Log File

This property specifies the path for the log files for Java messages to be generated. The default value is <PS_SERVDIR>/files/classpath_dir/elm.log

Log Level

The property specifies the level of logging to be used. The Log levels are: 1- Warnings and Errors, 2- Informational, and 3-Debug. The default Log Level is set to 2.

Proxy Host URL

This property specifies the Internet proxy to be used. The default value is You will have to change this property to your Internet proxy.

Proxy Port

This property specifies the Internet Proxy Port to be used . The Default value is 80. The customer will have to change this property to his Internet Proxy Port.

Service URL

The Swissdec Webservice endpoint to which the XML is delivered (change to https for SSL) The default value is set to: channel001/services/SalaryDeclaration

XSD File

This property specifies the path to the file which is delivered as a part of the gpchEGlibs.jar . The property file in the classpath that links schema files to namespaces. The default value for this property is <PS_SERVDIR>/files/classpath_dir/

PeopleSoft provides the data with defaults that point to the Swissdec test receivers. You need to adjust these values, according to their IT environment and then send the data to the Swissdec production receiver.




Certificate Alias

Request from PeopleSoft


Certificate Alias Password

Request from PeopleSoft

‘ ‘ (Blank)

Certificate Location

ORACLE PEOPLESOFT ENTERPRISE Global Payroll Country Extension Switzerland.jks


Certificate Password


‘ ‘ (Blank)

Certificate Type



Certificate Alias

Request from PeopleSoft


Certificate Alias Password

Request from PeopleSoft

‘ ‘ (Blank)

Certificate Location

ORACLE PEOPLESOFT ENTERPRISE Global Payroll Country Extension Switzerland.jks


Certificate Password


‘ ‘ (Blank)

Certificate Type



Service URL

Proxy Host URL

Your proxy (for example,

Your proxy (for example,

Proxy Port

Your proxy port (for example, 80)

Your proxy port (for example, 80)

You can find more information about the meaning of these fields in the Swissdec guidelines and the Swissdec tech doc that describes the full ELM XML.

Parameters: ISO

The online processing parameters further support management of invalid characters in ISO 20022 GP Switzerland identifies invalid characters against values given in paremeter ValidCharacters and replaces characters not included by:

  1. If dedicated replace value given in ReplaceInvalidCharacters, by this value

  2. Otherwise, if dedicated value for Default given in ReplaceInvalidCharacters, by this Default replacement

  3. Otherwise, by Default = ‘-‘

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Online Processing Setup CHE page-1.

Online Processing Setup1

Note: Any character not included in the list given for ValidCharacters gets replaced by default with ‘-‘ (Hyphen). The list of valid characters is delivered by GP Switzerland and gets updated in case ISO requirements will change. In case client prefers a more dedicated replacement he may provide replacement for any invalid character in parameter ReplaceInvalidCharacters.

Parameter: SecureDomain

Additional access restrictions for dashboard XML files. This got actually requested for ISO 20022 but supports any dashboard domain.

This example illustrates the Online Setup for Swiss window.

Online Processing Setup2

We provide now customer control on file management. In Online Processing Setup CHE client can qualify a domain for restricted access.

Process Name(proposed) = SecurityX(where X = 1 character translate for provider type)

Property Name (mandatory) = SecureDomain

Property Long Value = X;yyy where

X =one character translate for provider type and

yyy = target path for save

Once the setup is in place the save will directly go the given target and no longer grant access to the end user.

This example illustrates the Save button.

Online Processing Setup3

Click Save

This example illustrates the Confirmation Window.

Online Processing Setup4

See Swissdec Definitions/Standards