Managing Additional Insurance

To manage additional insurance, use the Addtl Insurance Provider CHE (GPCH_SI_ADDITIONAL_GBL) component.

This topic discusses how to manage additional insurance.

Note: Some companies may provide employees with additional insurance packages, depending on their position in the company or their salary grade. For example, some employees may be eligible for additional health insurance in addition to the mandatory insurance packages that are available. Global Payroll for Switzerland enables you to create voluntary combinations of insurance packages. These are presented to employees, who choose one from the selections. You can use Global Payroll's functionality as a basis for additional calculations and other features that you add when you install Global Payroll for Switzerland. You create the insurance packages on the Addtl Insurance Provider CHE page, and assign them to an employee on the Additional Insurance Data page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Additional Provider CHE Page


Set up additional insurance packages for an employee.

Additional Insurance Data Page


Enter additional insurance data for an employee.

Use the Additional Provider CHE page (GPCH_SI_TYPE) to set up additional insurance packages for an employee.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security / Insurance > Additional Provider CHE > Additional Provider CHE

Addtl Insurance Provider CHE page

Addtl Insurance Provider CHE page

Insurance Type and Premium Rates

Field or Control


Provider Code

Provider for this insurance definition.

Insurance Alternative ID

Assign any 2 digit code which complies with Swissdec format on insurance codes for KTG_AMC and UVGZ_LAAC ( [A-Z0-9]{2}.)


Fill in description of insurance as of Swissdec insurance profile.

Default Group

If default is checked, this insurance applies for all employees, which are not explicitly exempted from this group.

Total Premium Rate Male, Total Premium/Person Male, Total Premium Rate Female, and Total Premium/Person Female

Enter these values as specified by the insurance provider.

Salary Lower Limit and Salary Higher Level

Enter the limits to entitlement for this type of insurance.

Employee and Employer

Enter the earning or deduction code for each.


Enter base earning for this insurance.


Enter default Grade for split, in case there are no dedicated splits per salary grade.



Element Name

Accumulator which serves as base for this insurance.

Premium Details

Field or Control


Premium Empl(oyee) Male %, Premium Empl(oyee) Female %, EE Premium/Person % Male, and EE Premium/Person % Female

Enter employee percent of contribution. For example, if full rate is 1% and it is paid half by employer and half by employee, then enter 0.5%.


Select how the insurance should be generated. Valid values are Automatically and Mandatory.

Minimum Premium

Enter the value specified by the insurance provider.


Select to have Global Payroll for Switzerland process the insurance. If the insurance information is for information only, deselect the check box.

Use the Additional Insurance Data page (GPCH_SI_VARIANT) to enter additional insurance data for an employee.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Social Security/Insurance > Add Other Insurances Data CHE > Additional Insurance Data

Additional Insurance Data page

Additional Insurance Data page

Field or Control


Annual Rate

Displays the annual rate that applies to an employee.

Provider Type

Select the provider type. Valid values are 3 = KTG_AMC and2 = UVGZ_LAAC.

Insurance Alternative ID

Prompts for values from setup.