Creating Budget Trees

Follow these steps to create an organization tree for payroll budget control:

  1. Use PeopleTools Tree Manager (Tree Manager > Tree Manager) to set up your organization hierarchy. The structure that you build provides the basis against which to distribute budget items and periods and monitor the budget.

    Use the COMPANY structure ID (COMPANY_TBL record name) for company-based hierarchy, which is one with sub-companies.

    Use the DEPARTMENT structure ID (DEPT_TBL record) for a department-based hierarchy, which is one with departments.

  2. If you use the DEPARTMENT structure ID, you must access the Supporting Elements (GP_RSLT_RUN_PIN) page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Review Absence/Payroll Info > Results by Calendar Group > Supporting Elements) for each Empl ID in the calendar group, and assign the CN FM DEPTID formula so that payroll results can include department-related information.

For information about using Tree Manager to set up organization trees, see PeopleTools: Tree Manager

Page Name

Definition Name


Tree Manager Page


Payroll Budget Administrators use this page to construct either a Company or Department tree structure to use as the organization hierarchy for budget control.

Supporting Elements Page


Payroll Budget Administrators use this page to assign the CN FM DEPTID formula so that payroll results can include department-related information for Department tree structures.