Understanding Payroll Budget Control

Payroll Budget Administrators can set up and monitor payroll budget control for your organization. With payroll budget control in place, after the Payroll Administrator finalizes each payroll, the Payroll Budget Administrator can monitor the budget by setting alert rules to trigger early warning notices based on those rules and by generating budget comparison reports that compare real pay results against the budget.

To set up payroll budget control, Payroll Budget Administrators must first create your organization’s tree, either a company or department structure, to identify the organization units to be managed. They can then define budget items and associate each item with one or more accumulators and define budget periods and assign payroll periods to each budget period.

The Payroll Budget Administrator then uses the budget items and periods to enter budget values for nodes on the organization tree to plan and distribute the budget. A payroll budget can be distributed to the parent organization from the top down for a specified budget period. If child companies exist, Payroll Budget Administrators for each child company can distribute the budget to each department.

Payroll Budget Administrators can adjust the budget at any time. Effective dates track the change history of a budget that is ready for or has begun distribution.

In summary, Payroll Budget Administrators do the following to set up payroll budget control:

  • Create budget trees.

  • Set payroll budget control security.

  • Define budget items and periods.

  • Distribute the payroll budget.

  • Use alerts and comparison reports to monitor the budget.