Defining Pay Entities

To define pay entities, use the Pay Entities (GP_PYENT) component.

Note: This topic discusses the first two pages of the Pay Entity component. The other pages in the Pay Entity component, including the Retro Limits page, the Supporting Element Overrides page, and the Source Bank Link page, are discussed elsewhere in this product documentation.

Page Name

Definition Name


Pay Entity Address Page


Enter address information for a pay entity.

Pay Entities - Processing Details Page


Enter processing details for a pay entity.

A pay entity is the organization that is responsible for paying payees. You can also use a pay entity to define the type of currency for processing calculations. The pay entity is a legal definition of an organization from a payroll perspective. In many cases, an organization and a pay entity are identical. Global Payroll doesn't define a relationship between an organization and a pay entity. If several organizations are held by the same holding organization, the holding organization can be the pay entity, or one organization can have several subsidiaries that are individual pay entities. The system defines most accumulators by pay entity.

Batch Processing

Batch processing uses the data on the Processing Details page to determine which elements to load. Only elements that are defined for All Countries (on the Element Name page) and those defined for Specific Country, where the country equals the pay entity country are loaded.

If any element with a different country has been referenced, the batch program logs an error. Depending on that element's importance, the process might cease. If it cannot continue, it issues the following message:

Element %1 (PIN %2) not loaded into UPINA. (N/A for country: %3).

If the process can continue, it issues one of these messages:

Element %1 (PIN %2) - and data for the element - not loaded into the process. (N/A for country: %3)

Element %1 of parent element %2 on Process List %3 is not found in %4. (PIN number %5)

Note: Reasons other than country assignment can prevent an element from being loaded.

Use the Pay Entity Address page (GP_PYENT_NAME) to enter address information for a pay entity.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Organizational > Pay Entities > Pay Entity Address

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pay Entity Address.

Pay Entity Address

Field or Control



Select the country where your pay entity is located.


Click the Edit Address link to enter the pay entity address. The system displays the appropriate address fields for the selected country. Address information fields aren't required; therefore, you can enter only the information that applies to your organization's pay entity. Leave other fields blank.

Use the Pay Entities - Processing Details page (GP_PYENT_PRCS_DTL) to enter processing details for a pay entity.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Organizational > Pay Entities > Processing Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pay Entities - Processing Details page.

Pay Entities - Processing Details page

Warning! Do not modify fields above the effective-dated area of the page after implementation. Doing so can destroy the integrity of retroactive and accumulator calculations.

Field or Control



Select the processing country for this pay entity.

Period Definition

Field or Control


Calendar Yearly Start Month and Calendar Yearly Start Day

Enter the start date for the pay entity's calendar year. This date becomes the default start date for accumulators that are based on calendar year, unless you specify otherwise in the accumulator definition.

Fiscal Yearly Start Month and Fiscal Yearly Start Day

If your pay entity operates on a fiscal year that's different from the calendar year, enter the start date of the fiscal year. This date is used as the default start date for accumulators that are based on fiscal year, unless you specify otherwise in the accumulator definition.

Payment Information

Field or Control


Payment Key 1-4

If your business rules require the use of payment keys, you can set them up here. A pay entity can have up to four payment keys. Values are: Company, Contract Number, Department, and Establishment ID.

Payment keys are used primarily during forwarding retroactive situations. When a payment key exists (for example, company or contract number) for the recalculation period (the period from which the retroactive deltas are being forwarded) and the deltas are being forwarded to the current period, the system keeps the retroactive delta data separate in the current pay period. This enables the system to run a separate gross-to-net calculation in the current pay period for that set of payment keys, creating an additional GP_PYE_SEG_STAT record.

Source Bank ID

Enter the default source bank that funds payroll activities for this pay entity's payees. You can override this value through the Source Bank Link page.

Processing Currency

The processing currency defined at the pay entity level is the unit to which other currencies are converted before calculations are made.

Field or Control


Currency Code

Select the default processing currency, which the system uses for calculations and reports and as the default for any element without an associated currency.

Note: If the effective date changes during a pay period, the system uses the currency that's effective at the end of that pay period. Any change of currency should coincide with the beginning of a pay period.

No Rounding

Select to prevent rounding in currency conversion.

Use Specified Rounding

Select to have the system run a rounding rule for currency conversion, regardless of the value's source (for example, positive input, accumulators, or historical rules).

Rounding Rule Element

If you selected Use Specified Rounding, enter the rounding rule element that you want to use for rounding.

Allow Eligibility Override Using Positive Input

Select to enable positive input to override eligibility group defaults. Enables you to override the effect that eligibility groups have on what elements a payee can receive.

For example, suppose that during the batch process the system encounters positive input for an earning element that is not in a payee's eligibility group. By selecting Positive Input, you are telling the system to process the positive input.

With retroactivity, it's necessary to recalculate prior periods in the same currency as the original calculation for the pay period. When the recalculation and the current period have different processing currencies, the difference between the new and old values is computed in the currency of the original calculation.

The retroactive deltas are converted to the processing currency with the exchange rate as of the effective date defined at the payee level (period begin date, end date, and pay date). Retroactive adjustments are, therefore, computed in the processing currency.


From January to June 2001, the currency is set to FRF (French francs). In July, you switch to EUR. In July there is retroactivity for a payee effective in June 2001. The recalculations are done using FRF. The delta is first calculated in FRF and converted to the EUR, using the exchange rate as of the current pay period. Retro adjustments are brought forward into the current period in EUR.

The delta is calculated and stored in FRF. When the July calendar is processed, deltas that are designated or qualified to be pulled into the July calendar are pulled in and converted to EUR before they are used in the July calculations.