Using the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to Work with Absences as an Employee

Employees can use the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to request absences, view absence requests, and view absence balances.

Click the Time tile on the Employee Self Service home page to access a list of PeopleSoft Time and Labor, and PeopleSoft Absence Management self-service tasks. The tasks listed are based on the applications that are installed and on the security access of the logged in user.

This topic describes the PeopleSoft Absence Management tasks that you access using the Time tile. For more information on the PeopleSoft Time and Labor tasks, see Using PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface for Time Reporting as an Employee

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 43: Absence Balance and Forecast Enhancements

Page Name

Definition Name


Time Tile

HC_TL_START_NAV_FLU_ESS2_GBL (this is the cref for the tile)

Access the PeopleSoft Time and Labor, and PeopleSoft Absence Management self-service pages.

Time Home Page


Access employee self-service absence transactions.

Manage Absences Tile


Access Request Absence page.

Manage Absences Page


Enter self-service absence requests.

Cancel Absences Tile


Access Cancel Absences page.

Cancel Absences Page


Cancel an absence request.

View Requests Tile


Access View Requests page.

View Requests Page


View your absence requests.

Absence Details Page


View details of your absence requests.

Absence Balances Tile


Select to access Absence Balances page.

Balances Page


View your current absence balances.

Extended Absence Request Tile


Access the Extended Absence Request page.

Extended Absence Request Page


View and create extended absence requests.

Extended Absence Request Activity Guide


Create an extended absence request using the activity guide.

Use the Time tile to access the fluid Time pages.


The Time tile is delivered as part of the Employee Self Service home page, but the location can change if you change the delivered home pages or if administrators personalize their home pages.

As an employee, you can add the tile, through personalization, to a system-delivered home page or a home page that you create.

This example illustrates the Time tile.

Time tile

Select the Time tile to access these employee self-service absence transactions easily without using traditional menu navigations:

  • Manage Absences

  • Cancel Absences

  • View Requests

  • Absence Balances

  • Extended Absence Request

Use the Time (HC_TL_EMP_DSHBD_FL_LINK) home page to access the PeopleSoft Absence Management pages.


The Time tile is delivered as part of the Employee Self Service home page, but the location can change if you change the delivered home pages or if administrators personalize their home pages.

As an employee, you can add the tile, through personalization, to a system-delivered home page or a home page that you create.

Select Time Tile to access the actionable tiles.

The following video provides an overview of the Absence Actionable Tiles.

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 29: Redefine Employee Navigation for Time and Labor and Absence Transactions

This example illustrates the Time home page.

Time home page

Use the Manage Absences (HC_HGA_SS_REQ_FLU_GBL) tile to access the Manage Absences Page.


Employee Self Service > Time

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Absences Tile.

Manage Absences tile

Use the Manage Absences page (HGA_SS_REQ_FLU) to enter self-service absence requests.


Employee Self Service > Time > Manage Absences

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Absence page when user selects Apply Absence.

Manage Absence Page with Selected Absence

This example illustrates the Manage Absences page in screen reader mode.

Manage Absences page in screen reader mode

Field or Control


Employee Header

Displays the employee details such as name and role along with employee photo. To configure the employee header data, see (Fluid) Managing Employee Headers.

For employees with multiple active jobs, the Select Another Job link is displayed, You can switch between them as required.

Absence Cards

Displays the recent absence requests. The card includes the Absence name, start date, duration and status of the request. The related actions allows user to open the View Absence and Cancel Absence pages. The page displays the three most recent absence requests, sorted chronologically based on the submission date.

Note: In screen reader mode, the Manage Absences page does not display the absence cards. To view the absence requests, select View all requests link.

In small form factor, the cards are displayed under the Manage Requests tab.

View all requests

Select to open the View Requests Page.

Start Date

Select the first day of the absence event. The field option defaults to the current date. If there's a break in the absence, enter each event separately. For example, if you're out sick for two days, return to work for three days, and are out sick again, enter two absence events. If the absence includes a weekend (say, Thursday to Monday), enter one absence event.

On the small form factor date, selectors are available in the Request Absence tab.

End Date

Select the last day of the absence event.

+1 Day Button

Enables users to add absence end date by one increment.

Absence Name

Select the type of absence you want to request.

Apply Button

Select to view and update the details for your absence request. Additional fields such as Partial Days, Duration, and Comments are displayed.


Displays the hours available.


Select a reason from the available options. Absence reasons are linked to the Absence Name (Take) through the Absence Take Type.

See Defining Absence Types and Reasons.

Partial Days

Select to open the Partial Days modal and enter the partial days information for your absence request.


Displays the hours of your absence based on the Start Date and End Date.


Enter comments for your request.

Spell Check icon

Spell check the text entered in Comments.

Check Eligibility

Select to check if you are eligible to apply the absence.

Add Attachment

Select to add attachment for your absence request.


Select to submit the absence request.

Related Information

The related information panel shows the Balances and Holiday Calendar.

Administrators can add or remove the analytics using configuration.

By default, the Holiday Calendar is configured to show holidays in the next six months.

Use the Display Holiday Calendar in Modal Window to select a different period.

Partial Days Page

Select Partial Days in the absence request page to access the Partial Days modal window and enter the partial day information for your absence request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Partial Days page.

Partial days window

Field or Control


Partial Days

Specify which days of the absence event are partial days. Available options are:

  • All Days

  • End Day Only

  • None

  • Start Day Only

  • Start and End Days

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end date entered on the Manage Absence page.

All Days are Half Days,Start Day is Half Day, and End Day is Half Day

These fields are displayed based on the selection for the Partial Days field. Select Yes or No to indicate which days of the absence event are half days.

Important! These fields are not available unless the Country Take enables you to specify partial days on the Manage Absences page. To configure the display of partial days, see Configure Country Take Setup - Absences Page.

Begin Time and End Time

Enter the start and end time for the partial day. You can also select the time using the time picker. The End Time is calculated and displayed automatically based on the begin time and the unit type, and is non editable. If the duration is days, then the end time is calculated based on the begin time and work schedule. If the duration is hours, then the end time is calculated based on begin time and duration. See Configure Country Take Setup - Absences Page.

Note: These fields are displayed only if the employee indicates that one or more of the days are partial days. These fields are informational only and are not mandatory.

Check Eligibility

Select Check Eligibility to see if you are eligible for the absence request based on the values entered.

When you click the link, a pop up appears displaying the eligibility status.

Eligibility Result Page

Eligibility Result Page

Note: When the current absences submitted by employees are taken, a message 'Eligibility has changed for some of the existing Absence Request. Please click on View Eligibility Details to know the current status.' is displayed.

View Eligibility Details

On checking the eligibility, View Eligibility Details link appears on the screen. Select the link to view the absence eligibility details of the selected employee.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Eligibility Details page.

Eligibility Details Modal

Select row to view the configured user keys corresponding to each entitlement.

Eligibility Details Sub Page

Eligibility Details Sub Page

Note: To view these details at-least one user key should be configured. If not, the link appears as disabled.

Additional Information

Enter any additional information for the absence request. This section of the page appears only if the Display User Fields check box is selected on the Configure Country Take Setup - User Fields Page and you have user fields defined.


Click Add Attachment button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page. The uploaded file will appear as an active link in the Attachment section along with the status, date and time the file was uploaded. You can also add description for the file and delete it, if required.

Note: Attachment option is available based on the configuration defined on the Define Attachments Page.

Attachment subpage can also be configured to add and view multiple attachments with different types and categories. These are derived from the configuration ID set-up. For more information, see Configuring and Working With Attachments

Balance Information

Field or Control


View Balances

Click to view your current absence balances.

View Requests

Click to view your existing absence requests.

On successful submission the user is directed back to the Manage Absence page.

The following video provides an overview of Attachments - Enhanced View of Types and Categories:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 32: Attachments - Enhanced View of Types and Categories

Field or Control


Approval Chain

Click Approval Chain link to access the Approval Chain page, where you can view your absence requests which are pending for approval.

Manage Absences page with Delegation enabled

The employee can enable another person as his/her proxy to delegate the manage absence transaction.

The following video provides an overview of Absence Self Service Delegation for Fluid.

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 29: Absence Self Service Delegation for Fluid

This example illustrates the fields and controls for Request Absence page with proxy enabled.

Request Absence page with Delegation

Note: Assign the role EODL_User to the user to access the Delegation tile and assign delegates.

Select Cancel Absences (HC_HGA_SS_REQCAN_FLU_GBL) tile to access the Cancel Absences page.


Select Time tile is available on the Employee Self Service Home page to access Cancel Absences Tile.

Select Cancel Absences Tile to access the Cancel Absences page.

This example illustrates the Cancel Absences tile.

Cancel Absences Tile

Use the Cancel Absences page (HGA_SS_REQ_FLU) to cancel an absence request.


Employee Self Service > Time > Cancel Absences

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cancel Absences page.

Cancel Absences page

This page lists your existing absence requests.

Select Filter icon icon to edit the display criteria for the absence requests.

Select an absence request to view the details and cancel the absence.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cancel Absences details page.

Cancel Absence details page

Field or Control


Cancel Reason

Select a reason for canceling the absence request.


Enter any additional comments regarding the absence cancellation.

Approval Chain

Click this link to access the Approval Chain page, where you can view your absence requests which are pending for approval.

Cancel Absence

Select to submit the request to cancel the absence. You will receive a message confirming that you want to submit the request to cancel the absence. Select Yes to confirm the cancellation.

The system changes the status of the absence request to Cancel in Progress and routes it to your manager for approval.

Add Attachment

Select to add an attachment for your request.

Note: Previously attached documents are in view only mode. The documents attached as a part of cancel request can be edited before submitting. All attachments as part of Absence Request and Cancel Absence are part of Approval Request.

Cancel Absences page with Delegation enabled

The employee can enable another person as his/her proxy to delegate the cancelling absence transaction. A Request for selector appears that allows the delegated employee to cancel the absence on other employee's behalf.

This example illustrates the fields and controls for Cancel Absences page with proxy enabled.

Cancel Absences page with proxy enabled

Note: Assign the role EODL_User to the user to access the Delegation tile and assign delegates.

Select View Requests (HC_HGA_SS_REQCAN_FLU_GBL) tile to access the View Requests Page.


Select Fluid Home under the main menu. On the page that appears, select Employee Self Service. The Time tile is available on the Employee Self Service landing page.

Select View Requests Tile to access the View Requests page.

This example illustrates the View Requests tile.

View Requests Tile

Use the View Requests page (HGA_SS_REQHIST_FLU) to view your absence requests.


Click the Time tile on the Employee Self Service fluid home page, then click View Requests on the Time page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Requests page.

View Requests page

This page lists your existing absence requests along with the absence hours and processing status. Select a request to access the Absence Details Page, and view additional information about the request.

Field or Control


Filter icon

Select to filter your absence requests by start date, end date, absence type, and absence status.

View Requests page with delegation enabled

The employee can enable another person as his/her proxy or delegate for viewing absence requests.

This example illustrates the fields and controls for View Requests page with proxy enabled.

View Requests page with proxy enabled

Note: Assign the role EODL_User to the user to access the Delegation tile and assign delegates.

Use the Absence Details (HGA_SS_REQ_FLU) page to view the detailed information for your absence requests.


Employee Self Service > Time > View Requests

Click any absence request to view the Absence Details page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Request Details page.

Absence Details page

This page displays details for a specific absence request along with your current balance for the associated absence type.

Note: You can edit your absence requests and attachments on this page if they have been saved, and not yet submitted.

You can view the Status and the Eligibility Results for the selected absence. Click the View Eligibility link to view your absence eligibility details.

You also have the option to cancel your absence from the Absence Details page. To cancel the absence, select Cancel Absence. This opens a modal page that allows you to select the reason for cancellation, attach supporting documents and add your comments. To complete the cancellation, select Cancel Absence from the modal.

Note: The Cancel Absence button is enabled only if Cancel Allowed By is set to Employee or Employee and Manager for the selected absence take in the Configure Country Take Setup - Absences Page.

Attachments appear as view only or as editable, depending on the status of the absence. For example, absence in saved status would provide the ability to add attachments while an absence in submitted status will display attachment as a view only grid.

The processing details grid displays the status of the absence event as it relates to processing in payroll.

This example illustrates the Cancel Absence modal in the Absence Details page.

Cancel Absence modal page

Select Absence Balances (HC_HGA_SS_BAL_FLU_GBL) tile to access the Balances page.


Employee Self Service > Time > Absence Balances

This example illustrates the Absence Balances tile.

Absence Balances Tile

Use the Balances (HGA_SS_BAL_FLU) page to view your current absence balances.


Click the Time tile on the Employee Self Service fluid home page, then select Absence Balances tile on the Time page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Balances page.

Absence Balances Page

This page displays your current absence balances and forecast balance.

Select any absence balance row to access the Balance Details Page, to view balance details like Opening, Earned, Taken, and Adjustment balances.

This example illustrates the Balance Details page.

Balance Details Modal

Field or Control


Absence Name

On selecting the absence name, the current balance of the employee based on the selected absence name is displayed.

Forecast Balance

On clicking the Forecast Balance button, you can view the forecast balance details of the employee.

Note: Forecast Balance button appears only once you select a value in the Absence Name field.

View Forecast Details

On clicking the View Forecast Details link, you can view the absence forecast details of the employee.

Note: View Forecast Details link appears on the screen only after you run the forecast balance using the Forecast Balance button.

Absence Balance page with delegation enabled

The employee can enable another person as his/her proxy or delegate for viewing absence balances.

This example illustrates the fields and controls for Absence Balances page with proxy enabled.

Absence Balances page with Delegation

Note: Assign the role EODL_User to the user to access the Delegation tile and assign delegates.

Use the Extended Absence Request (HGA_EA_REQ_LND_FL) tile to access Extended Absence Request page.

The following video gives an overview of the Extended Absence Request Tile:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 31: Extended Absence Request Tile


Select Time tile under Employee Self Service home page. The Extended Absence Request tile is available on the Time tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request Tile.

Extended Absence Request Tile

Select Extended Absence Request tile to open the Extended Absence Request page.

Use the Extended Absence Request page (HGA_EA_REQ_INIT) to create and manage your extended absences. This page lists the saved and submitted extended absence requests.


Employee Self Service > Time > Extended Absence Request

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request Page with saved absences.

Extended Absence Request page with a request

The Extended Absence Request page allows you to view your extended absences and create new requests. Select Add icon to create an extended absence request. Select your absence type and absence take and select Launch to open the Extended Absence Request Activity Guide.

Absence reasons are linked to the Absence Name (Take) through the Absence Take Type. For more information, see Defining Absence Types and Reasons.

The employee can review the existing absence requests and add a child absence if required. Select an absence to view the absence details.

This example illustrates the View Extended Absence Page when an employee selects an absence from the Extended Absence Request page.

View Extended Absence page

Select Add absence to add a child absence for an existing absence.

This example illustrates the Request Absence Page to add a child absence for the extended absence.

Request Absence Modal for Child absence entry

Use the Extended Absence Request activity guide (HGA_EA_REQ_FLU) to create an extended absence request.


  1. Employee Self Service > Time > Extended Absence Request

  2. Select Add icon icon.

  3. Select the Absence Type and Absence Take and select Launch to open the Extended Absence Request activity guide.

The activity guides includes the following steps:

  1. Step 1 of 4: Absence Information

  2. Step 2 of 4: FLMA Eligibility

  3. Step 3 of 4: Attachments and Notes

  4. Step 4 of 4: Review and Submit

Step 1 of 4: Absence Information

Enter the details of the absence such as start and end date and absence reason.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request — Step 1 of 4: Absence Information Page.

Absence Information Step of Extended Absence Request

Field or Control


Start Date

Select the first day of the extended absence event. The field option defaults to the current date.

Expected Return Date

Enter the expected return date.

Actual Return Date

Enter an actual return date according to the leave plan.

Absence Reason

Specify the reason for the selected absence take. Absence reasons are associated with absence takes through absence take types on the Absence Take Types page.


Enter additional comments, if any.

Select Save and Next to continue to Step 2 of 4: FLMA Eligibility.

Step 2 of 4: FLMA Eligibility

Enter the eligibility details for the absence.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request — Step 2 of 4: FLMA Eligibility Page.

FLMA Eligibility Step of Extended Absence Request

Field or Control


Medical Certification

The information in this grid is filled by your FMLA administrator and are not shared with management.

FMLA Eligibility (Employee)

Enter eligibility details in this grid. The employees eligibility criteria will be defined during the time of joining and the information available here will be according the template set.


Enter the comments, if any.

Validate Sections

Select to the validate the entered information.

Select Next to continue to Step 3 of 4: Attachments and Notes.

Step 3 of 4: Attachments and Notes

Add supporting documents and notes for your absence request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request — Step 3 of 4: Attachments and Notes Page.

Attachments and Notes Step of Extended Absence Request

Step 4 of 4: Review and Submit

Review the absence information entered and submit the request.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extended Absence Request — Step 4 of 4: Review and Submit Page.

Review and Submit Step of Extended Absence Request