(NLD) Loading Dutch Postal Codes

To load Dutch postal codes, use the Postal Codes NLD component (RUN_POSTAL_NLD).

This topic discusses how to import Dutch postal codes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Postal Codes NLD Page


Import postal codes into the NLD Postal Code JPN in your human resources system.

Use the Load Postal Codes NLD page (RUNCTL_POSTAL_NLD) to import postal codes into the NLD Postal Code JPN in your human resources system.


Set Up HCM > Install > Country Specific > Load Postal Codes NLD > Load Postal Codes NLD

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Postal Codes NLD page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Postal Codes NLD page

The Dutch postal authority provides a postal code table to which you can subscribe. The Load Postal Code Table process loads all of the postal codes provided in a source file by the Dutch Post (TPG Post) into your human resources system.

Report Request Parameters

Field or Control


Initial Load file

Enter the initial postal code load file, including the path information, if you're adding Dutch postal code data to your system for the first time.

Update Load File

Enter the updated postal code file, including the path information, if you're doing a periodic update of the Dutch Postal Code Table.


Click to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the NLD Load Postal Code Table process at user-defined intervals.