Setting Up and Using HR Notifications

To set up HR Notification functionality, use the HR Notification Installation (HCSC_NOTIF_INSTALL), Notification Recipient Setup (HCSC_RCPNT_SETUP), Configure HR Embedded Link (HCSC_LINK_SETUP), Assign HR Embedded Links (HCSC_LINK_ASSIGN), Define Notification Category (HCSC_CAT_SETUP), Map HR Notification Category (HCSC_CAT_COMP_TBL), and Configure Email Template (HCSC_NOTIF_TMPL) components.

This topic discusses how to set up and use HR notifications.

Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer Framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location.

Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications.

Notifications delivered with HCM Image 47 or later must use Notification Composer.

For more information about Notification Composer Framework, see Understanding Notification Composer.

Page Name

Definition Name


HR Notification Installation Page


Enable the HR Notification feature and specify user roles for sending announcements or publishing alert notifications.

Specify Recipient Type Information Page


Enter general information about the recipient type.

Setup Security Page


(Optional) Specify roles of users who can compose and send notifications to this recipient type.

Select Recipient Population Method Page


Define the recipient list population method.

Select Prompt Record Page


Specify the record and field to be queried in the recipient lookup to fetch relevant recipients for this recipient type.

Select Prompt Search Fields Page


Specify search fields to be used in the recipient lookup.

Select Recipient Population Method - Confirmation Page


Review recipient type settings prior to submission.

Selection Criteria Page


View all the recipient groups or recipients for the created or existing recipient type.

Recipient Details Page


View the recipients for the selected rows from the search results.

Configure HR Embedded Link Page


Set up links that can be included in notifications.

Assign HR Embedded Links Page


Associate embedded links to application components.

Define Notification Category Page


Identify categories of notifications.

Map HR Notification Category Page (for Fluid)


(Fluid) Associate notification categories to fluid components that use fluid HR Notification.

Configure Email Template Page


Configure PeopleTools Generic Template for use in HR Notifications.

Template Variables Page (or Notification Variables Page)


Identify the variable values for the message text.

HR Notification Page


Compose and send notifications.

Advanced Options Page


Specify options for future or recurring notifications or announcements.

Notification Category Details Page


View the selected notification category details, preference settings, and defined notification types.

HR Announcement Page


Compose and send announcements.

(Fluid) HR Notification Page or Notify Employee (from the My Team pages)


Compose and send notifications using the fluid pages.

Notification Log Summary Page


View the content of notification logs.

Notification Log Details Page


View the status of each email logged, along with comments indicating why it failed.

Process Notifications Page


Run the HCSC_NOTIFY AE program to process pending and recurring notifications.

Use the HR Notification Installation page (HCSC_NOTIF_INSTALL) to enable the HR Notification feature and specify user roles for sending announcements or publishing alert notifications.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > HR Notification Installation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Notification Installation page.

HR Notification Installation Page

Use this page to identify the roles that have access to send an announcement or alert. Leave the Access Control grid blank to indicate that all roles have the access.

HR Notification

Field or Control


Enable HR Notification

Select to enable the HR Notification functionality in the HCM system.

Announcement Access

Field or Control


Role Name

Enter the user role to limit the rights to publish announcements only to users with that user role.

If no roles are selected, all users are able to publish announcements.


Select this check box to enable a specific role to have access to post announcements to a person’s home page, dashboard, or the WorkCenter.

Notification Admin Access

The HR Notification Installation will enable you to set roles that have access to all HR Notifications regardless of who created it. Access can be limited to Read Only or Read/Update ability.

Note: With a role specified, you can either view or view and update all HR Notifications. Without role setup on the HR Notification Installation page, you will only be able to view or view and update your own notifications.

Use the Specify Recipient Type Information page (HCSC_RCPNT_SETUP) to enter general information about the recipient type.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Notification Recipient Setup > Specify Recipient Type Information

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Specify Recipient Type Information page.

Specify Recipient Type Information page

Field or Control


Data Type

Specify if the recipient type is customer data, sample data, or system data.

System Delivered Recipient Types

This table lists the delivered recipient types for use in creating HR notifications:

Recipient Type


User List Source


System Wide Distribution




App Class



App Class



App Class


GP Paygroup



HR Business Unit

App Class


HR Group ID

App Class


Job Code

App Class


Payroll Administrator

Role Based





Position Number

App Class



App Class


Task Profile

App Class


TL Group ID

App Class


Union Code

App Class



App Class

Use the Setup Security page (HCSC_RCPNT_SECURIT) to optionally specify roles of users who can compose and send notifications to the recipient type.


Select the Next button on the Specify Recipient Type Information Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Security page.

Setup Security page

The system uses the user’s operator ID to validate role based security for recipient type. When drafting notifications, the user can only select recipient types that are associated with user roles that the user has.

Note: If the user doesn’t have any bind parameters or the user input for a query, two steps of Select Prompt Record and Search Prompt Search Fields are skipped and the process directly moves to the Confirmation step.

Field or Control


Role Name

Enter the user role to limit the rights to send notifications to this recipient type only to users with that user role.

If no roles are selected, all users are able send notifications to this recipient type.

Use the Select Recipient Population Method page (HCSC_RCPNT_SOURCE) to define the recipient list population method.


Select the Next button on the Setup Security Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select Recipient Population Method page.

Select Recipient Population Method page

This example illustrates the example of the Skip Prompt Records Steps.

Activity Guide Setup

This case is applicable only for User List Source, Query and SQL Definition where no User input is required.

Field or Control


User List Source

Select the method used to resolve the list of intended recipients for the recipient type. Options are:

  • All Users

    Notifications are sent to all users in the HCM system.

  • Role Based

    Use this option to create recipient types that are groups of people with the same role, for example, Payroll Administrator.

  • SQL Definition

    This option is useful for advanced implementers who want to populate their recipient lists through Application Designer SQL.

    The SQL output should be single column output, which returns valid EMPLIDs.

  • Query Based

    This option is an alternative of SQL Definition, if Application Designer access is not available.

    The QUERY output should be single column output, which returns valid EMPLIDs.

    Note: If the User List Source is Query Based or SQL Definition type and the query do not require any user inputs to resolve the steps, then the steps of Select Prompt Record and Select Prompt Search Fields are skipped and directly navigated to the Confirmation step in the Notification Recipient Setup.

    When adding a new recipient type that does not require a prompt, then the setup activity guide will skip those steps related to prompt records.

  • App Class

    This option is the most flexible way to define and implement recipient population.

    The App Class method should return an array of string with valid EMPLIDs.

Before sending notification/announcement, the AE program resolves (using the selected method) recipient types to get a list of intended recipients with their email IDs and User IDs.

Select Source

Fields in this section change based on the selected user list source. Enter additional information for the selected source.

If the selected user list source is:

  • SQL Definition, enter the SQL object identifier.

  • Role Based, enter the user role.

  • Query Based, enter the query.

  • App Class, enter the application class, package, and method.

Use the Select Prompt Record page (HCSC_RCPNT_RECPRMT) to specify the record and field to be queried in the recipient lookup to fetch relevant recipients for this recipient type.

Note: If the user doesn’t have any bind parameters or the user input for a query, two steps of Select Prompt Record and Search Prompt Search Fields are skipped and the process directly moves to the Confirmation step.


Select the Next button on the Select Recipient Population Method Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select Prompt Record page.

Select Prompt Record page

This page doesn’t apply if the selected user list source on the Select Recipient Population Method page is either All Users or Role Based.

The system uses information on this page to create a dynamic page that prompts users to search and select recipients.

Use the Select Prompt Search Fields page (HCSC_RCPNT_FLDPRMT) to specify search fields to be used in the recipient lookup.

Note: If the user doesn’t have any bind parameters or the user input for a query, two steps of Select Prompt Record and Search Prompt Search Fields are skipped and the process directly moves to the Confirmation step.


Select the Next button on the Select Prompt Record Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select Prompt Search Fields page.

Select Prompt Search Fields page

This page doesn’t apply if the selected user list source on the Select Recipient Population Method page is either All Users or Role Based.

Key Fields

Field or Control


Key Value

Enter a key field to be displayed and used in recipient lookup as a search field. You can enter a maximum of four key fields.

The lookup limits the selection of key fields to those that belong to the record selected on the Select Prompt Record page.

Field Label

Displays the user defined label of the key field as default. The label can be edited, and is used as the key field label in the recipient lookup of the HR Notification page.

Record Name and Display Name

Enter the record to be used to fetch values of the key field, if prompt lookup for the key field is needed. Enter the display name as well.


Click to make the prompt lookup available to the key field in the recipient lookup.

This field is enabled only if record name and display name values are provided.

Use the Confirmation page (HCSC_RCPNT_CONFIRM) to review recipient type settings prior to submission.


Select the Next button on the Select Prompt Search Fields Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Confirmation page (1 of 2).

Confirmation page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Confirmation page (2 of 2).

Confirmation page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


View Recipient List list

Select to view the recipient list for a particular Recipient type. The selection criteria and recipient details can be viewed in the Selection Criteria window.

Use the Selection Criteria page (HCSC_RCPNT_SEC) to view all the recipient groups or recipients for the created or existing recipient type.


Select the View Recipient List link on the Select Recipient Population Method - Confirmation Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selection Criteria page.

Recipient Criteria Window

Select the check box for one or several rows and then OK to access the Recipient Details Page and view the recipients for these rows.

Use the Recipient Details page (HCSC_RCPNT_LST_SEC) to view the recipients for the selected rows from the search results.


This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Recipient Details page.

Recipient Details page

The Recipient Details page displays the recipients that meet the conditions in the To, CC, or BCC fields on the HR Notification Page.

Use the Configure HR Embedded Link page (HCSC_LINK_SETUP) to set up links that can be included in notifications.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Configure HR Embedded Link

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure HR Embedded Link page.

Configure HR Embedded Link page

Field or Control


Link Type

Select the type of the embedded link you are creating. Options are:

  • Menu Item

  • URL


Enter the URL.

This field appears if the selected link type is URL.

Select Menu Item link

Click this link to select a content reference from the tree structure on the Select a content reference page (HCSC_CRFURL_SELECT) for the menu item.

Once selected, the system populates the Portal Name, Portal Object Name, and Portal Name fields with values pertaining to the selected content reference.


This section lists (if applicable) the portal name, component name, market, and navigation path of the selected menu item.

Field or Control


URL link

Select to access the page that recipients go to when they click this embedded link from the notifications they receive at runtime.

Use the Assign HR Embedded Links page (HCSC_LINK_ASSIGN) to associate embedded links to application components.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Assign HR Embedded Links

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign HR Embedded Links page.

Assign HR Embedded Links page

In order for a user to include an embedded link in the notification that is created from an application component, you need to associate that embedded link to the application component on the Assign HR Embedded Links Page.

When the user composes a notification from an application component, he or she can only select embedded links that are assigned to that application component to add to the notification.

Field or Control


Link Name

Select the embedded link to be associated with the specified component.

Use the Define Notification Category page (HCSC_CAT_SETUP) to identify categories of notifications.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Define Notification Category

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Notification Category page.

Define Notification Category Page

Field or Control


Notification Category

Enter a notification category name.

Object Owner ID

Select the PeopleSoft application to which this category belongs.

Notification Event ID

This field is available only when the Notification Composer is enabled in HCM options. To enable, see the Notification Composer section in the HCM Options Page.

This ID is defined while creating a new notification. For more information, see the Add New Notification Page topic.

When you assign a notification event ID to a category, the user cannot select the delivery method, since these values are predefined in the notification event ID.

Note: The Notification Event IDs belong to Application Notification category are only available for searching in this field.

Role Name

Specify roles that will have access to this category.

If no roles are added, all users are able to access this category.

Use the Map HR Notification Category page (HCSC_CAT_COMP_TBL) to associate notification categories to fluid components that use fluid HR Notification.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Map HR Notification Category

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Map HR Notification Category page.

Map HR Notification Category page

Field or Control


Component Name

Enter the fluid component.

Note: If you do not map a component, the system uses HR Notification as the default category.

Object Owner ID

Select the PeopleSoft application to which this category belongs.

Notification Category

Enter a notification category name.

Use Configure Email Template page (HCSC_NOTIF_TMPL) to configure PeopleTools Generic Template and use it in the HR Notification page to compose and send notifications.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Configure Email Template

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Email Template page.

Configure Email Template page

Field or Control



Displays the subject of the PeopleTools Generic Template.

Message Text

Displays the message text of the PeopleTools Generic Template.

View Template Variables link

Select to view the description of the bind values used in the Subject/Message Text. This link will be available only if Subject/Message Text has bind values.

For more information, refer to PeopleSoft: Workflow Technology: "Using Notification Templates," Defining Generic Templates.

Select Bind Parameter Population Method

Enter the application package, class and method to resolve the list of bind parameters.

The App Class method should return an array of string with values for an EMPLID. Before sending notification, the AE program resolves bind parameters using the selected method with the values.

Field or Control


Package Name

Select an application package.


Select the qualified package or path of the application package.

Class Name

Select the class name of the application package.


Select the method to be executed to resolve bind parameters.

Template Security

Field or Control


Security Type

Select one among the two options for security type: Public Access or Security Access.

Use the Template Variables or Notification Variables page (HCSC_GEN_TMPL_VAR) to identify the variable values for the message text.


This example illustrates the Template Variables page.

Template Variables page

Use the HR Notification page (HCSC_NOTIF_ADHOC) to compose and send notifications.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > HR Notification

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Notification page.

HR Notification Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Notification Page with Priority and Sender fields available.

HR Notification Page with Priority and Sender

Use this page to compose and send ad hoc notifications that are not associated with any transaction component. On the search page, you can find a list of notifications that have been delivered or are scheduled to deliver to recipients.

Note: Recipient Types using PS Query populates recipients based on the Query Security and Query Security Record associated with the Records in PS Query.

If the notifying user has access to PS Query and if the PS Query is joined with the Query Security Record, then the recipients are retrieved based on the security enforced.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Notification Page selected with a Notification Category which is associated to a Notification Event ID.

HR Notification Page with a Notification Category

Field or Control


Process Monitor link

Select to access the Process List page to view the current status of the AE Program for Sending Notifications (HCSC_NOTIFY AE program).

Save (icon link)

Select to save the entered values.

Send (icon link)

Select to send the notification. This triggers the Notification process and send message to the recipients.

If the notification has a future posting date, it is saved and will be sent on the posting date.

Add Links (icon link)

Select to access the Look Up Link Name page (HCSC_NOTIF_LIN_SEC) and select an embedded link to add to the notification.

Add Attachments (icon link)

Select to access the Find Attachment page and upload a file attachment to the notification.

Delete (icon link)

Select to remove the notification from the HCM system. If you are drafting the notification, select this button to clear all of its content.

Advanced Options (icon link)

Select to access the Advanced Options Page to specify options for future or recurring notifications.

When the deliver method is Email, the Advanced Options page will contain logging options.

Description Field

Describe the notification message.

Notification Category

This field is available when the delivery method includes In-App.

Select a category type for this notification. Categories are defined on the Define Notification Category Page.

View Category Details link

This link is available when the notification category is associated with a notification event ID.

Select to access the Notification Category Details Page to view details about the notification category.

Delivery Method

This field is not available when the selected notification category is associated with a notification event ID, since this value is predefined in the Notification Event ID.

Select the type of notification to be delivered to intended recipients. Options are:

  • Email: This option will email messages to recipients’ mailboxes.

  • Email and In-App: This option will post an alert to the Alerts page of the Notification window accessible from the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface header, and send an email message to the recipient.

  • In-App: This option will post an alert to the Alerts page of the Notification window accessible from the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface header.

Note: The In-App delivery method is not available if the user does not have the right role to send in-app notifications (as configured on the HR Notification Installation Page by user role). In this case, the user is only able to send email notifications.

Email Template ID

This field is available when the delivery method is Email.

Search and enter the email template ID.


This field is available when the notification category is not associated with a notification event ID, since this value is predefined in the Notification Event ID.

Specify the priority for sending an email.

This field is available when the delivery method includes a Notification or Email.


This field is available when the delivery method is Email and when the notification category is not associated with a notification event ID, since those values are predefined in the Notification Event ID.

Specify the sender and email address.

To, CC, and BCC

Select recipients for the notification using the Recipient lookup icon.

On the Recipient Lookup page, select a recipient type and enter search criteria in the respective search fields

The user can see and select the recipient types to which he or she is given access when drafting notifications.

See also Setup Security Page.

View Recipient List link

Select this link to access the Recipient Details Page to preview the resolved recipient list in the notification.


Enter the subject of the notification. The Alerts page will display the subject line on the Notification window of fluid.


Enter the content of the notification in the rich text editor. For notifications accessible through the fluid Notification window, users will select the notification to access the Notifications page (HCSC_ANN_DTL_FLU) that will display this detailed message.

The following video provides an overview of the email sender and priority:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 34: HR Notifications Enhancements

Use the Advanced Options page (HCSC_NOTIF_ADV_OPT) to specify options for future or recurring notifications or announcements.


Select the Advanced Options button on the HR Notification Page or HR Announcement Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Advanced Options page.

Advanced Options

Posting Options

Field or Control


Posting Date

Select the date to send the notification or announcement to intended recipients. To send the notification or announcement some time in the future, enter a future date. The notification is saved and will be sent on the future date.

Note: Do not enter a past date as the posting date.

Announcement Expiry Date

This field is not available for entry when accessed from the HR Notification Page.

This field is not visible if the user doesn’t have the right to send announcements.

Specify the date when the announcement no longer shows on the Announcements pagelet.

User may delete this announcement

This field is not available when accessing the page from the HR Notification Page.

This field is not visible if the user doesn’t have the right to send announcements.

Select to give recipients the option to delete the announcement from the pagelet, if needed.

Recurring Options

Field or Control



Select to mark the notification or announcement as recurring.


Select the frequency of the recurring notification or announcement.

Options are:

  • Every Day

  • Every Month

  • Every Other Month

  • Every Other Week

  • Every Week

Start Day

This field is not visible if the selected frequency is Every Day.

Enter the day of the week or the day of the month to start sending the recurring notification or announcement.

Note: If the user selects the last date of the month, the system assumes that the user intends to send the notification or announcement at the end of every month. For example, if 31st is selected, the system sends the notification on the 31st of January, 28th or 29th of February, 31st of March, 30th of April and so on.

Recurring End Date

Enter the date when the delivery of the recurring notification or announcement ends.

Logging Options

This section is available when you select Email as the Delivery Method on the HR Notification Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Advanced Options page for Email Notification.

Advanced Options page for Email

Field or Control


Enable Logging

Select the logging options as Email or None. Log information is stored in HCSC_NLOG_TBL record.

Exceptions Only

This check box is available when you select the Email option in the Enable Logging field.

Select to log only exceptions.

Use the Notification Category Details page (HCSC_CAT_NOTNC_SEC) to view the selected notification category details, preference settings, and defined notification types.


Select the View Category Details link on the HR Notification Page.

Note: This page will be available only if the notifications category is associated with a Notification Event.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on Notification Category Details page.

Notification Category Details Page

Use the HR Announcement page (HCSC_NOTIF_ADHOC) to compose and send announcements. It delivers the announcement to the Announcement pagelet added to a homepage, a WorkCenter, or a dashboard page to which recipients have access.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > HR Notification > HR Announcement

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HR Announcement page.

HR Announcement Page

Use this page to compose and send ad hoc announcements that are not associated with any transaction component. On the search page, you can find a list of announcements that have been delivered or are scheduled to deliver to recipients.

Note: Recipient Types using PS Query populates recipients based on the Query Security and Query Security Record associated with the Records in PS Query.

If the notifying user has access to PS Query and if PS Query is joined with the Query Security Record, then the recipients are retrieved based on the security enforced.

Field or Control


Process Monitor (link)

Select to access the Process List page to view the current status of the AE Program for Sending Notifications (HCSC_NOTIFY AE program).

Save (icon button)

Select to save the entered values.

Send (icon button)

Select to send the announcement. This triggers the announcement process and send message to the recipients.

If the announcement has a future posting date, it is saved and will be sent on the posting date.

Add Links (icon button)

Select to access the Look Up Link Name page (HCSC_NOTIF_LIN_SEC) and select an embedded link to add to the announcement.

Add Attachments (icon button)

Select to access the Find Attachment page and upload a file attachment to the announcement.

Delete (icon button)

Select to remove the announcement from the HCM system. If you are drafting the announcement, select this icon link to clear all of its content.

Advanced Options (icon button)

Select to access the Advanced Options Page to specify options for future or recurring announcements.


Describe the announcement message.


Select recipients for the announcement using the Recipient lookup icon.

On the Recipient Lookup page, select a recipient type and enter search criteria in respective search fields

The user can see and select the recipient types to which he or she is given access when drafting announcements.

See also Setup Security Page.

View Recipient List

Select this link to access the Recipient Details Page to preview the resolved recipient list.


Enter the subject of the announcement. The Alerts page will display the subject line on the Announcement pagelet of fluid.


Enter the content of the announcement in the rich text editor. For announcements accessible through the fluid Announcement pagelet, users will select the alert to access Announcements page (HCSC_ANN_DTL_FLU) that will display this detailed message.

Use the HR Notification fluid page (HCSC_NOTIF_ADH_FLU) to compose and send notifications using the fluid pages.

Note: The page header label may vary based on configuration settings.


Select the Related Actions menu item next to an employee’s name in the fluid pages and select the Notify Employee item.

Note: This is available as a Related Content Service (Service ID: HCSC_NOTIFY_FLU), and can be configured as a Related Action on any fluid page.

To access this page, the user profile should be associated with role Shared Components Fluid.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notify Employee page in fluid when the Email options are selected

Notify Employee page in fluid when the Email options are selected

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notify Employee page in fluid.

Notify Employee page in fluid when mapped to a category

Use this page to compose and send ad hoc notifications from the fluid pages.

Select the type of notification to be delivered to intended recipients. You can select In-App, Email, or both.

Note: The In-App and Email delivery method options are not available when a component is mapped to a notification category that is associated with a notification event ID, since those options are predefined in the Notification Event ID. For more information, see Define Notification Category Page and Map HR Notification Category Page (for Fluid).

Field or Control



This field is not available if the notification category is associated with an notification event ID.

Select this option to post an alert to the Alerts page of the Notification window accessible from the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface header.


This field is not available if the notification category is associated with an notification event ID.

Select this option to email messages to recipients’ mailboxes. When you select this option the CC/BCC field becomes available.

CC/BCC (carbon copy/blind carbon copy)

This check box is available when you select Email as a delivery method.

Select this option to show the CC and BCC fields to copy other individuals on the email notification.

To, CC, or BCC

Select recipients for the notification using the Recipient lookup icon.

On the Recipient Lookup page, select a recipient type and enter search criteria in respective search fields.

The user can see and select the recipient types to which he or she is given access when drafting notifications.

See also Setup Security Page.


Enter the subject of the notification. The Alerts page will display the subject line on the Notification window of fluid.


Enter the content of the notification in the rich text editor. For notifications accessible through the fluid Notification window, users will select the alert to access Announcements page (HCSC_ANN_DTL_FLU) that will display this detailed message.

Add Attachment button

Select to access the File Attachment page and upload a file attachment to the notification.

Send button

Select to send the notification. This triggers the process to send notification message and send messages to the Notification window using the PT Notifications API.

Use the Notification Log Summary page (HCSC_NOTIF_LOG_SUM) to view the contents of the notification logs.



Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > HR Notification > Notification Logs > Notification Log Summary

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notification Log Summary Page.

Notification Log Summary Page

Note: While creating the notification email, if the logging option was enabled under the Advanced Options, then the Notification Log Summary page displays results. You can capture all the emails or just the failed attempts.

Field or Control


View Details

Select this link to access the Notification Log Details Page to view the notification log details.

Use the Notification Log Details page (HCSC_NOTIF_LOG_DTL) to view the status of each email logged, along with comments indicating why it failed.


Select the View Details link on the Notification Log Summary Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notification Log Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Notification Log Details