(ARG) Providing Additional Information for Argentinean Employees

These topics discuss providing additional information for Argentinean employees.

Page Name

Definition Name


Additional Information ARG Page


Enter additional employee information.

Health Benefits Page


Declare the Social Security Plan and health provider data for each employee.



Manage the Integral Retirement and Pension System data required by the government of Argentina.

Use the Additional Information ARG page (ADDL_INFO_ARG) to enter additional employee information.


Workforce Administration > Job Information > Additional Information ARG > Additional Information ARG

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Additional Information ARG page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Additional Information ARG page

Field or Control


CAT Entry Date (Clave Alta Temprana Entry Date)

Enter the date that the early registration code was assigned to the employee.

CAT ID (Clave Alta Temprana ID)

Enter the early registration code requested by the employer.

Notification Date and Termination Reason

Enter the termination notification date and reason for the employee if applicable. GP for Argentina captures this information in the Working Relationship text file of the My Simplification (GPAR_MYSIMP) report.

See Also Global Payroll for Argentina Reports: A to Z

Use the Health Benefits page (ADDL_HB_ARG) to declare the Social Security Plan and health provider data for each employee.


Workforce Administration > Job Information > Additional Information ARG > Health Benefits

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Health Benefits page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Health Benefits page

Social Security Plan

Field or Control


Social Security Code

Select the code for the employee's Social Security entity.

Social Security Plan Code

Select the plan code for the employee's Social Security entity.

SS Affiliate Number (Social Security Affiliate Number)

Enter the employee's identification number for the Social Security entity.

SS Card Expiration Date (Social Security Card Expiration Date)

Enter the expiration date of the employee's Social Security card.

Health Provider Plan

Field or Control


Health Provider Code

Select the code for the employee's health provider entity.

Health Provider Plan Code

Select the code for the employee's health provider plan.

HP Affiliate Number (Health Provider Affiliate Number)

Enter the employee's identification number for the health provider entity.

HP Card Expiration Date (Health Provider Card Expiration Date)

Enter the expiration date for the employee's health provider card.

Use the SICOSS page (ADDL_SIJP_ARG) to manage the Integral Retirement and Pension System data required by the government of Argentina.


Workforce Administration > Job Information > Additional Information ARG > SICOSS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SICOSS page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.


Field or Control


Report Worked Time as

Select how to report worked time. The default value, Pay Group default value, reports worked time based on the pay group. You can override the value set by the pay group for this employee. Select Days to report the amount of worked days in the month, or select Hours to report the amount of hours worked in the month.

Retirement Plan

Select the employee's retirement plan. The default value is Government Retirement Plan.

Corporate Retirement Plan is available for selection only when the effective date is before January 1, 2009.

AFJP Code (Administratoras de Fondos de Jubilaciones y Pensiones Code)

Select the employee's AFJP code. This field is displayed only when the value in the Retirement Plan field is Corporate Retirement Plan. This is possible only when the effective date is before January 2, 2009.

Hire Modality Code

Select the employee's Hire Modality Code value.

Employee Situation Code

Select the employee's Employee Situation Code value.

Condition Code

Select the employee's Condition Code value.

Accident Code

Select the Accident Code value.

Geographic Zone Code

Select the Geographic Zone Code.

Activity Type Code

Select the corresponding Activity Type Code.