(Fluid) Managing Remote Worker Information

With an increased number of employees working outside the traditional office setting, your organization can record and track your remote workforce using PeopleSoft HCM. Employees can submit remote worker requests for themselves using the Remote Worker tile. In addition, HR administrators and managers have similar tiles to submit requests on behalf of an employee.

Administrators and managers can also use the Approvals framework to approve employee requests. Fluid Approvals supports the following Remote Worker approval transaction type for this feature. For information on using the common Pending Approvals and Approvals History pages, see also Using PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Self-Service Approval Transactions.

These videos provide an overview of the Fluid Remote Worker feature:

Video: Image Highlight, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 40: Remote Worker

Video: PeopleSoft Remote Worker

Video: Image Highlight, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 48: Remote Worker Request Update Enhancement

This topic discusses managing remote worker information using the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

Page Name

Definition Name


Remote Worker Tile (for Administrators)

HC_HR_RWORK_FL (This is the cref for this tile)

Enter and review remote worker requests for the workforce using fluid pages.

Remote Worker Request Page


View remote worker rows and initiate the process to create, delete, edit, or view a remote worker request row.

Add Remote Work Request (or Edit Request) Page


Initiate a remote worker request.

The Activity Guide Composer Framework for the Remote Worker Request Component for Administrators and Managers

(Common elements on pages used to enter remote worker requests using fluid)


The fluid Remote Worker Request pages appear within the context of an activity guide.

The activity guide shows a list of remote worker request pages in the left panel and the page that corresponds to the current selected page step in the right panel. The activity guide also provides navigation buttons in the page sub-banner for navigating through the page steps and saves the data.

Remote Worker Request - Guidelines Page


Review any policies or guidelines to work remote.

Remote Worker Request - Request Details Page


Enter the specifics of the remote work request.

Remote Worker Request - Attachments Page


Add or view attachments and notes for a request.

Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit Page


Review a summary of the request and submit it for approval.

Remote Worker Confirmation Page


Confirm that your request has been submitted successfully.

Request Details Page (or Remote Worker Request Page)



View a complete summary of the remote work details for that start date.

Questionnaire Page


View the employee's answers to the remote work questionnaire.

Pending Approvals - Remote Worker Page


Administrators and managers review and take action on remote worker requests.

Attachments Page


Administrators and managers view attachments and notes linked to a request.

Note: This topic discusses the pages common to the administrator, manager, and employee remote worker request pages. For additional remote worker request pages specific to the employee, see Managing Remote Worker Requests as an Employee using Fluid.

Fluid Remote Worker for administrators uses the Configurable Search functionality, which gives organizations the ability to define how the search page will perform and the search field layout. Your organization has control over which fields should appear as criteria, as well as their field order, on the Fluid Remote Worker - Search Criteria page. This allows you to search for an employee using other means, such as location, department, HR status, job code, or business title.

For information on setting up search page configurations, see Setting Up Search Configuration documentation for more information.

This video provides an overview of the Configurable Search feature:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 36: Configurable Search

Delivered Remote Worker Search Record

The PeopleSoft Remote Worker feature delivers the fluid Remote Worker Admin search page. This search uses the standard search record RW_EMP_SRCH_FL. Using this search record, administrators can configure the page to use search criteria such as preferred name, pay group, full or part-time status, HR status, and more.

Important! The Remote Worker Admin content reference for fluid is delivered with an Inactive status on the Search Configuration Page. The configurable search must be set to Active for this content reference to use this search page.

These fields are specific to the Remote Worker search page.



Job Eligible and Position Eligible

Displays if the person's job or position is eligible for remote work.

See the Available for Telework option on the following pages: Manage/Create Position - Position Data Page, Position Data - Specific Information Page, and Job Code Profile Page.

Administrators use the Remote Worker tile from the Administer Workforce home page to enter and review remote worker requests for the workforce using fluid pages.

Note: You must be assigned the Fluid Remote Worker Admin role to access this tile and pages.


The Remote Worker tile will display as part of the fluid Workforce Administrator Homepage when you have been granted the Fluid Remote Worker Admin role.

This example illustrates the Remote Worker tile for the administrator.

Remote Worker tile for the administrator

Click this tile to access the Remote Worker component and pages in Fluid. The system will first display the Remote Worker search page where you will search for and select a worker in your organization and initiate a remote worker request on his or her behalf.

Use the Remote Worker Request page (HR_RW_LANDING_FL) to view remote worker rows and initiate the process to create, delete, edit, or view a remote worker row (based on your user access).


Note: When only one person matches the search criteria, the system will automatically direct you to this page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request page for the employee.

Remote Worker - Request Details page

This page shows a quick summary of an employee’s remote work requests, if any.

Field or Control


Add Request button

Select this button to enter a new remote worker request.

Note: If an in progress row exists (e.g.- Draft or Pending Approval), you cannot add a new row. You can however correct another row.

Best practice is to add a new transaction row and complete the approval process for that request first before adding another row.

Start Date and End Date

For existing requests, the page displays the start date. The end date is not required and may display the field as blank.

When adding a new request that overlaps with the end date of the existing request, or the existing request does not have an end date, the system will insert an end date as the day before the start date of the new request. You do not need to access the existing request to change or add the end date in this scenario.


Displays the status of the remote worker row.

Note: You can only have one in progress row at a time.

Approval Chain

This link is available when you have approval workflow set up and the request has been sent for approval.

Select this link to view the approval status and approver details of a proposed request.

Edit button (Edit) button

(Administrator role) Select to access the row and make corrections to the remote worker request.

When you select an existing row to make updates, the system will open the Add Remote Work Request (or Edit Request) Page. This enables you to update the start date, end date, or remote worker type of the existing row. Click Next to move to the Remote Worker activity guide pages.

Note: Administrators can edit current and future requests, but edits are not allowed on past dated requests.

Delete button (Delete) button

Select to remove the remote worker row. When a remote worker row is deleted, the payroll administrator will receive a notification that the request has been deleted.

This button is available for the specified roles when a request has the following status:

  • Draft status: the Delete button is available for the person who originated the request and the administrator.

  • Pending Approval status: the Delete button is not available for any of the roles. However, those in the approval chain can access the approval request and approve, deny, or push back the request.

  • Approved: the Delete button is available for the manager and the administrator.

Edit/View button (Edit/View) button

If the request is approved, select this button to open the Request Details Page and view the remote work details.

Note: Administrators and managers can edit current and future requests, but edits are not allowed on past dated requests.

If you are the requestor and the row is in Draft status, select this button to access the Remote Worker Request activity guide pages and make updates.

Use the Add Remote Work Request (or Edit Request) page (HR_RW_ADD_RQST_FL) to initiate a remote worker request.


  • Select the Add Request button from the Remote Worker Request Page.

  • Select the Edit button from the administrator Remote Worker Request Page.

    Note: Administrators and managers can edit current and future requests, but edits are not allowed on past dated requests.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Remote Work Request page.

Add Remote Work Request page

Field or Control


Start Date

Enter the date this person will begin working remote. This date will be display only within the Remote Worker Request pages and can only be updated from this page.

When adding a new request that overlaps with the end date of an existing current or future request, or the existing current or future request does not have an end date, the system will insert an end date as the day before the start date of the new request.

  • When the new request overlaps with the previous row:

    The system displays an overlapping warning message. Select OK to have the system update the end date of the previous request.

  • When the previous row has a blank end date:

    The system will not display a warning message. Instead you will be allowed to proceed and the system will automatically enter the end date for the previous request.

Note: You can enter new requests that overlap with current or future rows only. You cannot insert new requests that overlap with past (historical) rows.

End Date

Enter the date this person will be ending their remote work. If you do not know the date, you can leave this field blank.

Note: You do not need to access the existing request to add the end date when adding a new request if the dates overlap or the existing request does not have an end date. The system will automatically insert the day before the start date of the new request as the end date of the existing request.

The new end date will be updated upon approval of the new request. If approvals are not required, it will be updated when you save the new request.

Remote Worker Type

Select one of the following translate values:

  • Fully Remote: Employee will be 100 percent remote.

  • Hybrid: Employee will work part-time remote and part-time in the office.

This value can be changed from within the Remote Worker Request pages.

Next button

Select this button to access the Remote Worker Request activity guide and enter details for the request.

In fluid, the Remote Worker Request component pages appear within the context of the Activity Guide Composer. The PeopleSoft HCM application delivers the RWADMIN Remote Worker Request templates for the Fluid Remote Worker Admin and Fluid Remote Worker Manager pages and contains these steps from the HR_RWORK Remote Worker Category:


HR_RWORK Category Step



Request Details




Review and Submit


To understand or set up templates using the Activity Guide Composer, see the Understanding the Activity Guide Composer documentation.

(Manager and Administrator view) This example illustrates the layout for the Remote Worker Request pages for a manager.

(Manager and Administrator view) Remote Worker activity guide layout

The activity guide shows a list of remote worker request pages (steps) in the left panel and the page that corresponds to the current selected page, or step, in the right panel. The activity guide also provides navigation buttons for navigating through and saving the page steps.

Note: Throughout this topic, the page illustrations show sections of the remote worker process without the context of the left panel activity guide step list. Even though the framework is not illustrated, remember that all steps appear within that framework.

For additional remote worker request pages specific to the employee, see Pages Used to Enter Remote Worker Requests as an Employee Using Fluid.

Remote Worker Request Page Header (Sub-Banner)

A gray area under the main page banner displays the component title Remote Worker Request and contextual information that is specific to the remote worker request, including the person's name and job title, as well as actions buttons.

Field or Control


Previous button Previous button

Click this button to navigate to the previous page.

Navigating to another page saves the data you entered on that page.

The button is not visible on the first step in the request.

Next button Next button

Click this button to navigate to the next page.

Navigating to another page saves the data you entered on that page.

The Review and Submit page does not display the Next button, it displays a Submit button instead.

Submit button Submit button

This button appears on the Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit Page only.

Note: Your request will remain in Draft status until you click the Submit button.

When approvals are required for updating or creating requests, it will be sent to the approving managers or administrators, where they will use the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker Page to take action on a request.

This video provides an overview of Fluid Approvals:

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Fluid Approvals

Left Panel Navigation

The page framework includes a left panel that lists the page tabs in the remote worker request process. Each step displays a status, which is either Not Started or Visited. Required steps will show as In Progress until you complete the step or move away from the page. When you complete a required step and move on, the status changes to Complete. Users can navigate to steps by clicking the page tab or using the navigation buttons in the header (sub-banner). In the Remote Worker Request activity guide, selecting or moving to another page triggers a save process for the page you are leaving. The process will remain in draft status until you submit the request.


The main, right panel displays the page for the current step in the transaction.

Note: For the discussion of the transaction page topics that follow, the page illustrations show the individual Remote Worker Request pages without the context of the activity guide step list, although the system will display the left panel step navigation.

Field or Control


<Title Text>

Displays a page title that includes the step name and corresponds to the tab in the left navigation.

Use the Remote Worker Request - Guidelines page (AGC_INFO_FL) to review any policies or guidelines to work remote.


This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request - Guidelines page.

Remote Worker Request - Guidelines page

Use the Remote Worker Request - Request Details page (HR_RW_RQST_DTL_FL) to enter the specifics of the remote work request.


After accessing the Remote Worker Request component, click the Next or Previous button or select the Request Details tab from the left panel navigation steps.

(Fully Remote) This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request - Request Details page showing someone that is fully remote.

Remote Worker Request - Request Details page for a fully remote employee

(Hybrid) This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request - Request Details page showing someone that will be working a hybrid remote schedule by days of the week.

Remote Worker Request - Request Details page for a hybrid worker with a specific day schedule

(Pending address change: Administrator or Manager view) This example illustrates the Remote Worker Request - Request Details page when an employee has an address change pending.

(Manager or Administrator View) Remote Worker Request - Request Details page when an employee has an address change pending

(Pending address change: Employee View)This example illustrates the Remote Worker Request - Request Details page when an employee has an address change pending.

(Employee View) Remote Worker Request - Request Details page when an employee has an address change pending


Field or Control


Remote Worker Type

Select one of the following translate values:

  • Fully Remote: Employee will be 100 percent remote.

  • Hybrid: Employee will work part-time remote and part-time in the office.

Remote Work Reason

Select the reason for requesting to work remotely. Valid values are defined on the Remote Worker Configuration Page.

Remote Location

Select the location type from which the person will be working remote. Valid values include:

  • Home: Displays the person's home address stored in Personal Data in the Address field.

  • Other: Displays the Add Address button where you can manually add an address.

  • Workplace: Displays the Location Name field, where you can enter a company location.

Location Name

This field appears when you select Workplace for the Remote Location field.

Enter a company location name.

Add Address button

This field appears when you select Other for the Remote Location field.

Click this button to access the Address page and enter the address details.


Displays the current home address where the person will be working remotely.

Note: While the full address appears for the employee, the manager and administrator will only see the state for the employee's home address.

Proposed Address

This field appears when an employee has submitted a home address change that is pending.

Displays the new home address from which the employee will be working remotely.

Note: While the full address appears for the employee, the manager and administrator will only see the state of the employee's home address.

Note: Managers will use the Pending Approvals - <Transaction Name> Page for Address Change to approve the address. Approving a remote work request when an address change is pending will not approve the address.


This field appears when you select Hybrid for the Remote Worker Type field.

Enter the percentage of time this person will be working remotely. This number will be used in the Remote Worker analytics but does not validate against the days a person selects for remote working days.

See also Remote Worker Insights Dashboard (for Administrators).

Remote Days

This field appears when you select Hybrid for the Remote Worker Type field.

Chose from the following valid values:

  • Average Days Per Month

  • Average Days Per Week

  • Specific Days Per Week

Average Days/Month (average days per month)

This field appears when you select Average Days Per Month for the Remote Days field.

Enter the estimated number of days this person will be working remote over a month's time.

Average Days/Week (average days per week)

This field appears when you select Average Days Per Week for the Remote Days field.

Enter the estimated number of days this person will be working remote over a week's time.

Select Days

This section is available when you have indicated a Hybrid schedule and selected the Specific Days Per Week option for the Remote Days field.

Select the days that you will be working remote.

Use the Remote Worker Request - Attachments page (HR_RW_SS_ATTACH_FL) to add or view attachments and notes for a request.


After accessing the Remote Worker Request component, click the Next or Previous button or select the Attachments tab from the left panel navigation steps.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request - Attachments page.

Remote Worker Request - Attachments page

This page uses the Attachments and Notes frameworks to manage attachments and notes by uploading, deleting, or updating attachments using fluid.

When a user submits a request for approval, all attachments on this page will be sent with the request.

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Click this button to access the File Attachment page and upload files.

Add Note button

Click this button to access the Note page and enter additional comments.

Document Name and Description

Select the link to download and view the attachment. Enter a description, or the field will use the attachment file name as the description upon saving (moving away from) the page.

Document Details > button

Select this button to access the Attachment or Note pages. From that page you can view details, update information, or delete the attachment or note row.

Use the Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit page (HR_RW_REVIEW_FL) to review a summary of the request and submit for approval.


After accessing the Remote Worker Request component, click the Next button or select the Review and Submit tab from the left panel navigation steps.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit page.

Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit page

Note: This request will be saved in Draft status until you click the Submit button.

Field or Control


Submit button

The Submit button appears on this page only.

Click this button to save and submit your request.

  • If approvals are required, the request will be sent to the approving managers or administrators, where they will use the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker Page to take action on a request. Also, the payroll administrator will get a notification of this request when it is approved if he or she was not part of the approval chain.

  • If approvals are not required, the information will automatically be saved to the system. The payroll administrator will get a notification of this request when the request is submitted.

Approvals can enabled for both employee and manager requests on the Remote Worker Configuration Page.

After a request has been submitted, the system will display the Remote Worker Confirmation Page for you to review the status of the submit.

This video provides an overview of Fluid Approvals:

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Fluid Approvals

Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer Framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location.

Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications.

Notifications delivered with HCM Image 47 or later must use Notification Composer.

For more information about Notification Composer Framework, see Understanding Notification Composer.

Use the Remote Worker Confirmation page (HR_RW_SUB_CNF_FL) to confirm that your request has been submitted successfully.


Click the Submit button on the Remote Worker Request - Review and Submit Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker page when approvals are turned off.

Remote Worker Confirmation page when approvals are not required

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remote Worker Confirmation page when approvals are required.

Remote Worker Confirmation page when approvals are required

When approvals are configured and enabled on the Remote Worker Configuration Page for either the manager or employee, the message at the top of the page will indicate that it was submit and the Remote Worker Approvals group box will show the approval status and approval chain of the request. When approvals are not enabled, the page will not show the Remote Worker Approvals group box.

Note: The system routes approvals to the primary job supervisor.

Field or Control


Go to Remote Worker Requests button

Click this button to return to the Remote Worker Request Page and view the status of the request.

Approving managers will use the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker Page to review and respond to transaction request.

Use the Request Details page (HR_RW_REVIEW_FL) to view a complete summary of the remote work details for that start date.


  • Select the Edit/View Details > button from the Remote Worker Request Page.

    Note: When you select this option, the sub-banner and page heading will appear as Request Details.

  • Select the View Remote Worker Request link from the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker Page.

    Note: When you select the link from this page, the banner title will appear as Remote Worker and the page will display Request Details.

This example illustrates the Request Details page (1 of 2).

Remote Worker - Request Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the Request Details page (2 of 2).

Remote Worker - Request Details page (2 of 2)

Fields and data found in this page map to those fields located on the various Remote Worker Request pages, as listed is this documentation.

Field or Control


View Questionnaire link

Select this link to access the Questionnaire Page and view the employee's answers to the remote work questionnaire.

Use the Questionnaire page (EOQF_QSTNR_PRVW_FL) to view the employee's answers to the remote work questionnaire.


Select the View Questionnaire link from the Request Details Page.

This example illustrates the Questionnaire page (1 of 2).

Questionnaire page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the Questionnaire page (2 of 2).

Questionnaire page (2 of 2)

Managers and administrators use the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker page (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) to review and take action on remote worker requests.

Note: You must be assigned the Fluid Remote Worker Admin or Fluid Remote Worker Manager role to access this transaction.


  • Select the Approvals tile on the Manager Self Service home page to access the Pending Approvals page. Then click a Remote Worker transaction row on the Pending Approvals page.

    Note: This transaction is listed under the Remote Worker view by type.

  • Select the Notifications button in the banner, or from the Notifications panel select the appropriate approval notification.

    Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer Framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location.

    Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications.

    Notifications delivered with HCM Image 47 or later must use Notification Composer.

    For more information about Notification Composer Framework, see Understanding Notification Composer.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker page.

Pending Approvals - Remote Worker page

Important! If an employee entered a home address change while creating a remote work request, the address change will need to be approved using the Pending Approvals - Address Change page.

Approval Options

The approval options on this page are common to all fluid approval transactions, as described in the documentation for the Pending Approvals - <Transaction Details> Page.

Field or Control


Approve , Deny, and Pushback

Use these buttons to take action on the requested approval.

The following happens when you selected one of these approval options:

  • Approve: When those in the approval chain have approved the request, the status will be changed to Approved on the Remote Worker Request Page. The payroll administrator will be notified when the request has been approved if he or she was not part of the approval chain.

  • Deny: The request will be terminated and the status on the Remote Worker Request will be changed to Denied. A new request will need to be created to submit a remote work request.

  • Pushback: The request will be sent back to the submitter and the status on will be changed to Pushed Back. The requestor can make changes to the row and resubmit the request for approval.

Request Details Section

Use this section to view summary information identifying the fields that were updated in the transaction that you are being asked to approve.

When a previous request exists that contains no end date, or it has an end date that is after the new request start date, the system will update the previous request with an end date one day prior to the new request start date. When this happens, the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker page will display informational text informing you of the change to the end date.

Field or Control


View Remote Worker Request link

Click this link to access the Remote Worker page (see Request Details Page), where you can review details about the person’s request on one page.

Note: The approver must have access to the Request Details page, with permission list HCCPHR3374, to review this information.

Job Details Section

This section displays the employee's job data and whether this person's job or position is approved for remote work.

Documents Section

Field or Control



Click this item to open the Attachments Page where you can review the attachments or notes associated with this request.

Approver Comments

Enter any comments related to the approval action.

Approval Chain

Click this item to open the Approval Chain page, where you can review information about all approvers for the transaction.

This video provides an overview of Fluid Approvals:

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Fluid Approvals

Use the Attachments page (HR_RW_ATTACH_SCF) to view attachments and notes linked to a request.


Click the Documents row on the Pending Approvals - Remote Worker page.

This example illustrates the Attachments page.

Attachments page for a Remote Worker request

Click the Document Name link to download and view an attachment using fluid.

Click a row chevron > button to view the details of the document or note.

The following video provides an overview and demonstration of the Fluid Attachment framework:

Video: PeopleSoft Fluid HCM Attachments