Setting Up German Public Sector Workforce Data Tables

To set up German Public Sector workforce data tables, use the Remuneration Regulations (GPS_REMUN_REG), Job Group/Service Classes (GPS_JG_SC), Jobs (GPS_JG_JOB), Civil Service Ranks (GPS_CSR_CODES), and Municipality Table (GPS_MUNICIP_TBL) components.

This section discusses how to set up German Public Sector workforce data tables.

Page Name

Definition Name


Remuneration Regulations Page


Define remuneration regulations. Remuneration regulations are components that further detail the compensation structure of the labor agreements for different employee categories.

Job Group/Service Class Page


Define job groups and service classes for your employees.

Jobs Page


Create jobs for a BAT (Bundesangestelltentarif) labor agreement.

Civil Service Ranks Page


Define civil service ranks.

Municipality Table Page


Define municipality codes (Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel) for workforce statistical reporting.

Use the Remuneration Regulations page (GPS_REMUN_REG) to define remuneration regulations.

Remuneration regulations are components that further detail the compensation structure of the labor agreements for different employee categories.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data GPS > Remuneration Regulations

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remuneration Regulations page.

Remuneration Regulations page

You can assign different remuneration regulations for labor agreements for different employee categories. The mapping of the remuneration regulation is defined on the Employee Categorization page.

Retirement is based upon the remuneration regulation and service class group. To enter retirement information for a remuneration regulation, use the Job Group/Service Class Information page to define retirement ages. The minimum age and maximum age are stored by service class group. When you enter an action of RET (Retirement) in the worker’s Job Data, the system validates this information to ensure that the individual qualifies for retirement.

See Defining Employee Categories for Labor Agreements and Job Group/Service Class Information Page.

Use the Job Group/Service Classes page (GPS_JG_SC) to define job groups and service classes for your employees.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data GPS > Job Group/Service Class

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Group/Service Classes page.

Job Group/Service Classes page

Remuneration regulations are composed of different job groups and service classes.

Note: A job group is the description for white and blue collar workers. A service class is the description for all civil servants. Job groups are unique to each type of remuneration regulation.

You will map the job group and service class to remuneration regulations on the Job Group/Service Class Information page when you set up employee categories.

See Job Group/Service Class Information Page.

Use the Jobs page (GPS_JG_JOB) to create jobs for a BAT (Bundesangestelltentarif) labor agreement.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data GPS > Jobs

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Jobs page.

Jobs page

The jobs you create in this component are available for the BAT (Bundesangestelltentarif) labor agreement and are for white collar workers only. They are not available for other labor agreements.

You will map jobs to remuneration regulations within employee categories for a labor agreement on the Job Group/Service Class Information page.

See Job Group/Service Class Information Page.

Use the Civil Service Ranks page (GPS_CSR_CODES) to define civil service ranks.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data GPS > Civil Service Ranks

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Civil Service Ranks page.

Civil Service Ranks page

The civil service ranking is a vital part of a GPS civil servant’s professional status as well as prominently used in an individual’s personal life.

The civil service rank for the salary grade is dependent upon the employee category, job group/service class and service class group and should be set up prior to creating employee categories.

Note: When accessing the Civil Service Ranks component, the search page will display the Set ID, Civil Service Rank Code, and Male Description fields for searching.

Field or Control


Civil Service Rank Code

Enter a code for the civil service rank. You can use up to 15 characters. This field is required.

Male Description

Enter a male oriented description for the civil service rank. You can use up to 120 characters.

Female Description

Enter a female oriented description for the civil service rank. You can use up to 120 characters.

See Civil Service Rank Information Page.

Use the Municipality Table page (GPS_MUNICIP_TBL) to define municipality codes (Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel) for workforce statistical reporting.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data GPS > Municipality Table > Municipality Table

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Municipality Table page.

Municipality Table page

Use this page to define you municipality codes. Municipality codes can be associated with a location. It is also used for workforce statistics in tracking family allowance.

Note: We recommend that you populate the Municipality table with values from the Community Codes table.

See Also

Specifying Municipality Information for German Public Sector Locations

Workforce Statistic / Family Allowance Page