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CRM Email Delivery Mechanism

The CRM Email Delivery Service is responsible for both delivering email and resending email for certain types of failures. This service automatically resubmits emails in case of errors such as SMTP mail server down.

The system resends emails based on the maximum number of retries as well as the frequency specified on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page. The CRM Email Delivery Service has it’s own daemon process that is responsible for monitoring emails which need to be resent.

If the service is unable to send an email within a fixed number of tries, the system sends a notification of the error to a group worklist called Undelivered Emails.

In case of errors such as Invalid email address, the service immediately sends a notification to the Undelivered Emails group worklist. Regardless of the type of error, the calling transaction does not stop. Users that access the undelivered email from the worklist can view details about the number of tries as well as the error messages received for each of the tries.

Users have the option to resend email by correcting the details such as email address. The details that can be edited vary depending upon the type of error. If a user successfully resends an email from the Worklist page, the system automatically changes the status to Closed – Email Resent and deletes the notification from the worklist.

Any email that cannot be successfully resent from the worklist stays in the same status. User can either try resending the email or set the status to Closed – Unable to send email. Setting the status to Closed triggers the automatic deletion of the notification from the worklist. The system audits any changes that a user enters to resend the email.