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Understanding Market in PeopleSoft CRM

PeopleSoft CRM industry applications are built on the core applications. Market is an attribute of every PeopleTools component that is used to enable the system to make components available to only certain industries. When developers add custom features to the copy of a core component that is going to be used for a specific industry, the component is marked with an industry market setting so that the system knows that both the component and the added custom features are specific to an industry application.

PeopleSoft CRM enables you to implement simple industry-specific layout changes without customizing the system. You implement these changes using the label change utility and industry-specific translate pages. These pages enable you to change field labels, translate values, and alter the visibility of fields and pages without updating the design of the application.

Industry-Specific Page Setup

PeopleSoft CRM identifies a list of component pages that are used in both core and industry applications using the Industry-Specific Page Setup page. Set by market, each page setup definition includes information, such as the base page, menu name, item name, page name, record, base record, bar name, component name, panel item name, and component interface name of the specified component page. The system uses this page setup data to facilitate the communication between applications.

Note: Do not modify the information on the Industry-Specific Page Setup page unless the corresponding CRM pages are customized, which cause some of the values on the setup page to change.

See Also

Understanding Industry-Specific Setup