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Understanding Runtime Search Options

PeopleSoft CRM provides administrators the ability to configure the runtime search behavior for end users. By selecting relevant search options and settings that are available to end users when they perform searches in any given transaction, administrators can help create an enjoyable searching experience in the CRM system.

For example, a user logs on to a CRM system and tries to run a keyword search to look for solutions. When he or she accesses the search page, it is presented in the preset search mode along with a list of search options that are enabled by the administrator during setup. In addition, the user can select to expand or refine the search not only based on keywords that are entered, but also on the data sources from which the search is performed, as configured by the administrator. In the example of solution search on the agent-facing Case component, an agent user can actually perform keyword search not only on solutions, but also on data sources for cases, troubleshooting guides, defects and fixes simultaneously.

To help users research for the issues identified in transactions such as cases, inbound emails, and defects, PeopleSoft CRM provides the ability to search for solutions as well as other relevant objects in a number of components. From the search page, users can perform basic or advanced keyword search on one or more search sources (also known as search domains on the search page). Using the Search Page Definition component, the administrator controls the search options and search domains that are available for each search page.

This table lists the CRM components that include solution search as part of the functionality. Several of them extend the search capabilities to other relevant objects. For example, keyword search from the Case component returns search matches not just from solutions, but also cases, troubleshooting guides, defects and fixes.

Solution Search Available From

Search Page Definition

Delivered Search Sources



Solutions, Web Contents, Cases, Troubleshooting Guide, Defects, Fixes

Service Order


Solutions, Service Orders




Inbound Email


Solutions, Correspondence Document Template



Solutions, Cases, Troubleshooting Guides

Keyword Solution Search



Administrators use the Search Page Definitions page to specify default settings for searching, and control which search behaviors and word variation options are made available to users when they perform solution and other object searches in CRM transactions at runtime.

Note: All search behaviors use the OR operator to process search requests. For example, if you enter the word computer as search text, and select both the Solution Description and Solution Summary fields as searchable fields, the system returns solutions that have the word computer found in their solution description or solution summary.

Delivered Search Behaviors

This table describes search behaviors that are supported for solution (and other object) search:

Search Behavior



With all words

Search documents having references to all the words.

This behavior can be used when multiple words are entered as search text.

If Toshiba laptop computer is entered as search text, only documents containing all these words (Toshiba laptop computer) in any searchable field are returned in the search results.

With any words

Search documents having references to any of the words.

Used when multiple words are entered as search text, this behavior returns results matching any word in the search text.

If Toshiba laptop computer is entered as search text, documents containing any of these words (Toshiba, laptop, or computer) in any searchable field are returned in the search results.

With the exact phrase

Search documents having references to the exact phrase.

If Toshiba laptop computer is entered as search text, only documents containing the exact text Toshiba laptop computer in any searchable field are returned in the search results.

Words in proximity

Search documents containing two or more words within n words, where n is an integer that is defined by the system administrator.

If Toshiba laptop is entered as search text, a document is returned in the search results if it contains the word Toshiba and the word laptop that appears within n words from the word Toshiba.

Delivered Word Variations

This table describes word variations that are supported for solution (and other object) search:

Word Variation



Alternate spellings

Search documents ignoring typos in the search text.

Temperaturee returns documents with temperature by ignoring the typo.

Exact words

Search documents for exact words in search text.

Film returns documents with film only.

Include synonyms

Search documents for word and include words with the same meaning.

Unix returns documents with linux, Unix, and AIX.