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Understanding Terms

This section discusses:

Term Lookup

PeopleSoft CRM delivers over 1500 terms across the system. They are categorized by subject areas (a folder structure). The system displays a term selection page to facilitate term lookup, for example, when you are building a policy or creating a correspondence template.

To look up terms by subject area:

  1. Select select Enterprise Components, then select Active Analytics Framework, then select Policies, then select Manage Policies.

  2. Click the Build a Policy button.

  3. Select a trigger point name and setID.

  4. Click the Add Condition button.

  5. Click the Select Term link.

    The system displays a search page that lists the terms in folders by subject area. You can also click the Switch to Search Mode link to search for terms using these fields: Term Name, Term Type, Configurable, Data Type, Term Label, Status, and Implementation.

Term Categories

PeopleSoft CRM applications deliver a considerable amount of system data pertaining to terms. The terms that are delivered can be broadly classified into the following categories:

  • Component buffer specific terms.

    A vast majority of terms fall under this category. The system resolves these terms using the data that is available in the current operating component buffer. The implementation is specific to the context and the implementation type is context variable. Typically, these terms are present in the relevant application's subject area. For example, case component-specific terms are present under the Call Center.Case Details subject area. Some of these terms may have additional implementations if they need to be resolved from additional contexts.

    Note: Terms that are component buffer specific get resolved when a user accesses data from the component buffer (the implementation type is context variable). They can be used only in the policies pertaining to this context, workflow notification specific templates, and conditions. If these terms need to be used outside of the operating context (like correspondence templates), they need to have additional implementations.

    Exercise caution when planning to alter the structure of the component using Application Designer. Change in the component structure can cause invalidation of term definition and the context variable's definition.

  • System terms.

    These terms are present in different subfolders within the folder called System Terms. These terms provide information about the operating environment. Most of these terms do not need any additional input from the applications. Hence, these terms can be resolved from any context.

  • Profile terms.

    Profile fields that are delivered as system data are also delivered as terms. These profile terms pertain to either an organization or an individual. Organization terms can be found under in the Organizations.Companies subject area; individual terms are present in the Individuals.People subject area.

    AAF uses one input to resolve organization terms: the BO ID of the customer. Any context that has BO_ID_CUST_PROFILE as the alias for the customer's BO ID is able to use organization terms. Individual terms need two input values to resolve: the BO ID of the customer and the BO ID of the contact. The contact's BO ID is always used to resolve terms. When it's not available (contact BO ID is 0), the customer's BO ID is used instead. Any context that has BO_ID_CUST_PROFILE as the alias for the customer's BO ID and BO_ID_CNT_PROFILE as the alias for the contact's BO ID can use individual terms.

    Note: To see a list of contexts for which a term can be resolved, click the View Applicable Contexts link in the Generic Implementation group box of the term definition.

    Profile fields, when activated, are automatically created as terms in the data library. This rule, however, doesn't apply to profile fields that belong to many rows profiles. For profile fields that have choose many as their user type, their terms are not supported in the condition builder.

    Profile terms always have a generic implementation. Therefore, any context that has the BO_ID_CUST_PROFILE and BO_ID_CNT_PROFILE aliases can make use of these terms automatically.

    Note: CDM-related profile terms get resolved when the system retrieves data from BASICS tables. Therefore, make sure that you configure the role types so they can supply data to these tables (that is, you need to enable the role types for basic data).

    See Understanding Profiles.

  • KPI terms.

    PeopleSoft CRM delivers terms to access key performance indicator (KPI) information that is published by PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). For each of the 19 delivered KPIs, four terms have been created for accessing the resolved value, percentage of target, current target, and assessment. These terms are categorized under different subfolders within the Customer ScoreCard KPIs subject area. Any context that has BO_ID_CUSTOMER as an alias can access all of the terms that are related to the customer dimension. Other dimensions include product, campaign, and business unit. The rest of the terms expect values such as product ID, campaign ID, or business unit to be supplied in the term configuration process. PeopleSoft CRM applications provide the necessary infrastructure to subscribe to the KP_KPI_ASMT_FACTS application message that is published by EPM. The subscription process supplies the KPI data for all the message rows in the CRM database, which can be accessed by KPI terms.

    As delivered, the message is inactive. To set up a delivered application message, you must first activate the application message. Then activate the message subscription PeopleCode (KP_KPI_EPM_TERMS), and set the associated message channel to Run mode.

    Note: The customer value that is displayed on the toolbar of various CRM transactions comes from the customer value KPI-related attributes that are present in the PS_BC table. These values are supplied by another subscription process using the same application message.