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Understanding the Use of Active Analytics Framework in CRM

This section discusses:

AAF Categories

AAF provides a rich set of functionality leveraged fully by a variety of PeopleSoft CRM applications. These AAF features can be broadly classified under four categories:

  • Requesting AAF services to evaluate all the policies pertaining to a trigger point, and to invoke the relevant actions of the policies whose conditions are evaluated to true.

  • Requesting AAF services to evaluate conditions.

    This category consists of the design time interface for embedding condition builder within applications for creating conditions, and the runtime interface for requesting the framework to evaluate the condition. Applications perform relevant tasks based on the outcome of the evaluation.

  • Requesting the services of the data library engine within AAF to resolve terms.

  • The use of the action framework to define actions that are triggered by applications themselves.

Use of AAF to Evaluate Policies and Invoke Actions

The components that are present in AAF are used to build policies. At runtime, applications send requests to the AAF decision engine to evaluate all the policies pertaining to a trigger point. For policies whose conditions are evaluated as true, their associated actions are invoked.

Components that are enabled for this functionality (at least for a single trigger point) include:

  • 360 Degree View.

  • Agreement.

  • Case.

  • Change request.

  • Company.

  • Create Self-Service HelpDesk Case.

  • Create Self-Service Support Case.

  • Defect.

  • Installed Product.

  • Lead.

  • Manage Self-Service HelpDesk Case.

  • Manage Self-Service Support Case.

  • Marketing Campaign.

  • Marketing Content.

  • Marketing Offer.

  • My Service Order.

  • Opportunity.

  • Order Capture.

  • Person.

  • Product Registration.

  • Service Order.

  • Solution.

  • Task.

  • Worker.

Use of the AAF Condition Builder

Applications can embed the condition builder to create conditions within the applications themselves. At runtime, applications perform appropriate tasks based upon the outcome of condition evaluation that is returned by the decision engine. The CRM applications and features that make use of this functionality include:

  • Profile Management—to create and use AAF conditions to decide whether a profile group is to be displayed on a CDM component. This can be set up when you are assigning a profile group to a CDM component.

  • Change Management—to decide whether the state transitions are allowed.

  • Order Capture—to decide when to instantiate business projects, perform audits, and order maintenance.

  • Notification and workflow actions in AAF—to decide whether delayed invocations are sent.

Use of AAF Data Library Engine to Resolve Terms

The AAF Data Library Engine is used by these PeopleSoft CRM applications and features:

  • Correspondence management—to include dynamic content in correspondence templates.

  • Call Center applications—to resolve links.

    In call center applications, link definitions use AAF terms that are resolved at runtime when a related action is performed from the Case page. The relevant term is specified in the Search Keys section on the Link Details page of that component. At runtime, the resolved term values are used either in constructing a URL or in performing the related action.

  • Audience Builder—to store term metadata.

    Audience builder uses the AAF data library as a repository to store term metadata; it does not use the data library engine to resolve terms. Audience generation in PeopleSoft Marketing is a set-based SQL process. Audience builder develops the following resolution methods to support the set-based SQL processing for audience generation:

    • Audience Select SQL Object

    • Audience Select Record.Field

See Understanding Audiences.

Integration of Action Framework of AAF

The Automated Mail Processor (AMP) of ERMS uses the action framework to define email-specific actions that it can perform on emails at runtime. AMP matches the category of the email with a category rule that is defined in the system, and triggers the associated actions based on the email's threshold value. AMP delivers these actions: auto-response, auto-acknowledge, auto-route, auto-suggest, create case, spam and unsubscribe.