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Cloning and Deleting Phases and Business Projects

To clone and delete phases, use the Phase Save As and Delete Phase components.

To clone and delete business projects, use the Business Project Save As and Delete Business Project components.

This section discusses how to clone and delete phases or business projects.

Page Name

Definition Name


Business Project Definitions Save As Page and Phase Definitions Save As Page


Clone an existing business project.

Phase Definitions Save As Page


Clone an existing phase.

Delete Business Projects Definition Page and Delete Phase Definitions Page


Delete a business project.

Delete Phase Definitions Page


Delete a phase.

Use the Business Project Definitions Save As page (RC_BP_SAVEAS) to clone an existing business project.

Use the Phase Definitions Save As page (RC_ACT_SAVEAS) to clone an existing phase.

Image: Business Project Definitions Save As page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Project Definitions Save As page.

Business Project Definitions Save As page

Select the object to clone, and enter a name and description for the object to be created. If you are cloning a business project, you must also select whether to save the new business project as a main business project or a sub-business project.

When you save the page, the new object is created. Newly created business projects are inactive and must be validated before they are active.

Use the Delete Business Projects Definition page (RC_BP_DELETE) to delete a business project.

Use the Delete Phase Definitions page (RC_ACT_DELETE) to delete a phase.

Image: Delete Business Projects Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delete Business Projects Definition page.

Delete Business Projects Definition page

Select the objects to delete. You cannot delete business projects that have already been instantiated. Likewise, you cannot delete sub-business projects that are incorporated into a phase.

When you save the page, the objects are deleted.