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Creating Correspondence

This section discusses how to create a correspondence request and do the related correspondence activities.

Page Name

Definition Name


Correspondence Request Page


Define correspondence content and send correspondence.

Correspondence Request - Cancel page


Confirm a request cancellation.

Correspondence Request - Recipients Page


Review recipient address information, and select a subset of recipients to include in the correspondence.

Recipient Profile Page


Modify recipient address information for this specific correspondence. Changes are not saved to the business object contact method tables.

Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates Page


Personalize templates before the merge process.

Template Body Page


Personalize internal text templates.

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary Page


Merge and preview the correspondence documents before submitting them.

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details Page


Review information about a correspondence request that has been submitted.

Recipient Email Body Page


Review a postmerge document that was based on an internal text template.

Recipient Error Log Page


Review the merge process's error messages for a recipient.

Use the Correspondence Request page (RBC_REQST_FORM) to define correspondence content and send correspondence.

Image: Correspondence Request page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request page (1 of 2).

Correspondence Request page (1 of 2)

Image: Correspondence Request page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request page (2 of 2).

Correspondence Request page (2 of 2)

Correspondence Detail

Field or Control



Displays a list of recipients. The transaction from which you accessed this page controls the list of recipients. For example, when you access the page from a support case, the case contact is the only recipient. Refer to your application documentation for information about who the application puts in the list.

Edit Recipients

Click to access the Correspondence Request - Recipients page, where you can review recipient address information and select a subset of recipients to include. You cannot, however, add new recipients.


Select Email to send the correspondence by email. Select Print to print the correspondence for delivery through the mail, by fax, or through another hard-copy delivery option.

Templates are channel-specific. When you prompt for template packages, the system limits your selection to packages that include a template for the selected channel and, when you send the correspondence, uses only the template that is appropriate for the selected channel.

Sender's Email Address

If you selected the email channel, enter the email address to be used as the email's From address. A user-specific default value comes from the Agent Setup page. If the user does not have a default From address, the default comes from the Sender's Email Address field on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.

Single Print Job

If this check box is selected, the system will merge all the individual’s letters and static attachment files into a single print job queue file and send it to the printer at the end of request process as a single print job.

To check the status of the print job generation for large requests involving many individuals, you may use the Process Monitor page and look for jobs with the process name RBC_PROCESS or use the Search Bulk Correspondence Request page.

Note: This field is only applicable to bulk correspondence requests (such as those generated for an audience) that use the Print channel.

Send to Printer Later

If this check box is selected, the system will generate all files to process the request, but will not then immediately send the print job to the printer. You can select and print the job later by using the Search Bulk Correspondence Request page.

Note: This field is only applicable to bulk correspondence requests (such as those generated for an audience) that use the Print channel, and for which the Single Print Job option has been selected.


If you selected the print channel, select the printer where the final correspondence is to be printed. Values are based on the printers that you define on the Printers page in the Merge Servers component. You can select printers associated with any merge server; when you submit the correspondence request, the system runs the delivery process (though not necessarily any of the other correspondence processes) on the server that is associated with the printer you select.


Select the language of the correspondence. Template packages are language-specific, and when you prompt for template packages, the system limits your choices based on the language you selected.


Select Foreground to process the request synchronously. When the documents are generated, the Correspondence Request – Correspondence Request Details page appears. On this page, the Correspondence Summary grid lists and provides links to all documents in the correspondence.

See Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details Page.


Enter a meaningful description that will adequately identify the nature of the correspondence when you (or other users) later review the correspondence request. The description does not appear anywhere within the correspondence itself; it is used only within the PeopleSoft system.

Correspondence Content

Field or Control


Template Package

Select one or more template packages on which to base the correspondence. Your selection is limited by the language and channel you've specified. Therefore, you cannot change the language or channel if there are any template packages selected.

Settings on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page control the maximum number of packages in a correspondence request.


Displays a list of all the templates and static (nontemplate) attachments in the package. The list includes only templates that are suitable for the channel you selected.

Note: For bulk correspondence requests, such as those generated for a marketing audience, if the template contains both profile and non-profile terms, the system will only resolve the profile terms. For performance considerations, it is best to avoid non-profile terms with bulk correspondence requests.

Personalize Templates

Click to access the Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page, where you can modify the templates before merging them with recipient and transaction data.


Field or Control



Displays the File Name for attachments that you add to this request. These are static attachments (attachments that are delivered as-is, without any merge processing). This grid does not list static attachments that are part of the packages you select.

In both email and print correspondence, static attachments are placed after all pieces of template-based correspondence.

Add an Attachment

Click to upload a static attachment to this correspondence request.


Field or Control


Merge & Send Immediately

Select to merge and send as soon as you submit the correspondence.

Merge Now, Send Later

Select to merge as soon as you submit the correspondence, but to send at the Send Date and Send Time that you specify.

Merge Later, Send Later

Select to merge and send the templates at the Merge Date, Merge Time, Send Date and Send Time that you specify.

When the request is initiated, RBC_PROCESS runs and gathers all the data (for example, recipient information) needed for the request. The process notices the specified merge date and time, and schedules another RBC_PROCESS for that time to perform merging. When the second RBC_PROCESS runs, it notices the specified send date and time, and therefore it schedules the third RBC_PROCESS for that time to send the correspondence to recipients.

If you click the Preview button, the merge occurs immediately and the merge date and time you specified are ignored.

Additional Page Elements for Performing Actions

Field or Control



Click to access the Search Correspondence Request page and look for saved correspondence in the system. Enter search criteria or use the existing dataset rules to refine your search.

Save as Draft

Click to save the correspondence request without submitting it or initiating the merge process. To return to the request later, you must access the Correspondence Request page from the Search Correspondence Request page; there is no link to the draft request from the originating transaction.


Click to access the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page where the document merge begins immediately. You can monitor the progress of the merge on this page. The availability of the Preview button depends on the settings on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.

If the correspondence request includes multiple recipients, the preview is performed only for the number of recipients you enter in the Generate Preview For field on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.


Click to submit the correspondence for merging and delivery (based on the settings in the Schedule group box). After submitting the correspondence, this button disappears from the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page. where you can review the submitted correspondence and then return to the originating transaction.

Cancellation is the only action that is available for a submitted request.


Click to cancel the request.

Use the Correspondence Request - Recipients page (RBC_REQST_RECPIENT) to review recipient address information, and select a subset of recipients to include in the correspondence.

Image: Correspondence Request - Recipients page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request - Recipients page.

Correspondence Request - Recipients page

Field or Control



Selected recipients are included in the correspondence request. By default, all recipients are selected; clear this check box to remove recipients from the correspondence request. This check box is available only for correspondence that has not yet been submitted.


Displays all possible recipients for the correspondence. List membership is based on the component from which you accessed the Correspondence Request page.

Email Address and Address

Displays the address to be used for this correspondence. Unless there is a transaction-specific address (for example, the email address that is associated with a case), the recipient's primary email address and primary mailing address are the defaults.


Click to access the Recipient Profile page, where you can modify the recipient's name or address information. This button is available only for correspondence that has not yet been submitted.

Use the Recipient Profile page (RBC_ADDRESS_SEC) to modify recipient address information for this specific correspondence.

Changes are not saved to the business object contact method tables.

Image: Recipient Profile page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Recipient Profile page.

Recipient Profile page

The name and address information you enter here is used only for the current correspondence request. To make permanent changes to the recipient's profile, use the appropriate business object component (the Contact, Consumer, or Worker component).

Use the Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page (RBC_REQST_TEMPLATE) to personalize templates before the merge process.

Image: Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page.

Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page

Field or Control


Template Package and Template Name

The Templates grid includes one row for each template in the correspondence request. The grid displays both the package name and the template name.

The channel for this correspondence requests determines which templates in the selected packages are listed.

File Name

Click this link to access the template content. If the template is an internal text template, you can modify the content in the same page where you view the content. If the template is an external template (.dot or .txt file), you can modify the content by downloading the file, make changes on your local computer, then uploading the modified file. The availability of the download option depends on the settings in the Correspondence Management Installation Options page. Even if you cannot download the template, you can still upload a replacement.


Click to download an external file (a document based on an external template) by saving the file to your local computer. This button does not appear in rows that display documents based on internal text templates.

This button is visible only if the Show Download Button check box is selected on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.


Click to substitute a file that you upload for the system-generated document. This button does not appear in rows that display documents based on internal text templates. (You can modify internal text templates by clicking the Internal Text link in the File Name column.)

This button is visible only if the Allow Agent to Modify check box is selected on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.

Use the Template Body page (RBC_REQST_TMPL_SEC) to personalize internal text templates.

Image: Template Body page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Template Body page.

Template Body page

Modify the subject and body of the template as necessary. Changes apply only to the current correspondence request; the template definition is not updated.

Use the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page (RBC_REQST_PREVIEW) to merge and preview the correspondence documents before submitting them.

Image: Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page.

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page

Correspondence Summary

Field or Control


Recipient and Template or File

For each recipient, there is a row of data for each document (template-based or static attachment) that is being sent. The number of documents depends on the contents of the template package. The same template package can generate different documents depending on whether the channel is email or print.


All documents listed have the same channel that you selected on the Correspondence Request page.


Until the merge for this document is complete, this column displays the text Merging. When the document is merged, this column displays the Email Body link (for internal text template) or the file name. The file name is a link that you can click to view the postmerge content.

If the document is based on an internal text template, you can modify the content in the same page where you view it. If the document is based on an external template (.dot or .txt file), you can modify the content by downloading the file, making changes on your local computer, and then uploading the modified file.

The availability of the download option depends on setting in the Correspondence Management Installation Options page. Even if you cannot download the template, you can still upload a replacement.


Displays the status of the merge and delivery processes. Possible statuses are:

Processing: the system has started the merge process.

Data Extraction Complete: the data extraction phase of the merge process is complete and the merge phase has begun.

Merge Complete: a user requested a preview, and the merge is complete.

Ready for Delivery: a user submitted a correspondence request, and the merge portion of the process is complete (but the document has not yet been delivered).

Delivery Complete: the document has been successfully delivered.

When there are errors in the merge and delivery process, the following values appear.

Merge Unsuccessful - Data Error: the data extraction phase of the merge process failed and the system is unable to proceed.

Merge Unsuccessful - TemplError (Merge Unsuccessful - Template Error): the merge phase of the merge process failed and the system is unable to proceed.

Delivery Failed: This value never appears on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page because the page itself is only used to view correspondence that has not yet been delivered. However, on the Correspondence Request page, this value appears when the delivery failed. For example, if your email server was unable to send the email.

Note: The document that represents the email body text does not use the full set of status values. Its possible statuses are Ready for Delivery, Delivered, Processing, and Merge Failed. The Processing status does not distinguish whether the merge or delivery process is incomplete or whether one of those processes failed.

View Log

Click to access the Recipient Error Log page, where you can review the merge process error message for a recipient. If there are multiple documents per recipient, the link appears only once per recipient, and the error log shows messages for all of that recipient's documents.

Note: This will only be available when the Enable Logging option has been selected on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.


Click to download an external file (a document based on an external template) to your local computer. This button does not appear in rows that display documents based on internal text templates.

This button is visible only if the Show Download Button check box is selected on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.


Click to substitute a file that you upload for the system-generated document. This button does not appear in rows that display documents based on internal text templates. (You can modify internal text templates by clicking the link in the Content column.)

This button is visible only if the Allow Agent to Modify check box is selected on the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.

Additional Page Elements for Completing the Request

These page elements appear only after the merge is complete.

Field or Control



Click to submit the merged documents for delivery. The scheduled delivery time is based on your settings on the Correspondence Request page.

This button disappears after you click it.


Click to cancel the correspondence request. The Cancel Request page appears so that you can confirm the cancellation.

Although cancelled requests are still accessible from the Search Correspondence Request page, you cannot later come back and send the correspondence.


Click to refresh the page, for example, to check the progress of the merge process and update the page accordingly. Regardless of how frequently you click this button, the page refreshes no more frequently than the refresh time you set in the Correspondence Management Installation Setup page.

This button appears only until the merged documents are displayed.

Use the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page page (RBC_REQST_PREVIEW) to review information about a correspondence request that has been submitted.

Image: Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2).

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2)

Image: Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2).

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2)

This page is accessible only for correspondence requests that have been submitted.

Correspondence Request Details

Field or Control


Delivery Channel

Displays either Email or Print.


Displays the request status. Requests can have the following statuses:

In Progress: The request has not yet been submitted. This value never appears on the Correspondence Request page, which shows only submitted correspondence.

Preview and Personalize: A user clicked the Preview button, but the system has not yet completed the merge and so the merged documents are not yet available for viewing.

Preview Ready: A user clicked the Preview button, the merge is complete, and the merged results can be viewed.

Submitted: The request has been submitted, either from the Correspondence Request page or the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page. The correspondence has not yet been delivered. (The status does not indicate whether or not the merge is complete).

Send for Approval: The user who created the correspondence has sent it for approval, but the approver has not yet approved it.

Completed: The correspondence has been delivered.

Cancelled: The user canceled the correspondence.

Merge Date

Displays the date for the merge process for this request:

  • If the user previewed the merged documents, this is the date of the preview.

  • If the user submitted the request without previewing and selected the Merge and Send Immediately option, this is the date the user submitted the request.

  • If the user submitted the request without previewing and entered a specific merge date, this is the user-entered date.

Submitted By

Displays the user ID of the user who submitted the request.

Send Date

Displays the date that the correspondence was or will be sent.

Date Submitted

Displays the date that the request was submitted. Date Submitted is not necessarily the same as the date that the correspondence was sent.

Success Rate

Displays information about the number of recipients for whom the request was successful. For example, the value 1 of 2 indicates that the original request included two recipients, but that delivery occurred for only one of them.

Processing Mode

Displays Foreground or Background, depending on how the request was processed. Bulk correspondence requests are always processed in Background mode.


Field or Control


Template Package and Templates and Files

The Templates grid lists the correspondence content that came from template packages, both templates and static attachments. Each row displays the package that the template or attachment belonged to and the name of the template or attachment.

View Templates

Click to access a non-editable version of the Correspondence Request - Personalize Templates page so that you can view template content and, if the system is so configured, download copies of external templates.


Field or Control



This grid lists all of the static attachments that were added to the correspondence request manually rather than by means of a template package. Click the file name to open the attachment.

Correspondence Summary

This grid is similar to the Correspondence Summary grid on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page, with a few additional fields and field values.

Field or Control



Select the recipients that you want to include in a new correspondence request that you create by cloning the current request. For example, if a network outage or printer failure prevented the correspondence from being delivered, you can select all recipients and clone the request to attempt delivery again.

Use the Select All, Select All Failed, and Clear All links as data entry shortcuts when selecting recipients.


Values include those that appear on the Preview and Personalize page, but because the Correspondence Request page shows submitted requests, the Delivery Complete and Delivery Failed values can appear here, while the In Process value cannot.

Date Merged and Date Sent

Displays the actual date and time for the merge and delivery processes. These may not match the requested merge and delivery date if, for example, an approver did not approve a correspondence request in time or if a process ran over midnight.

Additional Page Elements for Performing Actions

Field or Control


Add Selections to New Request

Click to clone the current request using the selected subset of recipients.

View Recipient Addresses

Click to view a read-only version of the Correspondence Request - Recipients page.

Use the Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page page (RBC_REQST_PREVIEW) to review information about a bulk correspondence request that has been submitted.

Image: Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2).

Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (1 of 2)

Image: Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2).

Search Bulk Correspondence Request - Correspondence Request Details page (2 of 2)

This page is accessible only for correspondence requests that have been submitted.

Only bulk correspondence requests, such as those created from a marketing audience, can be accessed from the Search Bulk Correspondence Request page

Correspondence Request Details

Field or Control


Delivery Channel

Displays either Email or Print.


Displays the request status. Requests can have the following statuses:

In Progress: The request has not yet been submitted. This value never appears on the Correspondence Request page, which shows only submitted correspondence.

Preview and Personalize: A user clicked the Preview button, but the system has not yet completed the merge and so the merged documents are not yet available for viewing.

Preview Ready: A user clicked the Preview button, the merge is complete, and the merged results can be viewed.

Submitted: The request has been submitted, either from the Correspondence Request page or the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page. The correspondence has not yet been delivered. (The status does not indicate whether or not the merge is complete).

Send for Approval: The user who created the correspondence has sent it for approval, but the approver has not yet approved it.

Completed: The correspondence has been delivered.

Cancelled: The user canceled the correspondence.

Merge Date

Displays the date for the merge process for this request:

  • If the user previewed the merged documents, this is the date of the preview.

  • If the user submitted the request without previewing and selected the Merge and Send Immediately option, this is the date the user submitted the request.

  • If the user submitted the request without previewing and entered a specific merge date, this is the user-entered date.

Submitted By

Displays the user ID of the user who submitted the request.

Send Date

Displays the date that the correspondence was or will be sent.

Date Submitted

Displays the date that the request was submitted. Date Submitted is not necessarily the same as the date that the correspondence was sent.

Success Rate

Displays information about the number of recipients for whom the request was successful. For example, the value 1 of 2 indicates that the original request included two recipients, but that delivery occurred for only one of them.

Processing Mode

Displays Foreground or Background, depending on how the request was processed.


Field or Control


Template Package and Templates and Files

The Templates grid lists the correspondence content that came from template packages, both templates and static attachments. Each row displays the package that the template or attachment belonged to and the name of the template or attachment.


Field or Control



This grid lists all of the static attachments that were added to the correspondence request manually rather than by means of a template package. Click the file name to open the attachment.

Correspondence Summary

This grid is similar to the Correspondence Summary grid on the Correspondence Request - Correspondence Summary page.

Note that for performance reasons, some of the fields and options available on the Correspondence Summary grid of the Correspondence Request Details page for regular (non-bulk) correspondence requests, (including View Template, Select, View Log, Download, Replace, and Add Selections to New Request,) are not available for bulk correspondence requests. Furthermore, in order to enhance performance, a maximum of 5 recipients will be displayed in the Correspondence Summary list.

Additional Page Elements for Performing Actions

Field or Control


View Recipient Addresses

Click to view a read-only version of the Correspondence Request - Recipients page.

Use the Recipient Email Body page (RBC_RECP_PREV_SEC) to review a postmerge document that was based on an internal text template.

Image: Recipient Email Body page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Recipient Email Body page.

Recipient Email Body page

Modify the subject and body of the merged document as necessary.

Use the Recipient Error Log page (RBC_RECP_LOG_SEC) to review the merge process's error messages for a recipient.

Image: Recipient Error Log page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Recipient Error Log page.

Recipient Error Log page

Field or Control


Recipient Name

Displays the name of the recipient whose correspondence generated errors.


Displays the error messages associated with the recipient.