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Defining Rules and Rule Sets

To define rules and rule sets, use the Rule (RC_RULE_PLNG) and Rule Set (RC_RULE_SET) components.

This section discusses how to define rules and rule sets.

Page Name

Definition Name


Rule Page


Create statements that can be used as conditional logic in dynamic answer sets and in script trees for questions that have dynamic answer sets.

Rule Set Page


Group rules that are used together in a script tree.

Use the Rule page (RC_RULE_PNL) to create statements that can be used as conditional logic in dynamic answer sets and in script trees for questions that have dynamic answer sets.

Image: Rule page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rule page.

Rule page

Field or Control



Select to create a negative condition.

Left ( and Right )

Select the left and right parentheses to group conditional clauses within the rule.

Variable ID

Each rule condition has two Variable ID fields. In the first one, select the variable that the system evaluates to determine whether the condition is true. Make sure that the variable will be set by the time the system evaluates the rule.

To compare the first variable to another variable, select a value in the second Variable ID field. Leave the second Variable ID field blank if the system compares the first variable to a constant.


Select an operator to evaluate the variable in the first Variable ID field. The following comparison operators are available: equals, does not equal, is less than, is less than or equal to, is greater than, is greater than or equal to.

Bind Value

To compare the variable in the first Variable ID field to a constant, leave the second Variable ID field blank and enter the constant in the Bind Value field.

Use the Rule Set page (RC_RULESET_PG) to group rules that are used together in a script tree.

Image: Rule Set page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rule Set page.

Rule Set page

Field or Control


Rule Name

Add a row for each rule in the rule set, and select the rule's name here.