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Defining Template Categories and Types

This section discusses how to define categories and associate them with types.

Page Name

Definition Name


Categories & Types Page


Define categories to be used for grouping similar templates and refining template search results in the email workspace.

Associate Types Page


Associate categories with types to subcategorize templates.

To define categories, use the Categories & Types (RBC_CATEGORY_SETUP) component.

Use the Categories & Types page (RBC_CATEGORY_SETUP) to define categories to be used for grouping similar templates and refining template search results in the email workspace.

Image: Categories & Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Categories & Types page.

Categories & Types page

Field or Control



Select to activate the corresponding category and be able to use it when defining template packages and searching for templates. Clear the check box if you want to deactivate the category and its established relationship with its types.

Category Name

Enter the name of the category. If you delete the category, a warning message appears and advises that you inactivate rather than delete the category because removing it may cause unexpected behavior to applications that use it.


Click to access the Category/Type association page, in which you associate the category with types. A category can contain one or more types; types subcategorize a category.

ERMS Related

Select to make the corresponding category available in the email workspace to classify incoming email. Agents can manually select an appropriate category for emails as necessary. The email workspace recommends actions and correspondence templates to use for email replies based on the email category.

Use the Associate Types page (RBC_CAT_TYPE_SEC) to associate categories with types to subcategorize templates.

Image: Associate Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Associate Types page.

Associate Types page

Field or Control


Type Name

Enter a type for the selected category. Type names must be unique. If you delete a type from a category, the deletion pertains to that category only.