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Managing Business Projects

This section discusses how to track business project status and view business project details

Page Name

Definition Name


Business Project Status - Status Page


Assign tasks, update task status, initiate a transition from one phase to the next, and record the completion of the entire business project.

Business Project Status - Definition Page


Review a business project's design.

Use the Business Project Status - Status page (RC_BP_STATUS) to assign tasks, update task status, initiate a transition from one phase to the next, and record the completion of the entire business project.

Field or Control



Displays the text from the field specified on the Parent Object page of the business project definition. If the information is not descriptive enough, access the parent object to modify it.

The description is the only information provided about the parent object from which the business project is invoked.


Enter the overall status of the business project. When you first invoke a business project, the status is In Process. You can manually change the status to Cancel at any time before the business project is finished. When the project is finished, the system updates the status to Complete.

You cannot manually set the business project status to Complete. The only way to complete a business project is to initiate a transition from the last activity (either manually or automatically).


Select the outcome of the sub-business project after it is complete. Options are Success and Failed. The sub-business project outcome is the equivalent of a task outcome when the parent business project applies automatic transition criteria.

Note: This field appears only for a sub-business project whose outcome is set manually.

Business Project

The business project tree represents the progress of the business project. The first phase appears at the top of the tree. Each time a transition to a different phase occurs, the system adds the new phase to the tree. Because business project definitions permit a phase to have a transition to any other phase, a single phase can occur more than once. Consequently, the same phase can appear multiple times in the tree.

Only phases that have been instantiated appear in the tree. The system does not display future phases, because they are determined later.

Field or Control


Tree Type

Select a business project tree view. Options are:

Task Tree: Select to view a hierarchy of phases and tasks (including sub-business projects, which function as tasks). Tasks are indented under phases. This is the only view that enables you to click a task to view task details.

Phase Tree: Select to view a list of phases and their targets, including target phases that did not occur because a different target was chosen. Instantiated phases are underlined. Click a phase to display the phase details.

The phases below an underlined phase are its possible targets. After the transition is complete, the tree continues to show all possible targets.

Tree Node

Click a node name to show the node details. If you select a phase or a task, the right side of the page displays either the Phase Detail group box or the Task Detail group box.

Click a sub-business project to display the Business Project Status page for the sub-business project.

Expand icon or Collapse icon

Click to expand or collapse the tree. These icons appear at the top level of the tree hierarchy, and they indicate phases that have been instantiated.

Lower Level Node icon

Indicates the second level of the tree hierarchy. In a task tree, this icon appears next to tasks and sub-business projects. In a phase tree or a linear task tree, this icon appears next to target phases.

In Progress icon

Indicates a task or phase that is in progress.

Canceled icon

Indicates a task or phase that is canceled.

Completed icon

Indicates a task that was successfully completed or a phase that is complete. (The system does not differentiate between successful and unsuccessful phases.)

Failed Task icon

Indicates a task that failed.

Phase Detail

This group box appears when you select a phase in the Business Project group box.

Field or Control



Displays the name of the phase selected in the business project tree.


Displays the status of the phase. Values are In Process, Complete, and Canceled. If you cancel a business project, the current phase is also canceled. The system does not differentiate between successful and unsuccessful phases.

Transition Rule

Displays the rule for the transition from the selected phase or indicates that transition was performed manually. If the phase is not complete, this field is blank.

Target Phase

To initiate a manual transition, select the next phase and save the page. You can do this only if the transition definition specifies a manual transition.

Manual transitions from a phase change the status of the source phase to Complete, but they do not change the status of incomplete tasks in the source phase.

Task Detail

This group box appears when you select a task in the Business Project group box.

Field or Control



Displays the name of the task selected in the business project tree.


Enter the status of the task. Use this field to record changes to the status. Not Started indicates that the task has not yet begun. When the task begins, the system changes the status to In Process. Once a task is in progress, you can manually change the status to Complete - Success, Complete - Failed, or Canceled.

If you have automatic transition rules for transitions between phases, the system does not use canceled tasks when applying the automatic transition criteria.

Manual transitions from a phase do not change the status of the phase's tasks. Consequently, a phase can have the status Complete even though some of its tasks are in progress or not started.

If you manually cancel the business project, the system changes the status of all tasks that are in progress to Canceled.

Assignment Type

Select the type of assignment. Options are Person, Provider (provider group), and Role.

Assigned To

Select a person, provider group, or role to which the task is assigned.

If you assign the task to a role and notifications are associated with the assignment, then every person in the assigned role receives the notification.

Additional Element

Field or Control


Save and Update

Click to save changes to the page and update the business project tree. For example, click to complete a manual transition after you select a phase in the Target Phase drop-down list box.

Important! If you have a sub-business project in a main business project, you need to click the Save and Update button after the sub-business project completes (regardless of phase transition mode, manual or automatic) to move onto the next phase in the main business project.

Use the Business Project Status - Definition page (RC_BP_RUNTIME_DEFN) to review a business project's design.

The left side of the page shows all phases and their possible targets. Click a phase to display the details (such as the phase's task list and the transition rules for each target) on the right side of the page.