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Modifying Industry-Specific Translate Values

This section discusses how to modify industry-specific translate values.

Page Name

Definition Name


Industry-Specific Translates


Modify industry-specific translate values.

Use the Industry-Specific Translates page (RB_MKT_XLAT) to modify industry-specific translate values.

Image: Industry-Specific Translates page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Industry-Specific Translates page.

Industry-Specific Translates page

Field or Control


Field Value

Enter the translate value for the field. The number of characters entered in this field cannot exceed the number specified in the Length field.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which you want this value to take effect. The default is the current date. If you want the effective date to predate all rows in your database, enter 01/01/1900 (January 1, 1900).


Select Active. When a value for a field becomes obsolete, select Inactive rather than deleting it. Deactivating a value enables fields in the database that still contain the value to use the correct long and short names. If you delete an obsolete code from the Translate table and you still have records in the database that contain that value, you must change all of those values to active values.

Long Name

Enter up to 30 characters. Field values are sorted by their long names and appear in the system in ascending order. For example, if the long names entered for the three field values are Activated, Suspended, and Disconnected, they appear in the corresponding drop-down list box in this order: Activated, Disconnected, and Suspended.

Short Name

Enter up to 10 characters.