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Redirecting Links

To redirect links, use the Workflow URL (RB_WF_URL_SETUP) component.

This section discuses how to redirect links.

Page Name

Definition Name


URL Setup Page


Configure links for internal and external routing.

Use the URL Setup page (RB_WF_URL_SETUP) to configure links for internal and external routing.

Image: URL Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the URL Setup page.

URL Setup page

Redirecting Links to a Different Server

Field or Control


Internal URI

Enter a URI to be used in links sent to internal recipients. The URI is typically for a location within your firewall.

Provider groups and sales teams are always considered to be internal. Workers are considered internal if the Contact Flag field on the Worker page is set to Internal.

External URI

Enter a URI to be used in links sent to external recipients. The URI is typically for a location outside your firewall.

Contacts, consumers, and email addresses in the format address@service.domain are always considered external. Workers are considered external if the Contact Flag field on the Worker page is set to External.

Redirecting Links to a Different Page

Use the fields in the Component Details group box to make notification URLs point to a component other than the one where the notification originated.

The following field definitions include information about how to set up notifications sent from cases so that the URL points to a hidden component that appropriately redirects the user to the agent-facing or self-service component.

Field or Control


Component Name and Base Market

Enter the object name of the component from which notifications are sent, and select the component's market.

Menu Name, Component ID - To and Market

Enter the menu, target component, and market of the target component that is to be referenced by links in notifications that are sent from the source component you selected. The markets you select for the source and target components should be identical.