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Running Scripts

This section discusses how to run scripts and add script comments.

Page Name

Definition Name


Execute Script Page


Run any type of branch script.

View Comments Page


Add general comments that pertain to a selected script, and view a summary of all general script comments and question comments.

View Variables Page


View the values assigned to variables based on the script answers that you enter.

Use the Execute Script page (RC_BS_EXECUTE_MAIN) to run any type of branch script.

Image: Execute Script page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Execute Script page.

Execute Script page

Script Information

Field or Control



Displays script status. Values are:

  • Started: You have not saved the script.

  • Processing: You saved the script at least once, but you did not click the Complete button. You can still change existing answers and record new answers.

  • Completed: You clicked the Complete button. You cannot change answers once a script is complete.

Score and Rating

Displays the score and rating for the script, based on the recorded answers.


Select the language of the script. Changing the language setting does not change the language of the field labels; it changes only the language of the questions, answers, action descriptions, and guide text (if the text is available in the selected language). Changing the language enables you to ask a respondent questions in the respondent's own language without changing the language of the page elements on the Branch Script page.

View Variable

Click to access the View Variables page, where you can view a list of the values that have been assigned to variables based on the respondent's answers.

View Comment

Click to access the View Comments page, where you can record a comment for an instance of the script. Record question-specific comments in the Comments field. Use script comments only for comments that apply to the script as a whole.

Script Responses

The grid on the left side of the page lists the questions that have been answered. The following icons appear next to the questions and answers.

Field or Control


Return to Question icon

Click the Return to Question icon to return to the selected node. Returning to an earlier question does not clear responses to subsequent questions. However, if you change the answer to a previously asked question, the system clears all subsequent answers.

Question Text icon

Appears next to the question text. When a script includes a question group, each question in the group appears separately.

Respondent's Answer icon

Appears next to the respondent's answer. For multiple selection questions, the icon appears next to multiple answers.

Question and Answer Controls

The group box on the right side of the page indicates the script name and displays the current question. It displays the following information:

  • If the node is a single or multiple selection question, the question text appears with a list of possible answers.

    Radio buttons indicate a single selection question; check boxes indicate a multiple selection question.

  • If the node is a value input question, the question text appears with a field where you enter the response.

  • If the node is guide information, only the text appears.

  • If the node is a question group, all the questions in the group appear in sequence.

  • If there is hint text for the question, the hint text appears in light gray.

Field or Control


Script Action icon

Click to run an action manually. The nature of the action determines the result. If the action opens another page, the system saves the script before opening the new page.


Record the respondent's additional comments.

Previous and Next

Click to access the previous or next node in the script.

Update Answer

For questions that do not have follow-up questions, click this button instead of the Next button. If you change an answer to the question, click this button to register the change.


Click to save changes without returning to the originating component.

Controls for Exiting the Page

Field or Control



Click to save the script answers, mark the script complete, and return to the originating page. You cannot change answers or ask additional questions after you mark the script complete.

Save for Later

Click to save the script answers and return to the originating page without marking the script complete. When you click this button, the system runs any actions in the action set specified in the Incomplete Script Action field on the Script page. When you return to the script, you can continue to record and change the answers.

Return to <Originating Page>

Click to return to the page where you started the script. The system saves the changes, but it does not run the action set for incomplete scripts.

Use the View Comments page (RC_BS_COMMENT) to add general comments that pertain to a selected script, and view a summary of all general script comments and question comments.

Image: View Comments page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Comments page.

View Comments page

Field or Control



Enter a new script comment in this field.

View Comments

Click to add a comment to the Comments grid.


This grid displays both general script comments (which you add on this page) and question-specific comments (which you add on the Execute Script page).

Field or Control


Comment Type

Displays the source of the comment. Values are Script and Question.

Select icon

Returns to the question (on the Execute Script page) that is associated with the comment (if at all).


Displays the full text of the comment.


For question-specific comments, displays the full text of the related question.

Delete icon

Click to delete an existing comment.