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Searching and Managing Undelivered Email

This section discusses how to search for and manage undelivered emails and view error history.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search for Undelivered Email Page


Search for and manage undelivered emails.

Undelivered Email Page


View error, recipient, delivery, and attachment information for the undelivered email.

Email Error History Page


View the date and time the email was sent, the name of the person who sent it, and the error message.

Original Email Page


View the content of the original email, including the recipient, the email address that sent it, and the subject line.

Use the Search for Undelivered Emails page (RB_EMAIL_ERR_SRCH) to search for and manage undelivered emails.

Image: Search for Undelivered Email page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search for Undelivered Email page.

Search for Undelivered Email page

Enter the search criteria in the top portion of the page and then click Search. The system returns a list of the emails that were undelivered.

Use the Undelivered Email page (RB_EMAIL_ERR) to view error, recipient, delivery, and attachment information for the undelivered email.

Image: Undelivered Email page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Undelivered Email page.

Undelivered Email page

Use this page to view error, recipient, delivery, and attachment information for the undelivered email.

Field or Control


View Error History

Click to access the Email Error History page, which includes the date and time the email was sent, the name of the person who sent it, and the error message.


Click to re-send the email after you have corrected the email addresses.


Click to discard the email. The system changes the status to either Closed – Unable to Resend or Closed – Resent.

Original Email Content

Click to view the original content of the email.

Edit Recipient List Edit CC List and Edit BCC List

Click any one of these links to access a page where you can edit the email addresses that were used to send the original email. To add new addresses, separate them with a semicolon.

Use the Email Error History page (RB_EMAIL_ERR_LOG) to view the date and time the email was sent, the name of the person who sent it, and the error message.

Image: Email Error History page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Email Error History page.

Email Error History page

Use this page to view the date, time, and sender of the original email. The system also displays the reason why the email was not delivered.

Use the Original Email page (RB_EMAIL_ORGL) to view the content of the original email, including the recipient, the email address that sent it, and the subject line.

Image: Original Email page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Original Email page.

Original Email page

Use this page to view the original content of the email. All the information that appears on this page is display only. You cannot edit the content or add attachments.