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Understanding the Company Component

This topic discusses company information.

A company is an organization that purchases, leases, or contracts for product or services. In PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM), companies are represented as business objects with an Organization business object type and a Company role type. A record for each company is created in the Company table (RD_COMPANY). Because companies participate in business transactions, a record for the company is also created in the Business Contact table (BC), which enables you to define records for sold-to, bill-to, and ship-to information for the company.

Each company can have one or more addresses that can apply to the company, its sites, or its contacts.

See Understanding Name and Address Information in CRM.


For each company, you can associate sites, the geographic locations of the company where services are performed, or products shipped or installed. Site records are maintained in the Site table (RD_SITE). When you associate a site with a company, a record is inserted in the Business Object Relationship table (BO_REL) to capture the relationship between the site and the company.


You can also define the company's contacts: the people who participate in business transactions on behalf of the company. When you define company contacts in PeopleSoft CRM, you can enter contact information for the contact that is specific to his or her role as a contact of the company. Records for contacts are maintained in the Person table (RD_PERSON). When you associate a person with a company or one of the company's sites, a record is created in the Business Object Relationship table to capture the contact relationship between the person and the company.

Note: If you add a contact who is a company employee whose worker information is secured, the contact's home phone number, home email address, and home address do not appear. This information is visible in a HelpDesk case when searching for a worker or if the Phone Number or Email Address field is selected in the display template, even if the user does not have a secured role.


You can configure the Company component to store installation-specific attributes. Because this is a configuration, attributes that you add are not supported by PeopleSoft CRM. If you choose to configure additional attributes, you can make them visible on the Company component by using permission lists.


You can also create and maintain company records in PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management or a third-party system and synchronize the company data with PeopleSoft CRM by implementing the following enterprise integration points (EIPs): the Customer EIP, Customer_Company EIP, Customer_Consumer EIP, Customer_Site, and Customer_Contact EIP.