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Configuring Relationship Views

To configure relationship views, use the Configure Relationship Views (BO_RELVW_CONFIG) component.

This topic discusses how to configure relationship views.

Page Name

Definition Name


Configure Relationship Views Page


Create relationship views. The relationship view defines the tree that appears in a pane of the Relationship Viewer page.

Use the Configure Relationship Views page (BO_REL_VWCFG) to create relationship views. The relationship view defines the tree that appears in a pane of the Relationship Viewer page.

Image: Configure Relationship Views page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Relationship Views page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Configure Relationship Views page

Field or Control


Maximum Rows

Enter the maximum number of relationships to display on the Relationship Viewer page for the primary focus business object.


The fields that are in the Levels/Roles page region enable you to define the structure of the relationship tree.

Field or Control



Enter the level at which this role and relationship pair appears in the tree.

If you enter a level of 1, the system removes the Relationships group box from the page and it hides the Parent field.


Select the parent node for which this role and relationship pair appears in the tree.


Select the role for the node that appears in the tree.

Maximum Rows

Enter the maximum number of relationships to show for this node of the tree on the Relationship Viewer page for the primary focus business object.

Enforce Hierarchy

Select to have business objects that have the same role and are related in a parent-child relationship appear in the proper hierarchy when the user views Multi Company or Customer Hierarchy relationships.

Folder Label

Use the options that are in the Folder Label group box to control how the relationship tree appears.

Field or Control


Role Type

Select to use Role Type as the folder label on the tree.

Custom Name

Select to use a custom name as the folder label on the tree.


Select to have no label appear for the folder on the tree. Use none if you want to suppress adding new relationships of this type.


This page region appears only if you select a level other than 1.

Field or Control


Relationship Type

Select the relationship type for this role.

Search Criteria/Quick Create Template

Specify the business object (BO) search criteria or quick create template that is used when you add new relationships in the relationship viewer tree. If you specify a quick create template, the system uses this template and has priority over the BO search criteria. If you do not specify a quick create template, then the system uses the search criteria.

Field or Control



Select the market.

Field or Control


BO Search Criteria

Select a BO search criterion.

Field or Control


Quick Create Template

Select a quick create template.

Note: Using Quick Creation for a new company while establishing a multi-company relationship through relationship viewer is not supported.