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Defining Business Object and Name Types

To define business object and name types, use the Business Object Type (BO_TYPE) and Business Object Name Type (BO_NAME_TYPE) components.

These topics discuss how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Business Object Type Page


Modify and add business object types.

Business Object Name Type Page


Define name types for the selected business object type. When you define names for a business object, you must specify a type for each name.

Use the Business Object Type page (BO_TYPE) to modify and add business object types.

Image: Business Object Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Object Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Object Type page

When you open a business object type record that is delivered as system data, the record information appears in a display-only format. To update the system data record, click the Modify System Data button.

Important! Oracle does not support changes to the system data that is delivered with PeopleSoft CRM.

Field or Control


Business Object Type ID

Displays the identification code that is associated with the business object type. When you add a new business object type, the system automatically assigns a value by using automatic numbering functionality.

Note: You should seldom need to add additional business object types. Most entities that participate in relationships are adequately categorized by the delivered types.

Use the Business Object Name Type page (BO_NAME_TYPE) to define name types for the selected business object type.

When you define names for a business object, you must specify a type for each name.

Image: Business Object Name Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Object Name Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Object Name Type page

In PeopleSoft CRM, each business object can have multiple names. The business object name type classifies each associated name for informational purposes. A name type is required for each business object name record. A Preferred name must exist for a business object before you can use the business object in a transaction.

Field or Control


Business Object Name Type

Enter the name type. The delivered name types are Preferred, Alternate, and Merged.