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Defining Component Transfer Navigation

To define component transfer navigation, use the Component Navigation (RB_TXN_DEFN) component.

This topic discusses how to define component transfer navigation paths.

Page Name

Definition Name


Component Navigation - Description Page


Maintain component transfer navigation descriptions.

Component Navigation - Navigation Path


Define component transfer navigation paths (the locations of the transaction pages to which users are transferred).

Use the Component Navigation - Description page (RB_TXN_DEFN) to maintain component transfer navigation descriptions.

Image: Component Navigation - Navigation Path page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Component Navigation - Navigation Path page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Component Navigation - Navigation Path page

Note: To enable component transfers, enter a value for each of the fields on this page.

Field or Control



Specify the name of the market with which the component is associated. A component is uniquely identified by its name and its market association. You can add records for each market.

Menu Name, Menu Bar Name, Item Name, Component Name, and Page Name

Enter the complete navigation for the page to which the users transfer. Enter the PeopleSoft PeopleTools object names for the menu, menu bar, item name, component name, and page name.

Record (Table) Name

Select the object name for the table that is populated by the specified page. Typically, this is the search record.