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Defining Customer Sites

This topic lists the pages used to maintain site lists.

Page Name

Definition Name


Company - Sites


Maintain company sites.

Person - Sites


Maintain sites for a person.

You can only maintain sites for a person with the consumer role.

Create Site of <customer>


Add a site to a company or person. This page is similar in usage to the Create Contact of <customer> page.

Modify <site>


Maintain contact information and purchasing options for a customer site.

Merge Request for Sites


Submit two or more sites for merge evaluation.

Use the Sites page (RD_COMPANY_SITE_2) or (RD_CONSUMER_SITE_2) to maintain sites for a company or person.

Image: Company Sites page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company Sites page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company Sites page

View and edit the list of sites that are defined for the customer or click the Create Site button to create a new site.