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Defining Segment Codes

To define segment codes, use the Segment Code (RD_SEGMENT) component.

This topic discusses how to define segment codes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Segment Code Page


Define codes that represent customer attributes, such as a customer's market segment, priority, or value. For informational purposes, you can associate each company and consumer with a segment code.

Use the Segment Code page (RD_SEGMENT) to define codes that represent customer attributes, such as a customer's market segment, priority, or value.

For informational purposes, you can associate each company and consumer with a segment code.

Segment codes enable you to define customer attributes that are important for your business objectives. For example, you can use segment codes to define a customer's market segment, priority, or total value to your enterprise. Segment codes are informational in PeopleSoft CRM. However, you can develop reports based on the segment codes that are associated with your customers.