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Market-Enabling Company, Consumer, Site, and Contact EIPs

To market-enable company, consumer, site, and contact EIPs, use the Market Control Codes (RB_MKT_CTL_DFN) and Market Installation Options (RB_MKT_CTL_TBL) components.

This topic discusses how to specify the markets that PeopleSoft CRM integrates with.

Page Name

Definition Name


Market Control Codes Page


Define market control codes for market-enabling the Customer (company, consumer, and site) and Contact EIPs.

Market Installation Options Page


Specify market options for a specific market or use with the Customer (company, consumer, and site) and Contact EIPs.

Build CDM Interface Records Page


Run the Build CDM Interface Records Application Engine process (RB_INT_BUILD).

Use the Market Control Codes page (RB_MKT_CTL_DFN) to define market control codes for market-enabling the Customer (company, consumer, and site) and Contact EIPs.

Enter a market control code name and a description. Use the Comments field to add any more information. These control codes are used on the Market Installation Options page.

Use the Market Installation Options page (RB_MKT_CTL_TBL) to specify market options for a specific market or use with the Customer (company, consumer, and site) and Contact EIPs.

Image: Market Installation Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Market Installation Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Market Installation Options page

Field or Control


Market Control Code

Select the market control code.

Note: CDMINTFC is the market control code for CDM interface records.

Option Activated

Select to activate the code.

Note: Use this page for market-enabling credit card information as well.

Use the Build CDM (Customer Data Management) Interface Records page (RB_INT_BUILD) to run the Build CDM Interface Records Application Engine process (RB_INT_BUILD).

Click Run to run the Build CDM Interface Records process, which populates the interface records.