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Working with Tax Exempt Certificate Information

This topic discusses how to enter and maintain Tax Exempt Certificate information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Tax Exempt Certificate Page


Add, delete, or modify Tax Exempt Certificate information.

Use the Tax Exempt Certificate page (RD_TAX_EXEMPT_COMP) to add, delete, or modify Tax Exempt Certificate information.

Image: Tax Exempt Certificate page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tax Exempt Certificate page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tax Exempt Certificate page

Field or Control


Exemption Certificate and Issuing Authority

Record multiple tax exemption certificates for each customer and select an authority type to classify the issuing authority. For each exemption certificate, enter an effective date, status, issued date, and expiration date.

Tax Exempt Category

Specify the exemption category for which the customer qualifies with this purchase:

  • Blanket: Exemption category exists for all purchases of this type.

  • Single Purchase: Exemption category exists for the specified purchase only.

  • Other: You've defined another exemption category.

Exempt License

Select the check box to denote that a tax-exempt license is issued to the customer.