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Delivered Terms

PeopleSoft CRM delivers a variety of terms that you can use to build policies for your call center applications. They are categorized by subject areas using a folder structure. To facilitate term lookup when building a policy or creating a correspondence template, the system displays a term selection page.

There are over 100 terms in the Case Details folder. The following list is a small subset of all of the delivered terms. These terms are typically used when building policies that impact the PeopleSoft Support and HelpDesk applications:

Subject Area



Business Processes

Case Sample Worklist Operator ID

Returns the operator ID of the sign-on user as a string.

Case Sample Structured Worklist Rowset

Returns the operator ID of the sign-on user as a rowset.


Case Details

Case ID

Returns the ID of the case.

Case Restore Minutes

Returns the number of minutes, based upon the entitlements, within which the case should be completed.


Case Response Met Date

Returns the date the agent responded to the problem associated with the case.


Case Restore Met Date

Returns the date the technician restored service or fixed the problem associated with the case.


Account Number Specified in Case

Returns the account number specified on the case.


Site Identification Number

Returns the site identification number or SIN.


Case Notes Details

Returns the details from the notes that were entered for a case.


Case Status Category

Returns the case status category.


Case Agreement Warranty

Returns the warranty name associated with the case.


Case Agreement Line

Retrieves the case agreement line for a specific case.


Asset Tag

Returns the asset number of the installed product.


Serial ID

Returns the serial ID of the product that is entered on the case.


Person PIN

Returns the personal identification number or PIN of the employee associated with the case.


BO_ID of Case Reported By

Returns the business object ID of the contact person who reported the case.


BO_ID of the Customer Reporting the Case

Returns the business object ID of the customer reporting the case.


Role Type ID of the Customer Reporting the Case

Returns the role type ID of the customer reporting the case.


Role Type ID of the Contact Reporting the Case

Returns the role type ID of the contact reporting the case.


BO_ID of the Site Reporting the Case

Returns the business object ID of the site reported on the case.


BO_ID of the Contact Reporting the Case

Returns the business object ID of the contact reporting the case.


Work Order Description Change

Returns the description of the work order.


Link Definition

Select a Solution <SOLUTION_ID>

Allows users to select a solution.

Select a Business Project<BP_ID>

Allows users to select a business project.


Select a Branch Script <SCRIPT_ID>

Allows users to select a branch script.


Select a Dialog Business Unit <BUSINESS_UNIT>

Allows users to select a business unit under which their dialogs would reside.


Select a Dialog ID <DIALOG_ID>

Allows users to select a dialog ID.


Select an External Event Trigger <EXT_EVENT_TRIGGER>

Allows users to select an external event.


Notification Delay

<Percentage> Restore Minutes

Used to specify the percentage of entitled restore time when a notification can be sent.

<Percentage> Response Minutes

Used to specify the percentage of entitled response time when a notification can be sent.


Case Metrics

Number of Priority <PRIORITY> Cases

Returns the number of priority cases.

RMA Details

RMA Business Unit

Returns the RMA Business Unit.


Returns the RMA ID