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Integration Architecture and Data Flow

Asset Lifecycle Management is based upon the sharing of information technology (IT) asset information between the Asset Repository Module (ARM ) in PeopleSoft Financials and installed products in PeopleSoft CRM. For a PeopleSoft CRM implementation, the ARM is considered the master data source for asset information.

IT asset information from PeopleSoft Financials is published to PeopleSoft CRM as an initial full data synchronization. Subsequent changes made to IT asset data in the ARM triggers an incremental synchronization that is published to update installed product information.

Likewise, any changes made to installed product asset data in PeopleSoft CRM triggers an incremental synchronization that is published to update the PeopleSoft Financials asset information.

The system evaluates data coming from PeopleSoft Financials to PeopleSoft CRM to determine whether a corresponding installed asset entry already exists, or whether it represents a new asset. If there is a definitive match, the CRM installed asset entry is automatically updated with the information from the corresponding Financials entry. If there is a possible, but not definite match, the result is sent to a reconciliation table for analysis by an agent, where he or she makes the decision to either update an existing PeopleSoft CRM entry or create a new entry. If the data represents a new asset, a new entry is created in PeopleSoft CRM.

All Financials entries of Asset_Type 010 (IT-Hardware) are added to the CRM installed asset table when the full sync is performed (COPY_IT_ASSET). Subsequent additions and updates to the Financials asset repository data for Asset_Type 010 entries are thereafter sent to CRM for incremental synchronization.